Chereads / M no Monogatari / Chapter 402 - Chapter 361: Submerged Part 3

Chapter 402 - Chapter 361: Submerged Part 3

S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇ ͇3͇.

Also since I arrived I realized something, nights are not as nights as I imagined, even if I went out or decided to look outside, I always felt that it was still daytime, not everything was complete darkness, you could see well who was walking around the settlement, you could see well who that person was, I even came to think that maybe it is not as late as I thought, but looking at my cell phone I realized that even if it is 1pm, if I could look up to the window, I could see that the sun was still at its highest, this was something rare for me. If I had gone out that night I felt like I would have caught a cold because of the atmosphere that gives you the feeling that not everything can get worse. I guess I came at a good time, because if the situation had been different, all this warm atmosphere with nothing to worry about, would turn into a dark one where you could not trust even your own shadow, and if worse you are in a closed place, I understand is where most people lose their minds so to speak, nobody likes not having a way out of their problems, let alone knowing that way out but for certain circumstances not being able to go to it, how ugly it must feel, to realize how you ended up in that situation.

At the beginning I was seriously thinking about how I ended up this way, but as time went by, I ended up getting used to the kind of life I have, I'm not going to lie, it's fun to live new experiences but, like everything in life you get used to it .... I certainly do not want to get used to being aware of everything bad that can happen, if I know that I can avoid something I will do it, but if I simply do not know about the problems, I will not do anything, it is that simple, I will not let anything or anyone change my ignorance of what I am, that is the kind of life that I prefer and I like, I only care about me, my achievements, my future, my surroundings, my friends and family, I am not good at influencing others, someone like me cannot become what people want, I am only doing my duty, there are few times that I have been interested in helping someone from my heart, and they were always acquaintances rather than strangers. The world is full of connections that you make, my grandmother seems to be friends with everyone as she always ends up being relevant to others, they are not important people of course, it just happened and that's it, I wonder if she just lived life and got to where she is, then if I also try to go her way, will I go the same way?

My grandmother if she genuinely cares about other people, whether known or unknown she will try to help them, I would like to know if it was always like that or is it something she acquired from her day to day life. To come to care about others, yes...I still think it's a nuisance, I will use everything in my power only for the people I consider I care about. But...what if one day I lose them? what if one day everything starts to go wrong as it happened initially? at that moment I was upset but I did nothing about it, now that I am gradually acting in my own way, what would I do if what I consider important I am not able to protect it? I show myself simple and even a bit of an idiot in front of others, but like everyone else I come to have doubts in my mind and it is something that every day that passes, with each new thing that I find or with new people that I meet, takes much more relevance more and more. Nushi always spoke ill of humanity now that I think about it, initially the first few days he seemed to despise humans, just like before, did he come to think that way at the beginning or did he acquire it in his day to day life? or it can happen the other way around, maybe his hatred of humans takes a turn and he comes to think that in reality, our flaws are what makes us perfect and therefore...ahh...trying to understand Nushi's mentality is difficult, I only understood that he hates humans but maybe before he didn't, he was just trying to sound cool according to me.... How do the brainiacs do it to speak with total confidence? is something that I still miss.

『I still can't believe it's already night and even in the 2nd layer, you can still see traces of sunlight』.

This is the end of the first day, after seeing the penguins hatch, Svein accompanied me to train my Wind Thread, listening to his encouragement that I can make it, the truth is something that ends up motivating me a lot, the fact that other people accept that what I do is right, really brings me a lot of confidence. And now for dinner it seems that Svein wants to show off with the food, he had already installed everything in the Second Layer his kitchen that he had, I will not deny it, the setting, the tools, how everything was easy for him to get familiar with the outside, the camping, it made me remember that once my friend Yashiro told me about an anime with the same theme, he always got excited and acquired the main theme of each anime, or at least he wanted to try how that new experience would feel that he could not, We couldn't do much, but the ones that always wanted to fulfill his wishes so to speak were Rino and Menhera, I even thought that they spoiled him a lot, but now that I think about it his attitude was different when he was with us Tira Papelitos than when he was with Rino and Menhera, it wasn't a big difference, but you could notice that when he was with them, it was like saying, to see how he was growing with the help of those two.

