Chereads / M no Monogatari / Chapter 392 - Chapter 351: On the other side

Chapter 392 - Chapter 351: On the other side

D͇e͇l͇ ͇o͇t͇r͇o͇ ͇l͇a͇d͇o͇

What was going on, right now nobody knows and the only one capable of being able to do something, was Tomeo himself who in a hurry was in the archives office, with a worry and nerves for not having believed that he acted all this time like a fool, he was looking in sections of the last years. He was really worried, even the sweat was falling from his face to the floor and the mental demand he was making not to fall into anger was enormous.

He was making a mess all over the office for any of his officers to see it just seemed stranger to see their Leader acting in such a way. But what was it...what was the reason why the Leader of Asia were so worried and rushing around looking for what seems to be an answer, or rather he was looking for the documents of a case that it seems everyone had forgotten about.

『It's not's not's not there...because we don't have it on file....』

He searched in every file cabinet for the documents he needed, with a quick check it should be easy to recognize a case like this. But the more he rummaged through the documents, the more he couldn't find anything related to what he had been told. This was bothering him so much that he even seemed to be puffing himself up even more in order to suppress the anger he felt for once again having acted like a fool all this time.

Minutes ago while he was in his office about to leave, Tomeo had received a direct call from his phone. He answered it like any other call as it would come from a colleague. The caller was Nushi and he apparently had something important to tell him. Quickly the leader of Antarctica went on to explain what Cliston had told him on that occasion, the one about the Nakagawa Yuudai accident that happened 5 or 6 years ago.

『I know that you care a lot about your country and what happens in it, I thought that this information would be useful to you, after all the most attentive that everything goes in order is you Tomeo. Although the truth is that I am telling you this to verify if what Mr. Lord said is true, and after confirming it, you can tell me if it is true or not. I don't understand what is going on there and to be honest I don't care, but that's why I'm telling you, do what you have to do Tomeo, you do have a cool mind at the moment of truth and that pleases me, see you later mate』.

The moment Tomeo was hung up on, he quickly broke out in a cold sweat and his face said it all. It was like his brain was starting to work somehow, blurred memories were coming from somewhere, the case of Nakagawa Yuudai, the old father of the family who killed all his loved ones, that scene full of blood in which he was found and on the wall was written that coincidentally is the nickname of that new evildoer they are looking for "Na".

Tomeo wanted to fall to the ground, it was like a dizziness he wanted to hit it hard but it just wouldn't let him. As if it was a sudden growth, a reminder that he could have been there, it came to his mind those moments he had heard about the case, it came to his mind how he himself arrived at that home and found the pool of blood. He did not know how to react at that moment, what it must have been, fear, confusion, loneliness, sadness, anger or even regret. He doesn't know for sure and he was also beginning to doubt if he was one of the few who were at the scene of the family massacre. Tomeo was touching his face and it was a mental struggle he was having, it was like....

『My head...hurts....』

He quickly went to the archives office to look for the truth behind all this confusion, he didn't care about the order or the cleaning afterwards, he felt that everything he was suffering would calm down if only he could prove that this event was real. But between so many minutes of insufferable searching he felt that his head was going to break from just searching for the truth. Tomeo simply stopped swelling and slowly returned to his normal build, but the expression literally had him finished. His eyes were rolling, he didn't even have the strength to get angry anymore and it was like only maybe everything that came to his mind was simply a bad memory or even, a lie.

『There is no such thing as Na....』 case.

He just confirmed it, there was literally no save, no file, there was not even a document talking about such a topic of the first Na that had appeared already years ago. It must be a confusion for sure, Tomeo thought that while slowly calming down, when he was ignoring the said case and accepting that there was nothing about it, the pain and confusion he had slowly descended as well, this was something too rare, because when he was searching for the truth he felt great pain and bewilderment, now that he is simply looking the other way ignoring the fact that it exists, all his problems seem to disappear as well.

