"Windows? Last time I was here there was no such thing" at the sudden deep voice I jumped facing who was responsible, there was a man suddenly beside me that I didn't see coming.
"W-Who are you?" I demanded, he really took me by surprise, it was like he just appeared there out of nowhere. And then he turned to me and my breath caught.
"Nick-" I paused... no this wasn't Nicklaus, he loved so much like him, the features, stature everything, but the only difference was that his hair was kept in shoulder length, but some packed up. A smile was evident on his lips, his dim green eyes shone in amusement.
I gulped... could he be?
"Forgive me for startling you Empress," he said with a bow.
His smile broadens. "It's alright if you do not know me... this is actually the first time I have met you"