"Wow! Is this Court of Dead tear?"
"Does it look like something else to you?"
"I am just in awe, don't be mean."
Imam and Sol bickered as them including rest of the group stared in awe at the massive waterless space they stood in surrounded by the scenery of water and its magnificent creatures floating right above them like a giant aquarium.
"Stop you two with your domestic. We are here for some important work." Said Mikesh and turned to Arc for further assistance. "Where do we go from here now Arc? Show us the way."
"This is exactly where we were suppose to be." Said Arc.
"Then where is everyone. I don't see anyone or anything except this mirror."
"I don't know why it's so dead." Arc's dreadful face scanned the silent empty space around as he crushed thick sand and pebbles housing tiny sea plants, beneath his boots.
"Something terrible has happened." He said in conclusion.
"Like what?"
"I don't know."