『This tranquility I feel...*inhale* No doubt ....*exhale* makes me sick 』

Tomeo had not given up now that he is about to find out the truth of such a case. Quickly the pain came back with more strength as if it was something mental or as if it had been imposed on him already a long time ago and he didn't realize it. If he could not find the physical documents. He quickly went to the computers and among the digital files of the police, he searched for the case concerning the first Na. Something may have happened with the original document, the causes are unknown, but in the database certainly a very well known case can not simply act as if it had never happened, a case like this can not be ignored by all the people involved, Tomeo was there, so those little flashes of the past, with the assurance that if it was there, Tomeo does not seem to go back until he finds it.

But as expected, there was also no such case in the police database, this even made him chew his fingernails. Their database and all the networks they have are undoubtedly one of the most secure and very difficult if not impossible for someone to hack into them. After all, the one who programmed, created and reinforced it was the Alcinoe family who has been in the business for years. There was nothing yet that can confirm the case to him, also when he searched for Nakagawa Yuudai's name curiously if it appeared, and the reason why he was in prison and his conviction, were completely different from what he remembers.

『But...did someone modify the data?...but who could it have been...』

Tomeo simply could not understand, whoever did all this seems to also have total control of what is going on around him or he has hidden everything about himself. Tomeo, having found nothing more in his database, tried something that many would do on a normal day, to simply search on the internet search engine. Tomeo knows what such a creation is capable of, the internet is undoubtedly a great creation that allows us all to be united, and in this day and age no matter how small the news is, if it was on the internet at some point, then it is almost impossible to erase such events. And to Tomeo's surprise, the only thing he ended up finding were old forums talking about said topic, but he really found them until the last of the searches, even the forum page was old for the time and almost obsolete.

『Did Young Cliston find out about this?...』

I was looking through old conversations and like every morbid thing everyone has, when something was viral or shocking at the time, it is obvious that it was talked about. I could see exchanges of words of the said Nakagawa Yuudai case, some summaries also of why he was in prison, and just as I had it in my mind. That bunch of people who just met to talk about the news of the moment, coincided with the fragments of Tomeo's memories, again the pain was still there but he could remember more clearly.

『Did you also see it on the news? That old man was already wanted before』『He killed his whole family, didn't he feel anything when he did it? I wouldn't even be able to kill a fly, let alone a cockroach』『Crazy old man, he must have been out of his mind and that's why he did it, just look at him, he's getting more decrepit as time goes by』『It can't be, he was my neighbor and he always looked hardworking and a good father despite his age, to think that sometimes he was good to me and I could have been one of his victims, how scary』『He deserves that sentence, I don't care if he was good before committing those murders, what's done is done and no one can correct it, may that old son of a bitch rot』『Oh! They just leaked a picture of the murder, have you seen it? How can something so confidential be leaked? Why did Na write on the wall? Did he just want to write that or he didn't finish the word?』

『Anonimus: You guys are the ones I can never get rid of completely, no matter how hard I try, there will always be someone who will be against me』.

『Oh! It's the same one who filtered the pictures! What's he saying? Get rid of us? Hey, are you alright, buddy?』

『Anonimus: Take advantage of this moment, you will be the only proof left in the world of the real case of Nakagawa Yuudai alias Na, because as time goes by, everyone involved will forget about it, even you ordinary people who speak without fear of anything happening to you, will end up forgetting it like everyone else』.

『Hey buddy, you talk too weird, are you a spy or some information leaker? don't be interesting, no one so capable and important would be in a rotten place like this forum that almost no one enters anymore』.

『Anonimus: It would be better to stay among imbeciles in a place that few know, if it was the same as before with a simple click I would have eliminated all the places in the world, it was not difficult for me, now I just lowered myself to be at your level and the truth is that it makes me angry not being able to get rid of you, although you are not so important, if I can get rid of most of you, maybe in time I will destroy this place too and thus completely eliminate this news』.