『The sun? Ah yes, we are in the time of the 6 months of daylight in Antarctica, so even at night you can see the great sun in the sky, but also lately it was warmer than before, according to the records we have the more we go down it will be colder, but just thinking that here it is very warm, makes me think that in the 5th layer, it will be hot as hell 』

The reason why in the 2nd Layer it is warm or at least it is a suitable temperature for living beings, is because that layer has the same function as an igloo, to keep the heat, the door becomes sheltered by a small tunnel. we could say that the door is the entrance to the Second Layer and the small tunnel would be the First Layer.

『Iglus are made of ice and air, these have different thermal capacities. The hot air from the fire, upon reaching the ice walls, cools quickly, thus preventing the structure from melting, and against these they are cemented, that would be one explanation why the walls of the Second Layer are much thicker, surely it was like that for many years that even got to have this dark blue color the whole environment, although I also feel that another could have been the reason for its color change』.

Cliston was amazed at how Svein knew much more about the subject than him, also the Norwegian commented that your hypothesis that everything gets warmer as they enter is wrong, since in the records you can get to know that there is expulsion of weak and even strong winds, as well as a light breeze from the interior and that these are practically frozen, these winds seem to reach the 3rd layer and not reaching the Second would be another reason why this place is the only warm place in the Abyss. 

『Wind expulsion? but who does it if it is generated from the bottom of the abyss?』

『The last Layer is the Fifth, no one has arrived there to give a detailed report, whoever arrives and can see with his own eyes the truth without any harmful conditions, then he will give us with the answer to that, although normally the expulsion of air in an enclosed place is given because it needs to be released, like a container that is about to explode, and when it can't take any more it shoots out with force, many things come to my mind, like a giant that blows from the bottom, or perhaps a maritine creature that provokes the winds, but being more realistic maybe it is what Nushi commented.』

『The volcano is the one who expels the winds?』

『Like the example of the teapot, it generates so much pressure that it needs to be released, surely the wind expulsions are because of it, and that it is cold air gives to understand that the volcano is still frozen or inactive, it only expels wind but does not generate an eruption, if air reaches its interior. ..(BOOM!!) It would I understand more Nushi's fear, ice and wind have different end capacities...these cement because it generates heat...and giving heat to a frozen inactive volcano....』

Svein alone was already considering a possible risk in the Abyss, with the data he had he tried to put together the puzzle that existed and realized something, the volcano from the beginning, since many years ago has tried to start its eruption, of course, has almost everything necessary to do so, has expulsion of wind but is cold, the heat only comes in the second layer ... the water around it and even the same cold ice ... If it comes in ... no ... if there is only an extreme temperature change, from one moment to another change all the cold air of the lower layers to a hot one, this would generate that the volcano ends up overheating and .... but this can only be caused by the wind? yes... with the heat that generates the slight volcano would be enough, as at the moment of wanting to stoke the flame even more, what do people do at that moment? that's right, blow and ignite even more, with a small wick of fire can generate heat....Svein was swallowing saliva but anyway he looked excited, he was with a determined smile on his face.

『This is incredible Cliston, it's like the Indiana movies...*smiles*』

『I see, yeah, then we'd better learn how to use the wind thread and mark the path, right? but I still think it might take us many more days...』

At that Svein was wagging his finger telling him no, he would go on to explain why he decided to take these first steps to what Nushi originally proposed. Normally a person without a guide or anything, only with his intuition and luck, can get lost in a simple way from the 3rd Layer, let alone the 4th Layer, since it seems that that's where you end up getting lost the most but....

『When you saved my little Chief Cliston, tell me, how long did it take me to get back to the Second Layer?』

『But almost half an hour』

『Exactly, as long as we have the fixed path where to go and how to return, going through all the layers is a journey less than half a day, don't forget that they are labyrinths too, they have a fixed path for the entrance and exit, one is delayed because you get to take wrong paths and in the end you end up getting lost, the same for the 4th Layer, but as the rumors comment that increase the paths and even your surroundings,I have a solution to this, it may be our imagination that plays against us!』

Svein tried to give an explanation to this, a person can become well, both physically and mentally, but when faced with a problem and adding a confinement that you do not know how to get out and you end up getting lost, the first thing that is going to be affected is the mind, and as a means of exit this ends up creating different paths with which you can feel that you are escaping.

