After the ceremony took place, we all applauded for Max, but mine was forced because I could honestly care less about this shit. It was just an obligation as the King of South to attend to his coronation as the new Alpha of Blue Moon Pack for the sake of the alliance that my father and their now former Alpha had. But since the pact they made was now nonsense because the Blue moon pack has their new Alpha, I do not have plan to renew the pact because of the wrong did they are doing in our world. When we were dismissed to mingle and eat, Alfred went straight to the food, while I just kind of walk around. I had to admit, there were pretty girls here, but none that actually interested me.

I briefly spoke with some of te other Alphas in attendance, at least the ones i was on good terms with. They were older, and wiser, and gave lots of great advice. They brought their unmated daughters with them, hoping they would find their mates. I thought this was supposed to be an Alpha ceremony, not speed dating. I shook my head and mentally roled my eyes. I knew for a fact they were hoping that I would be mated to one of their girls, but that was not happening. A least not if the Moon Goddess had anything to say about it.

I walked around some more and was beingeyed by several she-wolves. I smiled at them, but that eas all I did. I could hear their disappointments, but I honestly don't care. I wasn't here to pick up any random girl, unlike Alfred, who already had two girls leaning all over him. I sent him a quick mink link, "You better make sure those girls are of age Al. I don't need you f*****g up by sleeping with a minor."

"Relax, I already made sure. They showed me their canines and claws. I'm about to take these two hotties up to my guest room". Alfred mindlink me back.

"You are sick." all i can say to him through our link.

"Don't knock it until you try it." he laugh.

I was about to respond when a mouthwatering scent hit me, my wolf King started to stir and prance in my mind,

"MATE!" he said.


"Mate!" he repeated. I immediately followed the scent. It was so heavenly, so enticing, so invitingm and so serene. Even though King was going crazy, the scent was also calming. It was very herbal and refreshing, it smelled like freshly brewed chamomile tea. I folloed the scent that made me gulp the saliva forming in my mouth. I was led across the courtyard, and into the packhouse where the smell of my mate got stronger and sronger, but something was strange. Her smell was off, it started to smell like blood.

I looked beyond the lliving room and saw the most beautiful girl, but what saw was not making me happy. It was making me angry, and King was surfacing at the sight before our eyes. Our mate was being beaten, by the former Luna of the Blue Moon pack, and another woman who looked to be around her late teens to early twenties. Just as her foot was about to make contact with my mate face, King let out a ferocious roar, stopping her dead in her tracks, and shaking the entire packhouse.

"GET THE F**K AWAY FROM MY MATE!!!" I boomed in my Alpha King tone. Both of them turn around and were in shock. My outburst caused Alfred to be by my side within a matter of seconds. I used my wolf speed and shoved both women out of the way, completely knocking them over. Nefali flipped over the chair and the other girl was slammed into the wall. I could care less if they were injured. I only cared about my mate.

"Alpha, talk to me," Alfred said.

"Mate," I whisper to him,.

"Oh," he only exclaimed.

"Get me a doctor!" I roared, using my Alpha tone. Alfred took off to find the pack doctor, that's assuming this sorry excuse of a pack even had one. I lifted my mate into my arms, and she is completely unconcious. I made sure to be as gentle as possible, as I could feel that some of her bones were possibly broken.

"Alpha, my name is Doctor John," a man in his sixtiesor fifties said running up to me. "Please follow me to my clinic," he said. I follow him, trying my hardestto make it a smooth trip for my mate. Eventhough she was blooded and beaten, I can still see her beautiful features."Alpha, please, lay her down, and allow me to look over her so I can examine her injuries," I do as he says, and he starts his examination. I see him lift her shirt, and a part of me wants to stop him where he stands for event thinking of lookin under there, but I know that he has to do it, so I try and poise myself. When I see the bruising that's already formed, a growl escapes from within, and the doctor immediately stops in fear.

"Doctor, don't mind him, please continue," Alfred said coming to the clinic. The Doctor continues his examination.

"Alpha, I need to get the X-ray's done, please excuse me," he wheels my mate out of the room and dawn the hall. I wait patiently for him to come back. About twenty minutes later, he wheels her back in.

