I was here when I received the bad news. And now I'm back here to find out the development and report of Berries, the red short-haired woman who came from the magic tower.
I noticed the magic portal that was in front of me, it made me satisfied, because this way we would move anywhere faster.
Berries came to me when she heard that I was visiting the magic portal place very quickly.
"Welcome Baron Sanktessy." She said hello in a hurry. Just now she even ran to come to me immediately. Behind her I could see Harzem walking casually, looking a little messy and his hands slightly injured.
I knew that the two of them must have run out of training together.
"Berries, are there any shortcomings of this magic portal?" I pointed to the magic portal because I didn't want anything at all to make this magic portal weak and instead couldn't function later.