『That would explain the different ways out or in that the explorers commented, like Nushi and my little boss 』.

The further you descend the less air there is, !!!!...if there is no air there is no heat...the expulsion of wind from the volcano maybe is a survival measure so that the environment is full of air and thus generate heat...the volcano itself wants to generate its own heat...I see...we are still here but discovering all this makes me even more excited....

『Between the volcano's expulsion of wind and the volcano becoming rarefied causes confusion in our state of health, especially mentally, the brain needs constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to function...between a rare change in its environment such as the makes more sense that people hallucinate many strange things...』-『But...!!!!!! No way!!!! I've realized something very serious Cliston!!!!!』

『Hey, what's wrong, Svein?』

『Unintentionally....I was agreeing with Nushi!!!!!!! 』

Quickly the Norwegian could notice it, to be giving logical explanations to everything strange that was happening in the Abyss, this was certainly not something very much of him, rather words and think what Nushi would say as long as it fits our reality. Knowing this quickly Svein denied everything he said and preferred to credit that.

『Ghosts!!!! YES!!!! This is caused by ghosts!!!! There is no other way!!!! And if not that then aliens!!!! Monsters!!!! Wraiths!!!! Beings from another world!!!! Whatever but don't destroy my illusion that I have!!!!』

He seemed to be trying to trick himself into letting his imagination run wild, even though he is a researcher too but a follower of fantasy, he can't remove or avoid wanting to look for a convincing logic to everything that happens. Seeing him preoccupied trying to self-indulge his imagination, this made Cliston smile and to affirm to him that.

『If they exist Svein, everything you believe in, exists 』

『....*smile* Thank you, I will take you at your word, since you yourself are a being that should not exist but how glad I am that you are present here』

Hearing that made Cliston feel good, as he still had in mind all those comments that were against him, how he should not have been born or even not to be here, still many people deny its existence today, he does not hear it nor is it very visible, but as happened in Europe and in Asia, before a mistake he makes all the negative things will come to him, he wants to care little to hear the problems but ... that is something difficult for one. So hearing that him being here present is something that is greatly appreciated, Cliston to this just smile and also returned Svein's words.

『I am also pleased that you can accompany me on this journey, you will surely become a great explorer Svein *smiles*』.

『Thank you, you'll see!!!! I'll be cured and my next goal will be to find out if the Chupacabra exists!!!! And if he exists let him come and suck me off to confirm it!!!! 』

At the weird comment that Svein made, Cliston to this laughed for having understood what he was referring to, where Svein also accompanied him with his laughter to pass the time, it seems that finally the food they put to prepare was ready, when they opened the pot they found themselves with a feast tonight. They gave thanks as this would be all for their first day.

On the second day everything went more smoothly, they woke up and did some push-ups to wake up the body, Cliston was going to the First Layer to train. While Svein this one again would stay in the Second Layer or perhaps .....

『Well, I guess it's time to check』

It seems that there was nothing more of his interest in the Second Layer for Svein, he had already seen everything that such a place can offer, so as his spirit of wanting to check the same experience and truth of others, he was heading towards the entrance of the Third Layer, since he heard the story of what the Chief of Norway lived, Svein wants to live the same thing in the flesh and feel in his skin, that emotion that what he believes is true.

He was already at the entrance to the Second Layer, these entrances were always shown as something dark inside, like a shadow in the middle of the wall and next to it a mark or sign that indicated that it was the entrance to the respective layer. 

『Did it always look dark or is it just me? Unbelievable...I feel like if I stick my hand into this dark thing it will end up swallowing me up....』

He was really excited, you could tell he was sweating but that's exactly what he wanted, not going to lie to him, what if someone ended up answering him? His fear would increase but more his desire to know who provokes such an answer, it is the only thing that kept him in this area that interested him since he was a child, to see with his own eyes a fear that he likes so much.

