Isabella looked as if she was a six year old, her maturity was that of a twelve-year-old, they were out , heading to a carnival Isabella was excited, since she has never been to a carnival, Kelvin and Rose relationship became stronger, and things were settling down; there were leas attacks, no unexpected uninvited guest, while driving down the gravel road, along the mountain, Isabella kept looking up.
"Are you okay honey?"
Isabella never answered, Jessica took Isabella hand, gently squeezing it, It will be fine she said, Isabellas eyes had s bright yellow thin lining around it, Kelvin something is wrong, Rose looked around, and her hands are cold, Kelvin stopped thr car and turned on the heater, as Kelvin touched her hand he felt a shock, as he pulled away, Isabella eyes changed back to back, "honey are you okay?"
Isabella nod her head, as Kelvin looked over to Jessica.