"Listen to me, Grumble. We're offering you an opportunity. I know you like this fox, so how about this? Come with us, and you can read as much as you want from it." Devotion said, trying to persuade Grumble to join them without making too much noise. "Hell, you can even read all of our pasts. We'll even pay you, should you wish. Sound like a good deal?"
"Grumble is thinking. Offer sound good, but what catch?" Grumble said. He really struggled with speaking properly, huh?
"No catch, Grumble. We want to help you. We might even have a familiar friend for you to meet later, too." Devotion said. He was good at coaxing people like this. This was one of Devotion's talents that he wasn't super proud of.
"Grumble... accepts!" Grumble said, after a few moments of what seemed like extremely deep thought. "What friend do you bring to Grumble?" He asked.