Martin Luther King once said that he had a dream. A dream where freedom would be for everyone. A dream where his children would grow up in a world of freedom he'd help build.
But nothing's changed from then and now.
White is purity as their skin comes off as the viginity of Human.
Black is the consequence of heaven's being poisoned by impurity.
Reality versus Misconception.
As a white Skin, I wonder what you believe in?
Tell me.
Black people gets mistreated everyday because this damn world believes in White's.
This world too much crooked for freedom.
But what could I do?
Reality tells me that a black skin and a woman under the age of eighteen is not what's needed to change this cursed place.
It's like god created 'Reality Check' to make things worse for coloured people.
Ha Ha Ha...
You know what?
I hate anything that's white.
I'm a Racist.
And fuck white kin.
"My ass is tellin' me you on some shitty racial plans.. Come on J, this ain't the first time and last time, The S.H.I.E.L.D nearly killed people because of you."
Well, fuck white kin apart Ms. Rosebeaf.
My Unrelated Mother who adopted me and made me into the girl I am today.
She rose up to ranks while being a woman and being treated like one, sometimes less.
She's one of The Ten S.H.I.E.L.D's Captain.
A martyr for some but a titan for those was always by her side.
"I'm tired of being tired, Mom."
And to me, she's my Normal Hero.
Which is why---