Chereads / Angel’s Dogma / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Enter The Dark Shadow

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Enter The Dark Shadow

The air kinda changed, it got hotter and hotter honestly felt like with each breath your mouth got dryer until you just couldn't stand it and became a husk. I flew past everything in a haze trying to make it, well "flew" is a funny word considering I can't really fly so...there's that problem. Well lucky for me I'm pretty durable; I hope, author please do not fuck me over. I already have enough of a hard time wit this shit I'm not Tryna make it there and get my butt ragged on.

He soared through the winds at a roaring pace not wanting to waste another moment; *THUD* the grown shook as he landed but when his head had rose he saw the city of Astolf was in shambles. All round he saw nothing but black flames, ruins, hurt civilians, and cowering people. The air felt dry, no one around could stand the humidity and skin burning heat; he then closed his eyes and began to concentrate.

Civilians in Proximity: 865

Hurt or wounded: 165

Children: 200

Elderly: 76

Adults: 424

People accounted for, identify target, begin life energy sensing and heat tracking.

Life forms already not accounted for: 25

Most likely one who caused damage: 2

Most heat signature out of both: 1

All data taken in and accounted for, begin rescue and elimination process; rescue adults, process initiated. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...GO.

He ran around the blaze had begun his usual process first the adults were saved, it took 2 minutes, then the elderly were rescued, 5 minutes, children were next, only 3 minutes.

He went in again, sending more heat currents he was searching for life and the warmth of any other life form. Only 1, it was the hottest heat signature, Demetrius took a hard assumption as he was the one who started the whole mess. He raced at high speed to rush after him.

"Finally he's noticed me, let's have a reunion Zariel." Demetrius was racing towards the signature (its weird, I feel like I know this person...but I shouldn't none of the heat signatures I know are like this one and it for sure isn't a relative of theirs.) the off and odd sense of familiarity was confusing to him but he had no time to question it. (I need to make sure he's kept out of astolf but first I have this fire to deal with this fire.)

Demetrius stood and concentrated, (if I don't focus for even a hair of a second I'm gonna Injure my insides like crazy or worse...die *gulp*. He began, then he lowered his body heat lowering, 90%, 60%, 20%, 5%. Every part of my body Felt cold, hell it feels like I'm going blank right now to be honest. Here, 0%, now the hard part is over time to use the technique;


The flames all around began gathering, they swirled and spiraled around his body until; *INHALE* the air was absorbed and eaten into his body.

"So he knows Zariel's abilities, well then seeing as he's shown great promise let us greet our new friend shall we."

*THUD* it crashed, a humanoid creature in a shadowy black form appeared in front of him. It had looked at him at him strangely, yet to Demetrius it felt like an old rival was starring at him, someone he knew deeply but at the same time not at all.

"Who are you, why attack the people here," Demetrius said with a bold voice.

"I wanted to draw you out here Zariel, it has been far to long since we seen each other."

"Scuse me, Zar who now?"

Shadow Figure: Oh Zariel, cmon now don't act so funny with me you and I can drop this charade.

Demetrius: No, afraid not as I don't know who you are or who that Zariel guy is either.

The shadowy figure began to shake and everything began to rumble around him, the quake getting worse and worse as it went on, "So this is the body then, WELL FINE ILL JUST FORCE HIM UP!!" The anger in his voice echoed through the area, Demetrius shook then realized he needed to be contained.

(I'll have to move him away from here it's to risky to fight in the city more people could get hurt.)

Demetrius rushed at him cracking him over his head, a loud "THWOOM" could be heard and in a distorted voice he said; "Well let's get acquainted you wanna fight, follow me." At a moments notice he thundered off speeding towards the city's exit.

The Shadowy Figure followed soon trying to come after him. "YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR IGNORANCE HOST OF ZARIEL!" The roaring rage could be heard behind him; (shit he's mad, I gotta run!). He sped up thinking of what he needed to, (if I can maybe I should lead him to the desert outskirts In Zanzibar).

He rushed to Zanzibar, trying to lead him away from the area, after a few minutes they stopped.

Demetrius: So, mr Shadowy presence please explain who you are.

Shadowy Figure: I am what is left of a time long ago.

Demetrius: wow real cryptic, but I need a name.

Shadowy Figure: You can call me, Osiris, the champion of shadows.

Demetrius: Hm, wait a minute like the myth?

Osiris would rush at him but Demetrius would block, the loud shock wave would send his feet flying back. "Well I guess talk is cheap again, here we go." They rushed at each other the time for words was over.

To be continued...