As I watched the towel which been slipped on the floor, my eyes trailed from the floor to his hard dick which stand tall pointing straight at my face, it had veins around it and appears to be much taller and thicker than mine.. my mouth just hanged open looking at his whole nakedness."Lets play",he said while eyeing me from head to toe and staring completely at my lips whiles he lick his. "WT..before I could even finish my sentence he pounced on me on the sofa and started kissing me roughly on my soft lips, I tried pushing him away, but what can I do my little strength in my tiny body can't any good, he pinned me hard on the sofa I tried screaming for help but he squeezed my mouth with his dried filthy lips, I had no choice but to bite his lips as hard as i could. "FUCK",he said before giving my cheeks a hard punch. I fell right on the floor crawling to get to the door, he pulled me back "where are you going you piece of shit", he said while he ripped off my only T shirt and removed my trousers while I laid there trying to recover from the bruise I had just received. he trailed his hands into my pants and started touching me while he stroke his dick. I gave him a hard kick from leg after recovering from the shock I was in, he fell from me, I reached out for the the vase at the corner of the vase and gave him a hard hit. He winced from pain and cursed while his head start to bleed. He held my brown curly hair and hit my head on the floor, my nose started to bleed non stop, he kissed me madly, his lips tasted blood from the bite I gave him. He pinned my hands hard on the floor as kept kissing me I started gasping for breath. Sqeed the door opened and guess who it was Aunt looked at as shocked with her face pale as if her whole blood have been drained from her face.