Chereads / Daily Life With A Lilim / Chapter 29 - 7.1 Pandora's Open Box

Chapter 29 - 7.1 Pandora's Open Box

It was a beautiful morning, all was right with the world,

The sun was shining, as Stanley got his dick sucked by a girl.

The birds were chirping,

The vehicles were humming,

Commuters went on about their business,

Stanley was cumming,

In the mouth of his nympho. Girlfriend. Lilim.

"Oh, fuuuuck…"






Stanley never thought in a million years that a reason for why he would lay on his bed in a near catatonic state would be due to multiple consecutive orgasms. He always assumed the 'fatigue' aspect of that whole deal was due to the rigors of sex and the overwhelming satisfaction of busting a nut rather than as a biological response/cooldown after ejaculating. Yet now he finds himself feeling as if he's just run a marathon sprint despite lying in bed the entire time with the only 'rigorous activity' happening here is what's being done to him.

There was an audible *pop* followed by the feeling of sweet release and for once (since he woke up) it wasn't of the sexual variety. As the feeling of his girlfriend's hot, wet and tight mouth left his now flaccid member Stanley could not help but think to himself.

'Oh thank sweet merciful Christ that's over.'

Now he can finally close his eyes and and sleep for a week.

Before he could however a shadow loomed over him.

'Oh God, now what?'

His glassy eyes opened to find Ezraphel staring down at him "you were wonderful Stanley and sooo delicious~" she punctuated with a lick of her lips that seemed slightly less sensual than it was cheerful.

His articulate reply was to groan incoherently.

She kissed him on the lips and Stanley was so exhausted he couldn't even protest.

Those lips were literally on his dick a few seconds ago!


"Will you be able to make it downstairs for breakfast?"

'Dunno, if I'm still alive in the next couple minutes I'll try limping down'

*Incoherent groaning*

Ezraphel nodded "right, I'll cook you up something delicious for breakfast"

'You better'

*More incoherent groaning*

"Oops, or should I say lunch"


Unaware of his latest thoughts she smiled again and left the room.

Once she was gone Stanley's eye shifted to clock to see that the clock showed 12:37, he distinctly remembered the clock saying 8:34 when he woke up to Ezraphel juggling his balls with her tongue.

That woman had literally been sucking his dick for over four hours!


Is this it?

Was it was actually happening?

He knew it was a very real possibility but he thought after laying down the ground rules with Ezraphel that things wouldn't come to that.

She's a Lilim dumbass, what did you expect!?


You brought this on yourself fool.

It was at that moment Stanley realized he might have done goofed, that this might have been a terrible mistake and he was now getting a taste of the cascading domino effect. He opened Pandora's Box, tasted the forbidden fruit and was now about to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

In summary Stanley fucked up. He fucked up real bad.

This was exactly the kind of situation he was preventing last month when he stonewalled Ezraphel's advances. How did he go from that to getting four hours of consecutive blowjobs? Hold up, how does he get four hour consecutive blowjobs anyway? He's no doctor but he's pretty sure he shouldn't be conscious let alone erect after the first hour.

'…magic bullshit'

Yeah that'd do it.

As for the specifics he's pretty sure Ezraphel snuck in some of her demonic energy inside his body. Not enough for full on incubization (he would probably notice that) but enough to fill his stamina and increase his sperm count. Stanley didn't mind that, it's not like he didn't enjoy himself, what man didn't want daily blowjobs for their hot girlfriend? Also Ezraphel is a thirsty girl, yes it's one of those things that he already knew but there is a difference between knowing about her insatiable lust and experiencing it.

Fun fact: whenever Ezraphel does her thing Stanley actually produces in excess of 3x more semen than a normal healthy male per ejaculation?

How did he know this? Well after the first time Stan Jr. started shooting buckets he did what any normal millennial would do and fucking Googled that shit. If it wasn't already obvious that is a lot of fucking cum and if bullshit sex magic wasn't involved Stanley would have been very concerned for his health. Hell he's still concerned for his health, he doubts there is another man on earth going through the same experience he is.

Getting it daily, nightly and ever so rightly.

Well any man that is not a pornstar anyway and the fact that Stanley could compare himself to a pornstar without it being a self depreciating joke is just…wow.

