"Ysmir. How the fuck are you going to eat this?" Devotion said, looking at it. At first, he was incredibly excited over such a powerful core, but when he thought of that, his face dropped.
"I guess we'll have to break it down into pieces? Can we even do that?" Ysmir said. Just looking at the size of that core made it wince, thinking about swallowing it whole.
"I feel like it would lose some of the energy if we did that. Do you have some divine art you haven't told me about? Something about consuming large objects? That would be really convenient." Devotion said out loud, half-joking.
"It wouldn't be unheard of." Victor chimed in, hearing that. "I've read about other magical beasts having an ability like that. To shrink down thing and consume them, I mean."
"Ask how." Ysmir's voice rang out in Devotion's head. Maybe Victor was on to something.
"How would they go about doing that?" Devotion asked Victor for Ysmir.