as I walk into the class only me and Ida are there again I need to slow down or some I can't see hime every day it's a bit annoying since he says the same stuff every day so today I walk up to all might instead
"so all might ik how mu costume looks my mom seen my old ideas and made it I'll have some new by tommorow"
"and how do you know that young midoria"
"I have a feeling that Bakugo and I are gonna be enemies today in the training thing"
"oh really we will see about that young midoria cus it's all random"
"and also about ur quirk I found something out about it cus before I met u I didn't have a quirk or so I thought it turns out I have a wnbquirk I like to call system at first it was just the few things I told u about but there is so much more the more fights I win the more things I can get I can even get other smaller quirks like this" I say as I activate massage hands and he see's my hand vibrates
"wow young midoriya that's great we will have to discuss more of this later but for now the rest of the class is here"
"ok talk to u later"
"ok class today we will be doing indoor combat"
"but isn't this only our second day while we're going so far isnt that a bit advanced"
"well yeah but that's the thing we see all these fight outside but in reality the majority of villain fights are inside where some peoples quirks cant be use like mount lady's gigantification so there will be certain things y'all can't use either like todoroki's fire bakugos explosions if he makes them big minas stronger acid tho all these can help in a situation if todoroki can condense his fire to a line of a pencil now he can sneak through locks or metal doors undetected or mineta places his balls around him in a dark room now they stuck till the authorities get there there are simply some places u cant go cus your quirk won't work like mina and a pool of water what if there are civilians in the water acid is just going to hurt them see where I'm getting at just one area of many you are going to fight in"
" oh ok I see how that makes sense sorry continue"
" ok class come up and pick a card any card "
I'll let deku take control again cus he picked her and I don't know how he reached I need Ochaco on my team so I can use my list meters and lusty aura all these helps quite a bit on getting her on my side but for now it's time to reach and yessir he got Ochaco again
"hey Ochaco what are the chances am I right u save my face I save u now we are a team like what we bound together some how"
lusty aura Active use only on Ochaco keep on low
lusty neater activate
wow seven already she must like something I'm doing that's great
"I know right what are the chances it's crazy" she says as she leans for a hug
massage hands activate no vibration
"right all I know is we got this we will win now questions asked" I say as she breaks the hug
"none other then who our opponents will be"
"deku and Ochaco will be facing bakugo and ida in 15 minutes get ready"
"deku watch ur mouth"
"sorry I just really don't wanna deal with bakugo's ok it's cool we still gonna win ez dubs"
"yeah we got this"