Chereads / Tuyuhun: A Tale of Mulan / Chapter 14 - Campaign's End

Chapter 14 - Campaign's End

Days passed. Huang was buried with the honours he deserved and a memorial that was probably for one higher than the rank he had been posthumously given.

Sitting upon a hillside, Chuo listened to the messenger who had come from Buri Khan. The campaign was considered a great success with the garrison commands that were being built having plenty of promise in the defense of the northern border.

Sighing, Chuo asked: "Does this mean this blasted campaign is over?"

"It is." Answered the messenger. "You are all invited back to the capital to meet the Khan and be rewarded."

"All of us or just the Commander of the Host?"

"The high-ranking officers will be rewarded only."

"Someone else can have mine." Chuo uttered. "All I wish is to go home, see my family again, marry, have children, look after livestock… I never want to serve in the Khan's Host again for as long as I live."

"If that is what you wish." Said the messenger. "Still, Lieutenant Tuyuhun, your presence is requested by Buri Khan himself."

Sighing, Chuo stood up and walked over to the messenger and said: "If my presence is requested then I shall be there." And with that he proceeded to walk away. After twelve twelvemonths the campaign was finally over.

As he approached his steed, he stared into the eyes of the horse and wondered wherefore more people could not be more like horses? Whoever heard of a horse that was foolish enough to start a war? Who was truly the intelligent species? Humans or horses?

Shaking his head, the Young Tuyuhun stroked the mane of his loyal steed. Twelve twelvemonths… It was a miracle they both survived the campaign. Others, be they human or horse, had not been so lucky.

Wherefore did Buri Khan request his presence? If only he knew. He was the son of a general who had formerly been of the Khan's guard, he had proven General Heba's defection, he had become the second-in-command of Mulan Badaling… Children of generals were common, anyone could have proven General Heba's defection, anyone could have become Mulan's second-in-command… And yet, it was him. He had gone forth to rescue Alun, no one else. Mulan had chosen him to be her lieutenant, no one else. Could he really have been worthy of Khan's presence just for those things? Had destiny truly smiled upon him or had he simply risen to the occasion?

"Is everything alright, Chuo?"

Turning his head, Chuo saw Qing standing before him. Immediately, he asked her: "Am I worthy of the Khan's presence?"

Confused, Qing asked: "What?"

"Am I worthy of the Khan's presence?"

"You are the son of General Tuyuhun and have risen almost as high as him." Qing answered. "It was not your sisters who came, it was you! You are the second-in-command of the entire host, not them!"

"My sisters were away avenging my brother. Had they been home, they would have gone, they would have risen higher, they would have risen to my father's position, they would have risen to Mulan's, they are worthier of the Khan's presence than I."

"They would have had to have survived this twelve-twelvemonth campaign, Chuo. We may never know if they would have, sometimes everything is a combination of skill and luck. Your skill has improved and luck has been on your side. Who is to say if luck would have been on theirs?"

Chuo could do naught but nod. His sisters had the skill, but would they have had the luck?

"I suppose you are right, Qing." Chuo answered. Changing the subject, he then asked: "I suppose you and Fu will be marrying once we get home?"

"We shall, but not immediately." Qing answered with a smile. "These things take time."

Again, Chuo nodded. Things always did take time and this campaign had taken enough.

"Do you suppose Alun has married?" Chuo asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"If she has, then we shall find someone else for you." Qing answered, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It shouldn't be hard!"

Shouldn't be hard? Wherefore? Because of his rank? He hoped that was not what Qing was implying.

Walking away from Qing, Chuo looked to the sky. Wherefore? What was he expecting to see? Alas, he knew not. It was just something he did. Humans often did such things that they did not understand.

"Little brother!"

Turning to look at Mulan, Chuo bowed his head and asked: "Yes, commander?"

"Come now, Chuo, there is no need for such pleasantries." Mulan replied. "Walk with me, I have much to speak to you about." Nodding, Chuo walked with his commander and listened as she spoke. "You and I both wish to return home. I have a fiancé and a family to see, you have your family and Captain Na's daughter to see."

"A fiancé?" asked Chuo, surprised by what he was hearing. Twelve twelvemonths of knowing Mulan and never once had she spoken of such a man. "Indeed. And who might this man be? Someone who has been assigned to defend the southern borders?"

"Merely a scholar." Mulan answered. "If Na Alun would marry you, Little Brother, I would have the two of you marry alongside me and Wang Qingyun."

"I know not this appellation." Stated Chuo. "But if you so wish it, then if Alun will have me for her husband and she agrees to this, then truly we will marry alongside you and this Wang Qingyun."

"Wonderful!" laughed Mulan, giving Chuo a pat on the back. "You will still come to meet my father, won't you?"

"After the audience with Buri Khan, I shall follow you along with others." Chuo answered, smiling. "Despite my desires to go home, I still wish to see the reactions of all those who have not yet realized you are truly a woman!"

Laughing once more, Mulan commented: "Truly I am grateful my parents named me after a mountain otherwise such reactions would never be seen."

Chuckling, Chuo nodded. "You are lucky to have survived this campaign, we both are. If we hadn't, we'd never be able to see such reactions."

"Are you willing to make a bet, Little Brother?"

"What are we betting?"

"How many do you think will be surprised to learn I am a woman with an appellation such as mine?"

That was quite the question and honestly Chuo could not even make a guess. As a result, he did not make any such gamble.