『Hey!!!! Voices that spoke to my Little Boss!!!! I come to chat with you too!!!!』

Svein shouted at the entrance with a smile on his face hoping for an answer, but from the dark and gloomy door no one seemed to answer, so without giving up, he again called out to the voices he wanted to meet, but again expecting something, there was really nothing. How many times did he repeat it? 10?20? but he didn't seem to give up wanting to know an answer, he wants to talk about how his Norwegian boss experienced it.

『I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!!! Please respond!!!!!!!』

But in this shout he made with all his might, it seems that there will be no answer either, he did not want to give up, he knew perfectly well that his Boss would not lie to such a fact, so as if he was a little brat, he would go on to threaten such voices.

『IF YOU DON'T ANSWER ME!!!! THEN I WILL TAKE IT AS A!!! that don't really exist....』

And as if the Abyss itself had listened to him and paid attention all the time but without performing anything, from the same gloomy door came out expelled some air that Svein could feel on his face, when he saw such a breeze, he quickly showed a smile on his face and calmly said.

『Come on, it's not that hard to answer *smile*』

Really at that moment he thought that they would start talking to him out of the blue and say all their regrets that they could not when they were alive. But even though he waited, the surprise and emotion seemed to decrease more and more, no one answered, no one spoke, only after that breeze of wind there was nothing more to say. This was obvious, those beings that are in the Abyss, no...every conscious being knows when something is a danger or do not want to join anything with him, one easily realizes when you do not want to get involved with someone because you consider annoying and harmful to you. This was felt by all the souls that lived in the Abyss, they saw Svein as a boy who was not going to be afraid of them if they saw them, rather he was going to get excited and tell everyone about his existence to the world but... that was not what they wanted in the beginning? that the world would know about his existence but...

『I want to keep it to myself!!!! What I'm going to live here...I want it to be something only mine! Yes, if I can, I'll make it public, but will they take it as the truth if I say so? Of course not, the world won't take something as simple as ghosts or something out of the human being exists. Why? Because not everyone is brave, we are a cowardly species that stay with what we have, it is rare people who want to discover things beyond our sight and understanding, why? it is simple, we are afraid of what we do not know, and while you, any being that causes fear in society, will not be well seen and will hide its existence, if somehow I show that they really exist, what do you think will happen? obviously it will be a secret that will never come to light, important people know it, humanity is not ready for big events, that you are here rather consider it unreal, something that should not exist, there is simply no logic to your stay, but being a boy who became an explorer simply for wanting to see with his own eyes the truth, is something that I will keep in mind, I will keep the secret for me and no one else! Not until people get stronger and accept reality, which I see Cliston is trying to do in an unconscious way, as time goes by, day by day with him, I forget that he is also like you, someone who shouldn't be here but I'm so glad to have met him *smiles*』.

Svein was giving his opinion on the subject of making the truth of the surreal public to the world, his view to this had some logic and what would have really happened. Taking Cliston as an example, if he had learned of its existence before the Important Organizations, surely his first measure as we saw would be to keep it hidden. How many secrets there are in the world and only the important people know it, for us maybe it is a myth but for them it is a truth, and they keep it only for themselves, that makes them special to know a secret of the world...they are not just any people, they think each subject seriously and how it will affect the whole world, before a truth little understood and accepted in society, and even unbalancing the belief that has been held for years, it would only harm everyone. With only that someone appears to say the opposite to what we have always believed, perhaps it will not be noticed too much, but it will influence respectively in the future of humanity. This is what happened in ancient times and they don't want it to happen in modern times...the world we live in has more and more control that we consciously ignore...the important people who call themselves important and have power over others, will always want everything for themselves...

『So I would like to introduce myself, my name is Svein and I am from Norway, I came mainly because I heard about the rumors that happen in the Abyss, at the beginning I came a little bit like not believing that it is true, but when I received the curse and knowing that I was going to die, the anger and fear that I felt at that moment, made me understand that this was real. ...this is real.... and now I'm more than excited to know all the secrets of the Abyss, so...PLEASE LET ME Witness all that the Abyss can offer you!!!! NOTHING WOULD MAKE ME HAPPIER THAN TO HAVE YOU JOIN ME IN THIS JOURNEY!!!! I REALLY WANT TO SEE YOU!!!!!』

Svein was being honest with himself and with others, anyone would think he was shouting at a simple entrance, but for Svein it was like asking permission and please to lots of living beings who have the same right as him. At Svein's words, he felt like a strong breeze was hitting him hard, he was afraid but at the same time he was excited, he knew that this was the answer he had been waiting for, for him this was an acceptance but ....