"How bad is it?" I asked him.

"It's not as bad as it seems," he says while putting the images of her X-rays on the board. "Thankfully, only one rib appears to be fractured here," he says pointing at the image. "I also did a quick ultrasound, and ther is no internal bleeding in her abdomen or in her head. She may wake up with a concussion, but overall, she should fully heal within forty-eight hours," I let out a sigh of relief. "I will put on her an IV drip with some morphine to help with the pain,"

"Thank you," I said and he inserts the IV into the back of her hand and injects the tubing with a syringe full of morphine.

"Alpha, while she rest, may I speak with you in private please?" the doctor requests.

"Whatever needs to be said can be said in front of my Beta," I told him sternly.

"Very well," he goes and closes the door. He comes back and sits on the chair next to my mate's bed. "Alpha, while looking over her x-rays, I saw multiple remodeled fractures, and breaks most of her bones," he said bowing his head like he was trying to say sorry even if it is not his fault.

"What?!" both me and Alfred asked him,

"I know her very well, and I know that this is not the first time she's ever been beaten, this is just the first time she's ever been given medical attention,"

"Are you telling me that my mate has suffered multiple injuries without medical attention?!"

"Yes, I am,"

"She's a pack member! What kind of bullshit is that?" Alfred exclaimed.

"Technically, she is not a pack member," the doctor said.

"Come again?"

"She is not a pack member. She was orphaned when she was about eight, and was brought to the pack, and was turned inot the packhouse slave,"

"SLAVE?" both Alfred and I growled.

"Where does she came from? Where is her family?" I ask trying to hold back my anger.

"I don't know, I have only been the doctor now for about six years, she was already here when I arrived. She was about ten when I met her, and she was already covered in bruises, and I could tell she had some injuries that weren't quite healed,"

"Were the beatings Alpha Eric's doing?" I asked.

"It was everyone's doing. Even the lowest-ranked Omegas have beat her, and it was mostly because she would talk back, or give attitude,"

"You've witnessed this?" Alfred asks.

"No, but people in the packhouse talk and pissed off ones talk even louder," I could feel my anger getting the best of me, and King waned to surface again. I had to put so much effort into keeping him back.

"Be honest with me doctor, have yu ever put you hands on her?" I grumbled.

"No, I would never harm a child. I am a doctor, and it is my duty to treat everyone with kindness and respect;however, when it came to this poor child, I was not allowed to,"

"Not allowed? Are you f*****g joking me right now?" Alfred scoffed.

"I'm sorry Beta, but I am not. The Alpha had prohibited me from ever giving her medical attention. I know of her story, but I honestly do not know her name. She's not evenin the pack data base,"

"What do you know about her?"

"Only that she has a fighting spirit, but a broken soul, and she is young. My understanding from rumors is that her birthday was three days ago, she just turned eighteen,"


"Damn, she just gained her wolf," Alfred said looking at her with pity.

"Please, Alpha do not hurt her. I think she has been through enough pain in her short life."

"I would never, she is my mate, my future, my Luna and my one forever true love. I will mend her broken soul. The Moon Goddess gave me a precious gift until the day I die," the doctor nods his head and smiles.

"I am going to take a blood samples so I can run a few tests on her. Since she has never had a medical attention, I think it would be best to do a blood panel to see if she needs anything additional," I nod my head. He takes a few sample of her blood, and then leaves the room. Alfred and I look at each other, and then back at my mate.

"I wonder what happened to her," Alfred says softly.

"I'm sure that she will tell us when she is ready, but for now, let's just watch over her until she wakes up,"

"No problem," even if Alfred was planning onhaving a threesome, he took his duties as my Beta more seriously and always vowed to put me and his Luna first. "Do you want me to get another bed rolled up in here?"

"No, I'm going to sleep next to her," I told him. I get up from the couch we were sitting on, and gently climbed into the bed with my mate. I place my arm under her shoulders, and hold her frail body close, but not tight. I hoped that my scent would give her some peace and tranquility while she healed.