Rise and shine said Rose opening the curtain to the tiny window; the light was shining through the curtain as Kelvin covered his face. "What time is it?"
It's almost 8 am; Daisy covered her face in the pillow seriously, just a bit of sleep.
"You may go back to sleep, Daisy," said Rose as Kelvin stood up, stretching; let's go get your family.
Daisy sat up; Kelvin, you can't go; what if you get hurt? Kelvin looked over at Daisy and smiled.
"He is safe, Daisy; I will look after him."
"Why do you need him if you feel capable of protecting both of you."
Enough Daisy, Said Kelvin as he walked out of the door, and Rose followed, then stopped, "I promise to bring him back safe." Daisy hated that they had new people in their lives because now it became their priority.