"Kill him." Dreven Krauss instructed his followers calmly. Well, to be honest, while it appeared that Dreven was calm and collected, internally, he was beyond furious. Devotion certainly knew how to insult someone, you had to give him that. If one looked closely, they could see that Dreven was clenching his fists so hard that his nails had dug into the skin of his palms. He was starting to bleed.
Hearing that command, all of Dreven's followers roared and ran forward, straight into the clearing. Just like that, all hell broke loose.
"Leza, now!" Devotion shouted. She nodded, and stepped up next to Devotion, now visible and not hidden in the cavern. The first bit of intel that Aldrin hadn't told Dreven was that Devotion had a companion with him. The second that Aldrin had left out were the dozens of traps set up in this clearing.