The souls of the Abyss were angry about this, they did not want to relate at all with this guy who only thinks about satisfying his own curiosity and emotion, the previous words he said if they were pure truth, that people would not accept that they exist but .... itself motivated them to even more that they know it. When they confronted the Norwegian Chief, his denial of their existence was a way to fan their flames and realize firsthand what he had to offer. But in front of someone who is willing to accept their truth, it was of no use to them...these brave people rare in life, they are to keep everything to themselves, there was no motivation in showing their existence to someone who already had it present...because after all the reason of every person who lost their life that they know everything you managed to live and will live...everything you can you end up losing interest when they give you what you wanted in an easy and simple way.

『....You...--------...young man.....------....who wants to know our really looks like you don't refuse us....------....and that.....------.....annoying..-----...angry-----....fastidious...----...irritating...------.... why show...------...the truth to someone who wants to know....--------....this life.....-----.....will always give you the opposite--------.....-----you won't get what you are too are too deluded..... are very keep the truth to yourself...----...what's the use...------...we want------...----something bigger...------.....we want more....------....----....we want to know more things...----....that will satisfy us too. are not interesting....-----.....pero.....----------.....deny someone....------.....who wants to meet would be harmful....----------let' you....---.....what we are capable of.....-----...』

The voices finally seem to respond to Svein's words, accompanied by the strong breeze that his boss told him days ago. They seem to be not very pacific words, rather it was the opposite, they were going to make him live and experience all that they are capable of. But it seems that as if he had only heard the only thing that mattered to him, Svein replied that he did not care what happened to him, that he only wanted to see the truth with his own eyes. That since he was a little boy he has always had the initiative to accept the wonders that the world itself can offer all to himself. So quickly Svein was happy with this, it seemed to be not a challenge but that he was aware of everything he told them but...he just wanted to leave it here, as a statement that from now on it will be more interesting journey.

『(I have to go back to the base, I did what I wanted to do which was to make my feelings and reasons clear to the Abyss, now when we go down there are a lot of things waiting for us...I already want to see it!!!) Thank you all very much, now with your permission, I'm going back to my base, I can't leave my partner Cliston alone』.

He knew in the same way, that he could not go into the Third Layer right now, that would only harm the mission and above all it would surely worry his friend Cliston, the young man was retiring calmly with that emotion in his eyes, but quickly the breeze expelled with more force the wind, This took Svein by surprise, when he turned desperately to see what happened, what he found seemed to have no explanation, it was a ghostly being that his whole structure was struggling to be in our reality, he had crowns of thorns on top of his head, also seems to be struggling to show them until. ....

『You're coming with us』

...And when he least imagined it Svein, now he was in the middle of the 3rd Layer, he didn't know how he got there, he didn't even know why he was here, why he now has so much fear, confusion, but most of all.....Svein would happen to repress his whole body from one second to the next as if wanting to fall before the fear, maybe this was too much for him, maybe this was not expected, he would happen to tremble while still continuing to repress his body out of fear. Souls from all sides of the roads there were, sneaking at his remoteness, but to see this boy finally showed himself in fear, this was like a sign that they can come closer to take a closer look until.


Svein raised his arms with joy and blushes on his face, he was really very happy about this, it was not fear nor was he holding back, he just could not contain the desire to finally experience something that should not have happened in real life. Noticing Svein's enthusiasm, the souls that were approaching quickly moved away from him, they couldn't believe it, he was supposed to panic as he was with the Norwegian Chief but....el really is happy, he was even jumping up and down.

『This happened to my little Chief!!!! No doubt it's incredible!!! Now I have something to tell!!!!I have no idea, neither how nor why....and that only leaves me to suspect that I was right!!!! I have the idea!!! I have the how!!! And I also have the why!!!! All this is because you voices or rather ghosts listened to me!!!!! I want to thank you all!!!!! 』

Svein was shouting for joy in the 3rd Layer, and as if his positivity was too much, this itself made the spirits around him move away, no doubt they didn't want someone who would accept them in an easy way, to come with true acceptance there must first be a denial, and Svein...even his little eyes were shining with joy.

