Shivani hustled through the pages of magic book past the point of her bookmark. While fanning rapidly from the last of it, somewhere around the middle, her eyes had caught the view of a very familiar word.
And now she couldn't find it. In the fit of exasperation, she snapped the book shut with a violent thud.
The front door bell of the store went off and she looked up from the title 'Dissection of past' and saw her friend Zoya walking towards her with glittering smile and wings in her feet. She had two brown paper bags in her hands.
"Lunch is here."
"Hey. You look, well today. Got a big sale? What's going on?"
"Nothing too much but the news is indeed good. I asked Andy to be my date for Steve's wedding and he agreed. I am not going lie, I was very nervous."
"Oh no." Exclaimed Shivani slapping her hand on her face.