『That we are not important? Watch your words, you're probably just a cretin who thinks you're the best behind a screen, you talk as if you were all-powerful but you don't even know how to multiply for sure, I don't know what you're trying to do, but if you decide to mess with our forum, we'll take care of it as much as possible until the end.』

『Anonimus: You guys are really funny, no one in the world can stop me, many who tried ended up perishing, you silly creatures who masturbate all day long and have disgusting fetishes will you be able to stop me? You already pissed me off, no matter how long it takes me, this damn unique forum is going to be destroyed eventually too, I'm going to kill you all, all of you, all of you...ALL of you!!!!!!!!』

It was too weird a feeling left by what you just read on an old forum Tomeo, it seems that from the talk of a news of the moment. It turned into a textual battle and even understood that the unknown person was going to kill everyone. Tomeo, now calmer for discovering the truth, he was right, he is not the only one who remembers such events, this forum confirmed that the case of the First Na is real. To think that some young people of that time would help the Leader of Asia a lot, Tomeo was undoubtedly giving thanks to that small group of people.

Already the headache was reduced and he could walk calmly without any problem, he no longer did it in a hurry and seeing that he made a mess with the files. Tomeo would go through to collect each of the documents that were there, while it is still in his mind the words that Anonimus said in the forum, who was it really, who was the person who was behind the screen leaking the truth, even how did he do it? 

『What if that person who leaked the information is related to the person who we are looking for?...』

He simply couldn't leave the topic behind and think about what would be the answer to everything, as he was putting the filing cabinets in place. Quickly something puzzled him, as if by act of magic or his brain hadn't noticed, but before he put the filing cabinet in its place, Tomeo had in his hands just what he was looking for, this was it. The dates matched both the news, what they said in the forum and what he remembered. Na's case was in his hands, Tomeo quickly became serious leaving everything behind and would sit down to review the document.

It was not that the document was not there, it was always there but that moment Tomeo thought that for every case there always has to be a material that confirms it. In the case of Nakagawa Yuudai, if such a case never existed, if no one remembers it, then it would make no sense for him to be locked up. The more he reviewed the document Tomeo realized, what he had in his hands, was a completely different file.

『This is not the original...then, who took the original』.

Yes, Tomeo could already tell by getting his brain working, what he had was a copy that really looked like the original. The only thing modified were both the case of why Nakagawa Yuudai was imprisoned with his sentence of several years, it also matched with what he found in the database. This was strange, Tomeo kept checking even more and with that he could find out where he was in prison. He had already decided, to be even more sure that what he remembers is true and what the young people talked about in the forum is also true. Maybe they do not have the right to decide this, but it is better to ask face to face to the same person who was the main actor of that night of massacre. Tomeo fixed his uniform and combed his moustache, and with total seriousness he had a new objective.

『I'm going to pay you a visit, Nakagawa Yuudai or rather, the first ever Na』.

It was heading to be able to have the statements of who so far seems to be unclear about how he ended up in prison.


 P͇r͇i͇m͇e͇r͇a͇a͇ ͇S͇e͇c͇c͇i͇ó͇n͇

At Dr.2-Ban Hospital, Sekandoraifu (Second Life) At last after time and days it seems that he is going to be able to start the first session of rehabilitation on all his patients. Although it is said all in reality we could say that they are only a few, more specifically to whom Dr.2-Ban wants to help in any way. I was in a huge area just for this rehab, there seemed to be everything, in fact, it didn't even look like a hospital, there were too many colors where there should be because the walls were made up of those soft and comfortable puzzle blocks. So no matter if you decide to crash or for some reason fall face first to the floor, even the floor itself was cushioned with the soft puzzles.

『It's so colorful it makes me want to vomit 』.

『Not even the playgrounds dared that much』.

Raku and Jomei were in the same room as Dr.2-Ban, whoever is in front of them didn't understand why it seems like the kids were upset about the room. This was so strange to him that even if he thought about it, he was not looking for a clear answer.

