Gala and I sat still in our prison cell, I closed my eyes trying to expand the range that I could sense others, I can sense up to 15 people now, and it's only my fourth time doing it, I open my eyes before closing my eyes again and breathing deeply, I sense around still seeing 15 bright blue lights until two blue lights appear out of nowhere and begin walking to my cell,
" Hey, do you sense the two men walking towards us, " I say to Gala on the top bunk,
" Of course I noticed them, they walked into this room about ten minutes ago, they are gathering up prisoners escorting them most likely to our recess,
" Has three hours passed already? "
" Yep, "
I see Gala grab the side of his bed before he pushes off it falling down on his two feet, he leans to his right looking out the glass window in front of our cell,
" How many people can you sense? " I ask his sitting up on my bed,
" They are about 10,563 prisoners and 200 hundred guards, "
" Sheesh, you can sense pretty far then, "
" I sense through this entire room and sum, " Said Gala grinning at me, he looks at the door of our room, two galactic patrol officers walked toward us,
I stand up out of my bed stepping next to Gala, the two guards are holding handcuffs they open are glass door signaling for us to slowly step out of the cell, me and gala follow their instructions walking out of the cell, we turn around in front of them, they handcuffs are arms pinning them to our back, they then grab one of our shoulders guiding us out the room,
We walk through the massive room, it takes five minutes to reach the nearest door, the door automatically slides open, we enter a massive hallway with tan tile on the floor, the walls are made of the same white material that their spaceships are made out of, windows line the walls peering out into space,
We walk through the massive hallway heading towards a door right in front of us, the door slides open and we enter a massive room, hundreds of people are grouped up in lines, the room has pieces of gym equipment and showers with a small track going across the edges of the room, the guards guide us to the massive group, they take our handcuffs off putting us in the very back of the group,
In front of the group is a massive stage with a microphone, a tall galactic patrol officer is standing in front of the mic watching us enter into the group he then begins speaking,
" Welcome to the Galatic patrol prison, It's all of y'all first day so I'll give you some advice, " The man coughs covering his mouth before talking again,
" All the men and women in this prison made a similar mistake to all of y'all, so everyone in this room is a murderer, robber, and overall a terrible person, so you sorry sacks of shit should fit right in, " A small grin appears on his face,
" This place is probably the only time you'll enjoy this prison so you better make your time worthwhile, if you have eyes you probably can make out all the gym equipment here, so yes this is the only time you'll be able to exercise, but don't work out to much, we are running out of rations to feed, and we don't want y'all to starve, " the man winks at us before sighing,
"Anyway, you all will be fed at 9 pm, which is in two hours, you stay at recess for an hour and 45 minutes, so you have 15 minutes to return to your cell, and just a warning if you are not in the cell in time you won't get any food, but you can ask to leave this place at any time " the man steps back before walking down the stairs leaving the stage,
The twenty or so Galatic patrol officers group up and leave the room, the door shuts behind him, the crowd of people looks at each other before murmurs go through the crowd,
" What an asshole, " murmured a man standing next to me, he had green skin with an orange beard, everyone in this crowd wore the same outfit,
" To think the noble Galactic patrol would let someone like him work here, " said a small woman with purple skin, with short red bangs,
" He might have been a good person when they hired him but absolute power corrupts all, " said an elderly purple man with a white beard, talking to the purple woman
" Yea maybe grandpa, " said the purple woman,
I listen to the murmurs before I feel a hand tap my shoulder, I look back and Gala pointing toward the empty gym equipment...