The pair of words lodestone well confused either of the men. Mikesh and Ray stared at each other in confusion.
"What the hell does that mean?" Ray gasped over the water.
"It's neither the place nor the time to explain. You two have convinced me to break most of the protocols and I can't do it anymore. They have most likely entered the lodestone well so no further manipulation from those adorable humanly eyes of yours." Orgy said.
"But we need to go after Shivani's grandmother, she might need our help." Ray said, trying to hide the desperation in his voice. Living in the moment was far idea, the last thing he wanted then was, going back to Kindlane palm and living among outworldly characters as if there's nothing odd going on around.
"You don't have to be involved in this Orgy, we can find our way." Mikesh said and gestured for Ray to start moving without waiting for an answer.