What a time to be alive!

On a serious note Stanley is starting to experience a major problem with this setup. At some point this stopped being fun and is now teetering on the edge of being tedious. Pretty soon it will turn into a chore and he (nor any man) wants to reach a point in their life where getting his dick sucked becomes a chore.

'God, is this what alcoholism is like?'

Let's see, a vicious cycle of doing something that feels good enough to let you forget about your problems for few hours but with the side of effect of having you feel like shit the following morning but you do it again anyway for that momentary respite.

'Well, shit'

The old Stanley would have probably nipped this in the bud before it got so bad but in the defense of current Stanley there are several factors contributing to his halting this thing. First off Ezraphel is a straight up blowjob queen. You'd think with massive mammaries she'd be into paizuri but no, her secret technique actually lies in her mouth. Not that Stanley could tell the difference anyways which leads into the second factor, Ezraphel is no one trick pony but a multifaceted sex machine. She uses her mouth most of the time but then she could, her hands, her breasts, hell even her tail but no matter what she does Stanley would end up in the same state nonetheless, laid out.

And she was potent with it, so potent that just thinking about her doing it makes him twitch down there, as uncomfortable as that movement is to him right now.

'What the fuck is wrong with me?'

As an aside he found this experience to be a surreal one, not just the fact that he's basically living every teenage boy's fantasy but that he is also living the things he read in fanfiction and wiki pages. If he didn't know any better Stanley would think that his life was fucking fanfiction.

'Or anime' he groaned

It was not for the first time that Stanley found his current life to be reminiscent of a generic romcom hentai.


'Is my dick getting bigger?'

It sure looked like it he has, ah too much experience with it not to notice changes. Plus he's been very conscious of it nowadays especially. Not really concerning at the moment and frankly he didn't have the energy to really ponder the ramification of a magical penile enlargement. As a matter of fact he wanted nothing more than to secure his penis behind an enchanted chastity belt.

'I can't go on like this, things have to change…again'

Or rather he will have to change (…again) since it was his short sighted willingness to punch his V-card that had forced the hand of a woman whose species he could not begin to fully understand. Now through his inaction precedence was set and is now almost at the stage of 'routine' which was not good. This should not become routine and he didn't want it to because it wasn't just his physical health at stake.

If this keeps up then things are going to escalate and by the time Ezraphel's powers are fully restored he can only shudder at what acts of depravity they will sink to.

Also Stanley is still technically a virgin.

Yes for despite Ezraphel having near exclusive rights to his dick this past week and him getting a crash course on the Lilim anatomy they haven't had proper sex yet.

'…oh dear god we haven't had sex yet' Stanley thought with dawning horror as fear gripped his heart in an icy embrace.

The fear was for good reason too because if he's being laid out by what is essentially foreplay then…what would actual sex with Ezraphel be like? For a long moment Stanley stared at nothing in particular as he imagined this and he did not like the implications, he did not like it at all.

A memory suddenly came to mind, it was spoken in this very bed, in a much more chaotic but blissfully simpler time. She came off as teasing but Ezraphel was right when she told him back then that he wasn't ready.

'Shit, how many weeks had that been?'

He put her in charge of the relationship and she was essentially grooming him for their eventual sexcapades but he was barely keeping conscious during foreplay.

Another thing he realized, he could not remember (of what memories weren't a pleasure induced haze) doing much these past few days other than getting serviced by Ezraphel. Granted that would be the highlight of any man's day (week, month or year depending on the person) but this presented a concern.

It also presented him with an out even if it's a bit flimsy.

'Fuck it, I'll take it'

With a surge of energy Stanley sprang off his bed only to fall face first onto the carpet floor. Unfortunately while the mind is willing, the body is weak and felt like a wet noodle. He still had no feeling in his legs but that was hardly going to stop him, he still had two arms and most importantly he had the will to survive. After literally dragging himself to his feet he realized he had no pants.

That won't do, he frowned and began looking for his boxers only to cringe at the sight of his bed. It was all tangled sheets and stains that could range from sweat to drool to…other things.

'That did not come from me' he thought looking at a particularly large stain 'note to self, get plastic wraps for the new mattress after burning the old one.'