"Isn't there a way to find out if they reached the Eternity castle, safely?" Dadi asked to Ariem who was sitting opposite to her in the carriage, on way to Kindlane palm.
"No there isn't but Gabby might know it. Her agent will meet us soon and will guide us through the spell barrier to Kindlane palm. Message has been sent, she know we are coming."
"Gabby as in Gabushka that you were talking about?" Mikesh asked.
"That's her."
"Meta informed me, Gabby has been trying to contact Martha but there's been no response from other side." Fonjuar said.
"How long is it going to take to reach there."
"Calm down Grandmother, there's nothing any of us can do, than wait."
"My name, it's Belsa. My son Kaushal and daughter in law Evesa disappeared more than 15 years ago. They never came back."
"I'm so sorry Belsa. I wish I could understand you, life is very unfair."