『They don't like it? But if colors are supposed to make people happy, you know, when you see the rainbow you kind of get happy out of nowhere, isn't it the same thing?』

『Of course it's not the same!!!! We're not clowns or anything like that!!!! Except for the meon here, that's one hell of an asshole 』

『Hey, you're about to start, you fucking one-eyed bitch. Hey! What... what are you doing to me?』

『To get more in the mood, just stay still you idiot boy』.

Again Raku without warning did what he wanted with Jomei it seemed to be another day where he is going to have to endure his teasing. As I said before, from that magic pocket that Raku has, he took out paint and with it he was stinging Jomei's face like that of a clown. No matter what he complains, he will always end up in Raku's hands.

『Ready!!! Meet the newest member of the circus! The Legless Clown!!!』

He introduced him as if he was the best thing in the world, as if he was proud of his partner and friend. But quickly Jomei didn't make any movement or speak, even Raku tapped him on the shoulder to make him react or say something. But Jomei just looked at Raku all serious as if he was no longer laughing at what he just did. Raku seeing that this wasn't funny, would move on to wipe the paint off his friend with a handkerchief.

『It was supposed to be funny, you don't collaborate either, you're not going to make anyone laugh with that face』.

『(Always the same, when he tries to make someone laugh or help he always does the opposite, I know he does it with good intentions but...sometimes he says things too much....)』

『¿? pu pu pu pu *laughs*』

『(And now?) Hey, what are you laughing at, do I make you laugh or what?』

『Well it's the truth that if pu pu pu pu I was a fool, you don't need makeup or anything, you already give a lot of laughter with your face *smiles*』

『Can't you go a second without making fun of me? Dr.2-Ban, I can already.... what are you doing watching us closely?....』

『Oh, sorry, just seemed to me that you two were getting along quite well, what a friendship that is, how envious, I want to laugh at your face too』.

『If you do that I will certainly trust you less』.

Dr.2-Ban was very interested in the relationship of the younger ones in the rehab, seeing them and listening to them kind of made him curious, and he would even be able to follow them for the whole day. But those 3 were not the only ones who were in the rehab, there was also a 4th companion who managed to see everything, and unlike the others, she seemed to really enjoy the situation.

『That's a good friendship that will transcend to history *smiles* everyone will dance and rejoice when they decide to become one, the gods, demons and supreme beings will take their time to see how happy they are, if I am granted such an opportunity, I would also like to witness such a wonderful event and grow up safe and sound under the care of those who watch over you *smiles*』.

Mika was also at the rehabilitation and could not help but be happy to see the little children playing with each other. Truly she was happy and longed for the fact that she could witness something that for her is more than certain. While for those who listened they understood little to almost nothing of what Mika said. Even Raku only said.

『What? Mika, I told you to talk more normally, look how you left the kids』.

『Gods? What the hell? What? Event? Isn't she the one who suffered from the 8th grade disease?

『Even I who'm supposed to be a genius couldn't understand what you said Ha---say Mika』

『Aaaahhh...this...ahh...*red*...what I meant is can they not see it? 2 kids always go together and don't hide anything from each other...*embarrassed* every time I see them they make me happy because I know that in the future you guys....*red* know *smile*』

『Mika right? I remember, you accompanied us that afternoon when Cliston was still in the hospital, I remember, you were also acting weird together with that frenton』's friend.

『How well you remember my old lady beau *smiles* But I don't understand what you meant either Mika, oh! is it a message for a Mahou Shoujo?』

Jomei and Raku both gave their sincere opinions regarding Mika's topic, where she was confused and didn't understand how they didn't understand her words. She was ashamed to say it because she felt she could be wrong, but...with what she saw it was impossible to be wrong. Mika was getting redder and redder and playing with her hands, she was about to say it but quickly another person who was lying on the padded floor said.

『I'm surrounded by children or what? It annoys me a lot that they are not clear and see everything as a game, so they don't beat around the bush anymore since I want to leave, what the brat said is that you two are going to love each other as time goes by』.

