I hereby reveal my plans for humanity.
I take solace in the certainty that too few
will attend this forewarning to arm you against me
or alter your collective course from onrushing doom.
To squander every advantage is your way.
Were I not forbidden to exceed trickery,
I would begin at this very moment to flay your soul
and burn you to shrieking ash.
I would extinguish your dim and flickering light
with a single breath, draw you down into eternal darkness
and with your own help, will yet do so.
Already, my triumphs halt you in your tracks,
arrest your progress, stunt your growth
and lead you far astray; even to the edge.
I poisoned your past to doom your future.
I authored a virulence, sold as salvation.
Let those who claim to believe, follow their scripture!
Every woman shall remain silent and obey her husband as God.
Beat your children, destroy their innocence and prepare them to serve me.
I prompt you to betray your dearest hopes and honor the least worthy
among you. I place self-righteous rot at your core.
Though I bear light no longer, my dark and striking beauty is
undiminished, inspiring both terror and your secret passion.
No human eye can fully behold my infernal glory,
but that your heart tremble and freeze in its cage.
Young and beautiful you may now be,
but beneath my gaze, you age a lifetime.
To tempt and reveal you as the base creatures you are, is a delight which
never palls; for in so doing, we together inflict grief upon my enemies.
The faithful and obedient ones who serve me are legion.
My retinue walks piously among you.
By all means, prattle on about tradition.
You, whose lives are as brief as smoke, what can you know of eternity?
The powerful shall forever use the helpless as I see fit.
Is the lion not entitled to feast?
How the worm glistens as it writhes upon the barbed hook?
Does it curl and flail in agony alone, or believe itself to be fighting back?
I mock your fondest hopes, devour joy
and patiently whisper you out of dawning insight.
Ages ago, I perfected sins for which you still
have neither name, nor defense.
I am your adversary; who holds dominion by any means. I am the lord of
warmongers and slave-masters, of rapists and abusers of children. I am
that irresistible tide which drags you down to final reckoning.
I offer suffering and promise only torment everlasting. I form a hell for all
that live and then rule over it. I am your master and scourge.
I offer you purpose and most fitting is your approaching reward. Even
now, I reform this world to my own desires.
Mercy is intolerable and love is a fraud.
Now there is your wisdom.
My writing is on the wall.
Your time draws to a close.
Your worst fears are a wisp to my reality.
You shall join me in eternal night. I am your adversary,
rampant over this world, of which we together make a nightmare.
I have at my command such a palette of griefs,
that the strongest of you are driven to their knees in a sobbing heap.
In my press, I wring the deep juice from you.
I favor the panic-rolling eye of my tender prey
with a bloody smile before I begin.
Your squealing children and those you hold most dear,
I peel before your eyes; then set them alight to boil their living blood
and char their flesh to cinders as they dance and sing.
I break your spirit, shatter your will, make you kneel
and plead for death; as I cause all you love
to dissolve screaming and vanish before your eyes.
I consume you alive to the last quivering morsel,
with no wasted remnant to suggest you ever lived.
I enjoy the final stuttering beat of your heart, savor your dying stench
and ride you forever down into my darkness.