I blend into darkness taking small steps every few seconds, I walk through the orangeish grass hiding behind the hundreds of trees walking past the sodaians, they haven't noticed me, I keep gingerly walking until I end up under a tree with a house built into it,
The house is made from orange wood with bright green leaves used for the roof, It's a small square with the tree going through the flooring in the middle of the house, I channel Ki into my feet dashing up the tree, I run up the tree until I dash back jumping off the tree, extending my arm grabbing onto a window, I pull myself up with one hand before hopping through the window entering the house,
I look in front of me and see a small black wooden table in the middle of a room, with four chairs surrounding it, and the sides of the walls are stone shelves with a single lantern admitting a bright orange light, just behind the wooden table is a wooden door wide open, leading into another room, I begin walking through the house,
I was about to leave the room but I hear fast footsteps approaching me, I quickly raise my right hand firing a small particle of ki, it swiftly smacks into the lantern destroying it whole, a few seconds later an orange woman with small tusks protruding out of her mouth runs into the room holding a broom,
She looks around confused, she can't see me in the dark even though I'm standing directly in front of her, she looks around the black room before walking right past me, she heads to the stone shelf next to me blindly feeling the shelf trying to find the lantern,
she eventually grabs the shelf, picking it up and feeling the edges, " Don't tell me a rodent broke our lantern," she said in an angry voice slamming the lantern back onto the shelf, I should see how powerful she is, my scouter begins flashing hundreds letter in front of my face before it reads that her power level is 210, I take a step back letting the woman storm out of the room, I begin slowly following her,
I step out of the room, but her house is completely dark for some reason she hurriedly heads into a door on the left, I quickly follow her,
She heads to a room with a massive bed taking up the majority of the room with only two orange wooden shelves on the side of the bed, she walks to one of the shelves before sliding open the draw, she grabs a lantern pulling it out, she places her hand on the side before closing her eyes,
Wait I can't let her do that, I instantly raise my hand firing a Ki blast, her eyes close harder with the bright light approaching her before she snaps them open but it was too late, the blast hits her in the face killing her body flops over the wooden shelf slowly dripping green blood,
I walk to her body grabbing the lantern from her dead hands before placing my hand on the side of it, I slowly begin channeling Ki into and the lantern instantly flicks back on lighting up the entire building hundreds of lanterns instantly light up at once.
The lanterns must be linked to each other, so if one goes out the entire thing fails, I stop channeling my ki into the lantern and the other lanterns instantly shut off, and complete darkness covers the room, I walk out of the room leaving her cold and lifeless body,
If her power level was two hundred the males must be about four hundred maybe five hundred I can definitely take one in a fight but if I have to fight ten of them at the same time I'll die, I walk out of the building stepping onto a long orange bridge with ropes hanging on the side making two barriers connecting this house to another, I quickly hop across the bridge appearing in front of the next house in a matter of seconds.
This house has the same design as the last one I was in but it's just taller, I quickly enter the building and look around, I see a small set of stairs leading up to another room, with two chairs sitting in the middle of the room in front of what seems like a fireplace,
I listen closely before hearing a voice talking above stairs, I gently behind climbing the flight of stars before ending up facing a closed door...