Bishop Leo glanced at his wristwatch. He had been expecting Jane from the shopping mall, and the moment he heard her car engine roar outside, he knew she was back from the mall.
Now, he wondered why she took so much time in the mall.
Why did it take her so long?
She should have looked at her time to plan her early return instead of staying late, and perhaps talking with friends she hadn't seen for ages. He knew a lot of women her fond of doing that, and it seemed to him like part of their nature, but overdoing it is what he never liked. It may just end up in gossiping and the likes, and he doesn't want Jane to be part of that after what they've been through in their relationship.
Suddenly, Max's thoughts ran into his mind.
He knew he had to get Max before he starts his daily lecture otherwise it would be difficult to engage him on phone for a long time. He looked straight at the wall clock ahead of him, and then his thought ran wild once more.