The one who spoke with an annoyed tone that seemed like she would always have it that way, was Maya's friend who had been hospitalized for years. Karen was her name and since she arrived she has had to put up with how these people have only been talking nonsense according to her. Without fear of pointing at people she pointed at the little children, where her reaction from both of them was.

『What? with her? *laughs* No way, I'd rather die first than get to feel anything for the one-eyed girl, just look at her, she's pretty freaked out too』.

『Me too, I'm too much to fall in love with this race car, it would be a despercide don't you think? I certainly deserve someone better and capable, yes, I'm referring to my brother! But since he's gone that only means one thing, now I'm unattainable!!! Pu pu pu pu pu pu *laughs*』

『Hey, unattainable you say? how do you see this pende-------』


Quickly Jomei received a sharp head butt from Raku, from how calm and teasing they both were. The little boy would turn to confront his friend, but for some reason they both looked at each other as if they were offended at each other, but...isn't that their bread and butter?

『Pendeja your old lady! You wish I could fall in love with you little pigeon, everything you see could be yours, but since you don't want it, you're missing out *smiles*』

『No one wants to have that ironing board, and besides, what would I gain by being with you? If you already treat me badly just by knowing you, how would it be when I become your partner, I wouldn't even be with you!!!』

『Ironing Board?!!!! You say that now, but when I grow up you'll be drooling over me and you'll say "I was an asshole, even though I'm a pittance in the world, could you become my partner?" and I'll say "pu pu pu pu I don't know, if you kiss my foot I might think about it" All this while saving the world with my Mahou Shoujo powers!!!!』

Raku was freaking out too much about the future she has in mind, just seeing her laughing unhingedly made Jomei and Dr.2-Ban back off and move away from her a little bit. Kind of seeing this lowered Jomei's temper and he would just sincerely tell Karen that.

『No, it's impossible, I'll meet someone better for sure 』

『No, believe me, don't aspire to more in life, only stay with what you know, wanting something much bigger will only end up destroying you』.

What was this, but Karen got up from her lying down to say that, rather than a contradictory answer, it seemed more like advice that she herself lived and did not know how to confront it at the time. Mika who heard this would look at her and when she realized it, she was very alarmed and scared, her eyes looked tired, her skin was a little paler than usual, and compared to other people, she looked less full-bodied.

『What are you looking at me, don't feel sorry for me, I was better than you will ever be in your life, don't try to get along with me, I only came because Maya recommended it to me when I told her』.

Karen really seems distant with everyone without exception, if you weren't her friend before she was hospitalized, no doubt she will end up rejecting you at the drop of a hat. Mika to this as if not to answer otherwise or give her the opposite, simply gave her the reason while giving her a smile, but as if only seeing her flaws Karen would whisper.

『That's no way to smile, you can't support anyone with such a weak smile...』

It seems that they were the only ones who will be here today. Dr. 2-Ban had thought that Ozuru would also come to the rehabilitation, but for obvious reasons he will not be able to come, his condition has not improved much and he is barely able to move his hands. Already after this beginning, Dr.2-Ban started the first rehabilitation session.

『Oh, should I give him a name? It's going to take a long time』.

『Yes yes! Give it the Magical Girls the Revenge!!!』

『Don't listen to him! We have to be called The Intrepid Ones!』

『Huh? But meon, you get scared at the slightest thing!』

『If you listen to me and take me into account, my proposal is that we call ourselves The Dawn Reborn *grin*』.

『I knew it, I'm surrounded by children, we should call ourselves Stardom, how about that, much better no?』

Quickly each one gave their proposals for the name of the rehabilitation, this was a problem as they seemed to be undecided, quickly there started to be a discussion among the participants, they could not agree even for a moment. Dr.2-Ban wanted to be able to solve this, the easiest solution would be to put a name that he says and if they want it, and if they don't want any, they don't have to put anything. But when he saw how people fought for what they wanted so much, he understood that it was necessary to give it a name. So with a simple applause he called everyone's attention.

