Chereads / Daily Life With A Lilim / Chapter 82 - 18.4 Busted

Chapter 82 - 18.4 Busted

Amelia's determination promptly turned to surprise when Ezraphel enveloped her in a tight hug causing the redhead to shout out "whoa okay um…"

She didn't know how to react here and for some reason Ezraphel seemed much bigger than she already was. It was the wings she decided looking as the two appendages just sort of half enveloped their form.

"Thank you" Ezraphel whispered in her ear causing her to shudder in ecstasy.

She didn't know if the woman meant for that to sound sensual but…

"You're welcome?"

"You have no idea how relieved I am that you choose to go through with this."

"I don't really see a downside to being a mamono."

"Exactly!" Ezraphel agreed.

"I mean you can make an argument for being dependent on drinking semen and the constant need for sex but…"

"It feels so good though~"

Amelia felt her face blushed at the orgasmic way she said that 'is she doing that on purpose?'

"Y-yeah, right."

"And I guarantee you it will only get better after your full transformation."

"There's more?"

"Oh Amelia" Ezraphel's eyes literally sparkled "there is so much more~"

Amelia felt her heart speed up in excitement. An argument can be made about the corruption influencing her decision here but in all honesty Amelia has made dumber decisions before. She almost did porn content for fucks sake! Compare that to becoming a supernaturally sexy monster girl with access to magic and a lifespan measured in centuries and it's really no contest. Plus if Ezraphel was to be believed (and Amelia did believe her since she didn't seem to be lying about anything) Amelia wouldn't actually be condemning her soul to a fiery pit in hell.

"Now which mamono would you like to become? I can make some suggestions-"

"I already know which Mamono I want to be" she interrupted. Then while looking Ezraphel dead in the eye she licked her dry lips and continued "I want to be like you."

"You want to become a Lilim."


As the saying goes dream big or don't dream at all and according to the wiki Lilims are basically the ultimate mamono and if Amelia was being honest she was jealous of the other woman and how effortless she is with her attraction.

"I am afraid that is not possible" she shook her head "Lilims can only be birthed from my mother or by other Lilims. Not even my mother is able to turn to a human into a Lilim."

And just like that her dreams have crashed burn before they could even properly take off.

"Well that sucks."

"Worry not, I may not be able to transform you into a Lilim but I can do the next best thing~"

Amelia shrugged "don't worry about it that was just me being greedy. As long as I keep my current figure and do magic I'm cool."

"Well it just so happens that my idea falls under those parameters."

Huh, that's convenient?

"So how are we doing this?"

Ezraphel shook her head before assuming her human guise "not now, we can discuss this further after dinner."

Amelia blinked and looked to find that while they were having their conversation the meals were more or less finished. All that was really left was to set the table and carry everything out. Amelia busied herself doing the former under Ezraphel's direction while the disguised Lilim put the final touches on the meals. Now that the cat was out of the bag Ezraphel became a bit more liberal with her magic using it to levitate the meals to the table.

As they worked in tandem the atmosphere lightened considerably, conversation flowed freely and the general mood was cheery as spirits were now high. Eventually they finished setting up the food and even made the visual presentation look as if it were an actual traditional family feast.

"I still have to get one more thing but you can fetch the others."

Amelia gave an affirmation before making her way to the living room where the boys were on their laptops clearly playing a game while Kendall was on the couch with her phone. Curious to see what they were playing and wanting to surprise Liam Amelia stealthily made her way over to look over his shoulder.

She silently snorted before leaning close to his ears "hey babe!"

So focused he was on the screen that Liam genuinely did not notice her until right then

"Gah, Amelia!?" just then someone killed his character "shit!"

"Liam's dead."


"So unlucky."

Ignoring the byplay Amelia wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek "Counterstrike huh? What happened to no FPS?"

Liam returned the kiss while still keeping his gaze on the screen "that was then this is now."

"Uh-huh, well I just wanted to let you guys know that dinner is ready and waiting so get your asses up" Amelia was only mildly surprised when everyone stopped playing "huh, thought you'd put up more of a fight."

A passing Kendrick gave her an incredulous look "and let the food get cold? Hell no!"

Similar sentiments were shared all around save for Stan whom she caught staring at her with furrowed brows. Knowing what she now did about him Amelia couldn't help but feel her heckles rise at his scrutiny even more so than usual.

"What? Got something to say?"

In response Stan scowled and left the room at a brisk pace before anyone else. Amelia watched him go with trepidation and as she pondered whether or not to follow him Liam put a hand over her shoulder.

"So what's for dinner?" he questioned.

"And ruin the surprise?" she lightly pinched his cheek with a grin "no spoilers for you."

"Aw but I've been a good boy."

"If that's the case you'll get a reward later~" she growled with a smile filled with lust.

He returned the lustful grin "oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah~"

"Oh no" Kendall groaned from behind them.

"Will you two control yourselves" Kendrick massaged the bridge of his nose "there are impressionable children present."

To that Jamie replied in the most monotone voice "I have been irreversibly scarred mentally."

Amelia rolled her eyes and ignored the peanut gallery while Liam kept his arm around her waist.

"I will make no apologies for personal displays of affection with my fiancée."

To that he got a round of grunts of disgust from Kendrick and Kendall and a shrug from Jamie. The group arrived in the dining room where everyone save for Amelia gaped at the spread left out for them. The reactions were explosive to say the least.


"Let's Go!"

"She wasn't kidding about the 'feast' huh?" Kendall muttered.

"You helped make this Amy?" Liam wondered with genuine awe.

"Why do you sound so surprised? Just because I don't like to cook doesn't mean I don't know how to cook."

"I know that but" he gestured "there's a difference between scrambled eggs and-is that beef wellington?"

"As a matter of fact it is" Amelia sniffed with over the top arrogance.

Jamie took a seat and started rubbing his hands together with "hoho we are eating fancy tonight boys."

Kendall took her seat and took a sniff of the food "damn, Stan might not have been kidding about getting addicted to this food."

"Where is Stan anyway?" Kendrick wondered.

"Either in the bathroom or checking up on the chef" Liam guessed as he took a seat himself

Amelia glanced at the kitchen and bit her lip in mild worry "I'll go get them. Don't start eating without us!"

That warning went mainly towards Kendrick who was already reaching for the garlic rolls "what the hell kind of torture is this?"

"You start eating before we get here and Ezraphel's going to be pissed."

With her piece said Amelia left the room and headed towards the kitchen. Even before she went in proper she could already here sharp whispers being hissed by Stan. Peeking into the room she found a very angry Stan arguing with his girlfriend in hushed tones. With Ezraphel clearly looking anxious Amelia felt the need to intervene and so she did.

"Hey guys" startled the couple turned towards her "what's going on?"

Ezraphel kept silent as Stan with scowl still on his face gave her a once over. His eyes seemed to linger at her stomach which set off a red flag immediately.

"You keep staring at me like that Ezraphel's going to get the wrong idea" that caused his gaze to swivel upwards and Amelia folded her arms as she looked at him with a scowl of her own "got something to say?"

Rather than take the bait Stan instead glanced between both women without saying a single word. As the silence lingered Ezraphel was wringing her fingers and even Amelia felt anxiety creeping up.

Eventually he broke the silence with a glowering look to Ezraphel "we'll talk about this later."

Ezraphel sucked in a breath at his words and Amelia watched him leave the room before she strode to Ezraphel's side. Amelia's expression turned to concern the other woman looked ready to collapse. In fact she all but slumped against the counter her legs seemingly losing their strength.

"What was that about?"

"He knows"

Amelia's eyes widened "what?"

"Stanley knows."