『By the way, what was that last thing I saw!!! Can anyone tell me? Hey!!! It seemed to be a soul in pain with undefined definite shape, its body was struggling not to fall apart』.

At that moment Svein could quickly hear footsteps in the distance approaching where he was, so instead of panicking, he smiled again and with energy and courage he prepared for his next action. He knows that in these moments the important thing is to stay still in one place but...he's already here anyway, besides the voices told him to show him everything, so quickly Svein headed for where he heard the footsteps, he really wanted to meet the one who made them.

『What could it be! A spirit in slippers? Maybe a snowman?!!!! Or maybe a never-before-seen creature!!!! I can't wait to see it!!!』

He ran excitedly to look for the footsteps but...every time he got closer to where he heard, the footsteps became more and more distant and far away, this he did not understand, so he stayed still for a few seconds, and again he heard that someone was approaching from a different path, excited again he was saying that now he could see who it was. But also these footsteps the closer Svein got the farther away from him. This he did not understand, again he stood still waiting for another footstep to appear and when he heard it, he was smiling and as if his positivity was gaining strength, you could see how Svein's body began to glow slightly.

『So we're playing a game *smiles* Good! You'll see, I'm going to see each of you!!!』

It really seemed that the souls were not able to overcome Svein's positive spirit, he did not give in to fear, because his excitement of discovering who is with him was much greater, the idea is that he feels that he is not alone and that brings him uncertainty and fear, but it was the opposite, knowing that he is not alone, reassured Svein and he only wanted one thing right now, to meet them in person. It seems that the souls ended up meeting with a guy who is relatively the soul scarer.


Nushi that morning as he had planned, told the exploration group what he found in the first layer, more specifically the entrance, in simple words because if he explained too much he could notice how many lost interest, especially Shinu, who was falling apart and had a floating snot coming out of his nose, and did not seem to be the only one, since other members were also who preferred to pay more attention to their own topics of interest than to listen to Nushi.

The pantheologist, taking advantage of the fact that he was close to the ice wall, took out his small drill to be able to drill it and take samples, the Biologist was preparing a small kit to go and explore the cave more, while the Cartographer was drawing something... I only hope it was something important so that all these people would ignore me...

『After the snow fell off the roof I could see it more clearly, the entrance is full of huge and small holes everywhere, you couldn't notice it because the snow didn't take long to fill in those holes, even if I go back right now we will find them forming, what does this mean, it is not man-made, it would be too crazy or with too much free time to come and make holes in the middle of the Antarctica, my hypothesis is that. ....(I'm even embarrassed to keep on talking...they are not paying attention to me....seriously so serious I am?....)』

In the middle of his explanation Nushi couldn't ignore the all too obvious thing that was going on, trying to talk about something but who should care seemed to be too discouraged to continue talking. This reminded him too much of when he was studying when he was younger, he couldn't help but feel bad knowing that this is how his teachers must have felt about their students, especially Nushi since knowing more at his young age, he honestly preferred to do other things.

He was going to give up in wanting to explain his theory, he even turned his eyes whispering that they are idiots, they are all supposed to be great professionals, but they act like little children, the excitement of being in this new exploration was winning them more and more with each passing day.

『Don't be quiet Nushi, it sounds important what you're going to say *happy*』

The only one who was paying attention to everything Nushi was saying was...let's play a guessing game...yeah...although I don't know why I'm trying to make it entertaining if we all know it's Meilin who wants to listen to her son, just look at her or imagine her, she's with wondering eyes. This quickly gave Nushi things since he was always like that, even in elementary school, his mother was the one who paid the most attention to him, seeing her taking pictures of Nushi at the Literary Arts Festival, even though Nushi didn't have a big role in acting and only played a tertiary role, indeed, he didn't even want to participate, but his mother saw him as if he was the main character in the drama.

