Muddle- Pea nursery afternoon.
(Muddela and Ampea sunbathing on the terrace of their home occasionally looking down at their nursery and the employees working.)
Muddela - Now that I'm thinking about it, who do you think will be the first one of them to leave and own their business.
Ampea - When Lo first started she was determined to open her own nursery within 2 years and now she's been working here for 8 years so I don't think these will survive without us. We are their guardians angel.
Muddela - You sure think too high of us. I think the first one to leave would be Date Si.
(They noticed Date Si smelling the yellow rose leaning in close but suddenly backs off probably looking at a bee on one of them.)
Ample - I'm not sure now, he really grew phobic of bees after the anniversary.
Muddela - Aren't you afraid of bees?
Ampea - There's a big difference between phobic and afraid, phobias are extreme and irrational.