"Finglu, I have never been this humiliated in my life. How could you?"
"Mrs. Liu, I had no idea the bill would add up to that much."
"You call that alot?" Mrs. Liu rolls her eyes as Finglu turns to Xiang. Xiang rolls her eyes and turns him back as her brother walks in.
"Hey, why all the sour faces? Is everything okay?"
"We find. How are the tenders coming along?"
"Chang looks down, not too good. Every tender refuses to do business with us since Magnizy cut ties with us."
Mrs. Liu looks over at Xiang "your husband is doing all this, and now we are suffering because of you divorcing him."
"Excuse me? In the first place, you did not approve of him even though he went out of his way. You always judged his background and told him he was useless."
"I am lost. Are you telling me we lost those tenders because of the Lowlife useless ex-husband of yours, Feng?"
Mrs. Liu starts laughing loud, "that low-life useless husband of hers is the owner of Magnizy."