『(What a bummer...but well...I'm going to continue it, at least this way no one will tell me that I didn't share what I found....)』

Nushi had no choice but to continue telling her explanation where her mother screamed to know the continuation of the story, wait? Is she taking this as a story? Nushi had better finish quickly to tell her mother to stop all this. It seems that the theory that Nushi wanted to give was that something natural or with great force ended up causing the large holes in the entrance, while commenting, the Pantheologist was managing to pierce the ice but in the middle of his fun, he noticed that something hard ended up crashing, he could not see or feel it, but through the drill he felt like something different ended up coming undone, he put his hand and when he realized it.

"No, carbon? What is this little black spot that I came across? 』

His finger ended up getting slightly stained with something that appeared to be dirt or shattered stone, he couldn't naturally tell what it was, but he had a reliable method of being able to decipher anything he came across. He stuck his finger in his mouth and like mouthwash swirled it all over his mouth.

『I'm not really sure but...upon analyzing and touching that material directly, it was blacker than if something had melted it, there were small perforations, I stuck my finger in one of its cavities and I think it's ....』

『Obsidian!!!! 』

The Pantheologist shouted when he found the answer, to this Nushi agreed with him, moreover, he was surprised that it seemed that although he was doing something else, he was paying attention to what he was saying. Although we know that it is not so, quickly the Pantheologist spat the crushed Obsidian from the snow and could see himself as the ice was gradually taking a darker shade. He started to look around thinking what else could he find in this cave in Antarctica, maybe not just fossils or microscopic life from the past, maybe not just creatures like the Snowman or a saber-toothed tiger, there are materials to be discovered even more, the thought alone encouraged the Pantheologist even more.

『Ehh...Obsidian? Like the one in the cube set?....』

『That's right! Thanks to that juicer I was able to graduate from university』-『Thanks to that I also have a great knowledge in all kinds of materials!!!! and I will use them for my own purposes!!!! You will see!!! I will bring to our world all those creatures with my crafting table!!!』

『(Is it okay for him to talk like that? With that attitude did he really graduate? Although now that I think about it, my teachers liked the crazy ones like him better...)』

Remembering how was the relationship with his teachers, he was too formal we could say so, that was fine, he always gave what his teachers expected from him, but before the other classmates who were more open or simply had charisma, the treatment with them was more different, like they were seen as friends rather than teacher and student....

『(What? Charisma? Charisma the Pantheologist? So what? also the Archaeologist? this can't be....)』

『Haber, let me see brother, seems that obsidian abounded around here at one time and now it melted with the same ice...going years without discovery was enough time for it to be able to spread and become one...but just the thought that there was obsidian here. ...opens up the possibility that originally in Antarctica it was warm instead of cold, it wasn't always dark and cold here...early on the planet was overheated and as a measure there was the ice age』

『 the movie, Archaeologist?』

『Exactly like the movie, thanks to that I grew my interest in how the earth really came to be, since as a child I did believe that squirrel or whatever it was called』

『Was a saber-toothed squirrel or its scientific name is Cronopio Dentiacutus』

『Thanks Brother, as I continued, I became an archaeologist because I wanted to see for myself, if that squirrel really created and molded our world, yes, I know, I was very stupid』.

『(....It's a good thing he recognizes it...)』

Both the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist were having a normal talk with each other, they even got to have so much chemistry that they started calling each other brothers, for Nushi he couldn't believe that from one day to another one can get along with a person, for sure he would first have to analyze him to know if he is fit or not to be his friend.

『 you study your friends Nushi?』

『Hey, you're not supposed to understand that...』

『 you would treat me as an object of study...a guinea pig? would be interesting to know what would happen if I am or we are in your care *smiles*』

『What are you saying...why would I have you under my care and are not my property and I don't want anyone to be, no one has the obligation to obey the orders of another, no matter if he is my superior or my inferior, I know what I have to do...』

『Ah! You're the kind of person who doesn't do to others what you don't want them to do to you, aren't you? That was the phrase, wasn't it? But I tell you something, the world always has 2 big differences, those who create their own choices and those who follow them, and let me tell you something Nushi, if you have more qualities to create your own choices and go with it, and every person who is not from that same side, will have to follow you in your idea, so don't worry about giving orders to others, say it with confidence, for some people it's not annoying to be told what to do』.

