The ship started descending at a fast speed, my hair swayed in the wind, I look to my left and saw hundreds of sodaians searching looking around for me, I gripped onto a metal beam to my left from flying off of the ship,
I look off the side of the ship and see we're coming to a massive castle with hundreds of villages inside the walls with a huge water-filled moat, I look back up into the sky, and still the sodiains searching for me, a few seconds later with land in a massive just outside the castle, the twenty ships land in a single long line, I was about to hop off of the ship and flee but the ship door latched out and hundreds of blue men, women, and children left the ship filling up the plain completely,
I look in front of me and see twenty orange men riding on horseback arriving in front of the crowd of people, they are clearly not friendly with each other, the tension in the air could be cut with a knife, a small gray skin man walked to the men on horseback, he wore some gimmicky armor with a strange symbol on it,
" Nice to see the galactic patrol and the appleians landed on our planet safely, " said a man on a horse with the fakest smile, I have ever seen but I have heard about appleians weren't they at war with us saiyans why are they on planet sodaian, and I have never heard of the galactic patrol before, I continue watching their conversation, they greet each other before an awkward silence fills the air, Eventually the men on horseback asks them to follow him, I begin scanning the appleians majority of them have the power level between 700-990, but four of them have powers level greatly higher than that, a man with a sword on his back has the power level of 2540, an elderly man has the power level of 2600, and a small man in a black robe has the power level of 1985, and finally a man in a white robe has the power level of 5600,
The group of people begin walking toward the castle, I wait a few more minutes before hopping off of the ship and soon as I was about to walk into a forest not too far from me, a small man holding a gun popped out in front of me, he has white hair with a purple jumpsuit on, I try to scan his power level but it gives me an error, I Instantly grow wary of the man,
" What do you want? " I asked him, he slides his gun into his pocket before talking to me, he glares at me with a calm look in his eyes, it's like he could beat me at any time,
"You're a saiyan correct why are you on planet sodiain, " asked the man slowly walking towards me, How did he figure out that I was a saiyan? I look at him with a confused look in my eyes, I guess he catches on to that,
" My name is Merus, what is yours? " he asks me extending his hand for me to shake, I grip his hand shaking it,
" Sado, " I instantly walk past him and continue walking but before I could continue, he somehow appears in front of me, I look down at him,
" Do you need something from me? " I don't why but I have this gut feeling if I tried to fight this guy I would lose greatly, he continues staring at me until a grin appears on his face,
" You have to be the nicest saiyan, I have ever met usually they would try to fight me by now. " he keeps ignoring my questions, my eyes sharpen, I grip my fist before throwing a jab right before it hits his face I stop it,
But he doesn't flinch he continues staring into my eyes with a bright grin on his face, I lower my fist before looking above him, catching his attention he looks behind him, I instantly spike my energy and fly into the air,
" Nice try I'll give you that " I look about me and see him flying above me with boosters on his feet, " Are you going to answer my question what do you want? " I say to him in an irritated voice,
" Are you going to destroy this planet saiyan," he asks me in a cold voice,
" Yes, I was ordered to do so by my planet, " He continues floating in the air with a mean look on his face before turning away from me,
" What a shame " he looks back at me until...