As the sun flickered dots of light on my face I stretched my arms and let the bright blue sunshine on my face as I was bathing in the nice warm sun I let out a big yawn.
I yawned like any normal person or baby would do but I realized that my ears had gotten bigger to the point where my yawn hurt my ears which made me jump up in the bed out of panic.
So far my life in this world has been going well. I've been sneaking out to read books about this world every night it has only been one year since I came here but I still never run out of books because this castle's library is large as hell. I have been learning about what race I am in this world and how this world functions.
I'm a race of high elves that live in a forest with fairies unlike normal elves we can make contracts with fairies normal elves can only talk to fairies and hope they listen to their request but we are another bread and can command the fairies to do things for us but of course the fairies don't work for free we high elves are the only ones who can set the fairies free to pass on to the next life.
Why we don't do that already you ask?
I don't know maybe it's because of balance and food chain or something. Anyway, I wanna get out of this bed but there was no point because I couldn't reach the food so I might as well wait for a maid.
Finally, someone came to get me I had been laying on this bed hungry for a while. The maid came and picked me up and clothed me and washed me and put a comfortable small white robe on me I never had dirty thoughts while being washed up first of all because I was over a hundred million years older than them and second of all my soul had just become to old for those types of thoughts you see when I was in the abyss I just ket beatin- my dirty thoughts what you think I would say. "hahaha"
After being washed up and dressed I was taken to the family dining hall where my father and mother was waiting on me at this point I could talk a little bit to keep my act up I had to sound like a one-year-old child which made me wanna puke every time I did it.
"Hello da-da, ma-ma"
"Hello, my son ready to go out and practice your bowmen skills or maybe you wanna use a sword doesn't matter we gotta get you in shape Ha Ha Ha!"
My father said with one of his muscles being the size of my entire body and his laugh being as loud as an airplane engine.
"Ventris stop you know he isn't even a full-grown child yet"
My mother had said with a bit of anger but still a gentle and sweet voice
"He's gotta learn someday why not now"
The father replied while stuffing his face with a drumstick big as an ostrich leg but had as much meat on it as an elephant leg.
"I'm not gonna tell you again he is not ready don't make me raise my voice"
My mother said while looking at my father with a death threatening face like she wouldn't be scared to kill an adorable baby rabbit.
"Ok ok I'll wait a little longer"
"I-t ok ma-ma da-da don-t figh-t I wan-a play wi-th the swor-da"
I think I lost a bit of my soul saying that but its the only way I can start getting stronger so I can plan my revenge on the devil who trapped me for millions of years and my father is the strongest person in the kingdom who else would be better for me to learn from.
"You hear that are boy wants to try that sounds good to me but you gotta ask your mom"
We both looked at her with the best puppy dog eyes we could but in reality, we looked like a baby about to puke itself and an ogre father constipated.
"Fine you can go just stop making those faces"
My father yelled while standing up and shaking the twenty-foot table.
As the sun shined bright in the morning the grass and trees glimmered with life a son and father were bet to start training to prepare for the worst in the future. Although his father was thinking that he kept his lips shut and his eyes sparkling with hope for his son to become great.
"Ayy son you ready I'm gonna only use my thumb take this wooden sword and come at me with all force!"
Dad said as he threw a sword at me I wasn't able to catch it but I picked it up off the dirt and shook the dirt off.
I learned different sword fighting techniques while I was in the abyss I just didn't know how to do them because I didn't have a fiscal body in the abyss.
I held the hilt of the sword with my right hand and had my left hand ready for defense I saw this technique in a manga and was just hoping it would work.
"Ready Son!"
He was about 15 feet away I had to find a way to close the gap but if I get too close he can hit me with a farther-range attack.
Who knew as I was dialoguing he was already at my neck and as I tried to block it with my fist he had already knocked me out with his thumb.
And that was when I learned that manga techniques don't work in real life so I got to planning how I was going to beat him next time.
The next day we did it again the same thing happened it happened on and on for the past five months most people would lose spirit but five months was nothing for someone who has been trapped in an abyss for over a hundred million years.
I am a super genius I can't be losing to this peasant he is beneath me he said while scratching his hair I can't believe I'm losing to someone who is dumb as an ant!
"Oh, My GOD!"
I screamed I can't be losing to someone who is just a brainless brawn my soul has lived for over a hundred million years and I'm losing to what a twenty-year-old year old!
While I was getting beat over and over again I became the very thing I insulted all the time I was becoming a BRAWN!
After Finally calming down I decided to beat a brawn I have to become one but I knew if I became strong with all this knowledge I would be unstoppable but there was one thing I didn't consider and that was how fucking hard it was to get even a fraction of my dads strength.
Obviously, I can make a perfect schedule to make my body get stronger as fast as humanly possible and most consistent but the amount of work I gave myself. Well, let's just say only a mentally crazy person would be able to do this much and wanna know something.
"Nobody could ever be crazier than me"
You can't blame me I was trapped in an abyss for a hundred million years the fact that I'm able to have a conversation without losing my mind was already good enough.
"I decided I was going to make a plan to finally win against my father heheHE"
Author Note
Thanks for reading till the end add the book to your library if you enjoyed it and if you didn't enjoy it that's ok still have a wonderful day/night and if you find anything strange and feel like telling me, please tell me so I can keep on improving my writing skills anyways goodbye have a wonderful day or night.