『....I don't mind being told what to do....』

Nushi before listening to Shinu's words, he withdrew because he was still a little sleepy, moreover, why did he wake them all up so early to tell him his theory? And he remembered that it wasn't his fault, but that they were already scheduled to wake up early so that they could explore the area further, remember that they only have a couple of days before night falls in Antarctica, saving time is what they have to do.

『I wonder if Nushi dislikes me, if it's because of what I said about her mom that time, I'm sorry 』

『Me and my brother are going to go explore the Second Layer more, we are sure to find more interesting things, if there is an entrance to go down further we will come back to report it 』

『I will also go for my part, not only penguins, for sure there are more animals that come here to protect themselves from the cold, and the more we descend the more we will end up finding! I want to see it already! Maybe I'll even take one home!!!』

The duo of the Pantheologist and the Archaeologist had already prepared to explore on their own, while the Biologist also had his little kit ready to go and explore even more the Second Layer, he commented and added that he would be gathering information in case they had problems with any animal.

『Polar bears don't hibernate so don't worry if you get the idea that you can enter the cave to take a nap, unfortunately we won't meet any and that makes me a little sad, I would have liked to receive the real polar bear hug! I have already received the previous ones so I have to complete this one! See you in a few hours!!!』

The Biologist was leaving adding that also if he finds the entrance to descend further, he will first meet with the others and report on the situation. Shinu seeing that everyone is preparing for their own, is pleased about this. The Chief of South Korea himself chose this method that they do what they want each of the professionals who came, adding with the phrase that what better discovery and exploration than those who are truly eager to experience it. 

『Well, it's time to start recording, I am also selfish and will take this opportunity to grow in different ways』.

Everyone was going their own way, of course, there are those who went out to explore to know more about the subject, but there were also people who preferred to stay since as they know their role each one, they are the support or help for those who quote-unquote put themselves in danger. Nushi wanted to go to explore the Second Layer also to further test his theory, but at that moment his mother grabbed his shoulder and told him directly.

『Come to think of it Nushi...are you planning on giving me grandchildren?

『What? that you say mother...』

『Are you going to give me grandchildren yes or no?』

『(I know her perfectly well and if I tell her no, she is capable of giving me little brothers...but...) For you to be a grandmother I need a partner, partners are annoying, they waste your time, they are an expense even, besides I don't think it would benefit to have a partner in my life, besides if I were to have one, I couldn't be with her since I would put more my desire to investigate the world than her, so....』

『I knew it...just say you don't want to so....』

Nushi didn't understand what was going on with this, but his mother seems that if she cares about her son's future, she also wants to be a grandmother who is able to do anything if she sees an opportunity in his eyes, in a quick way she asked her son.

『How is your left hand?』

『Eh? Well it's fine, the one that treated me is the right one, why do you say so?』.

At that moment, Meilin took out from her garment a needle prick and with that she was asking forgiveness to her son for what she was going to do, in a quick way Nushi did not see this and screamed from a small pain she felt, her other hand was pecked almost non-existent on her hand. Did he want to hurt her? Did she want to scare him? what did she want to do? It was her moment to seize, Meilin held her son and joyfully said.

『My son hurt himself again!!!!! Please he needs urgent attention!!! *smiles*』

『Hey! You did this injury to me yourself!!!! Besides it's not that big of a deal either!!!』

I took him and sat him in front of the Nurse, who she was surprised by this, she couldn't with the shock, she could only watch Meilin as she was showing her thumb and was even asking her to please be the one to fulfill one of her dreams in her life, that of being a grandmother.

『Grandmother? huh?』

『If things go well, soon you will also tell me Mom *smiles*』.

『Eh?.... Mom?』

Meilin was retreating to where Nushi was in front of the nurse, when she finally recovered, she had the youngest woman of the group in front of her, and he quickly sighed, without saying anything, only because he already knows her he knew what she was up to so he stared at the nurse and said.

『I'm sorry but I don't see you as a woman』.

Nushi said clearly and exactly to the nurse, this was like an ice shattering on her person, she just got rejected...wait...was there even interest in this? Looks like Nushi didn't choose her words well and now she's going to have to come out of this another way.

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