『I've decided, let's call ourselves "The Intrepid Magical Beings of Dawn on the Road to Stardom"』.

When Dr.2-Ban commented the last thing, he said it with zero expression on his face that made worse presentation for the name. Everyone literally after hearing it was confused and as expected, they refused to accept it, that it was too childish, that it was all liquefied, that it wasn't what they wanted. They all started to complain as if they were little children, of course, all except Mika who liked the idea. But in the face of the spoiled brat she would go on to say.

『This is my rehabilitation to help each one of you, I'm going to give my all to help you recover and get out of the hospital to recover your lost life, after that you even have the right to forget me, with everything I'm going to do for you, I am also doing this for me because I want to come to appreciate each one of you, and the only thing that will remain at the end will be the moments that we will spend together, it will remain as "The Intrepid Magical Beings of the Dawn on the Road to Stardom" I don't want any more objections』.

Dr. 2-Ban said, even though he is always serious and most of the things he does don't fit with him. When he gives orders, if he is really imposing, everyone listened to him and saw him, it would be nice if they listened to you, but Dr. 2-Ban took everyone into account instead of overriding one of the others. Mika agreed with this while commenting that.

『Let's strive to create beautiful memories everyone *smiles*』-『I also want to get to know each of you better』.

Mika's words were sincere and not at all seeking evil towards another, this could be understood by everyone and as if this time he had gotten it right. Even Karen noticed when she turned around the moment Mika was smiling. Raku who was next to his friend, after what he stayed, also agreed with them calling each other that way.

『It's fine, as long as it's clear that we use magic for me it's fine』.

『I don't refuse too, it's a little weird but I think it's passable』.

『And what do you think, Karen?』

The Dr. was addressing the one who seemed the most difficult to convince, quickly the most adult of them all was with her arms crossed and looked at everyone with an evil eye, but at that moment she felt that if she contradicted them, she would only make them all sad, which she didn't want to do.

『It's a name that lacks creativity and you just put all our suggestions together, but it conveys what we want to achieve and be, it has strength and hope, I like it a lot, I really like the name』.

At that moment from what Karen answered, Mika couldn't stand it and would go on to laugh with her hand over her mouth so that she wouldn't be seen. This quickly noticed Karen and would catch the young girl's attention, where with still smiles on her face she would only reply.

『It's just that you used to refuse the name, and now you just accept it, you also like people to be happy *smiles*』.

『Of course, what made me happiest in the world, was to see people enjoy themselves and have a smile on their face, to do what I like and have them appreciate it in the same way, for me, there is no better feeling than that』.

She didn't even think to answer, Karen really looked at Mika without pity or pride, she just saw her as one more person in the world. While the young girl was happy to have heard such a response from the adult, she felt for a small moment that she could become friends thanks to this rehabilitation.

『You have a nice smile and a potential in it, you have to polish it more so that when someone is sad or crying, just with your smile you can calm them down, a smile with a chant, calms anyone down』.

Again this was Karen's advice to Mika, after saying this she would lie down on the floor with her arms and legs removed. There was nothing more for her to say, she felt that this was the end of it. But Mika again was grateful to Karen and would tell her.

『It's nice to be able to meet you Karen *smiles*』.

And as if it was a memory bomb, hearing Mika's words, Karen quickly imagined a scenario from her past, when she was still young and in high school. She remembers the rehearsal days, remembers how she practiced her singing all the time. Going on stage from the first time to the last, always giving her all to not let anyone down. Those words of gratitude, the moment of receiving that affection from the people you helped. Karen really, she felt very sad at this moment.

『Well, then, to start with, let's introduce ourselves』.

『Seriously? Isn't it too late for that?』

『You always have to introduce yourself correlon kid, watch and learn "My name is Hara Raku and I'm 12 years old currently, I like Mahou Shoujo and I also like to make people happy with my magic" *smiles*』

At the end everyone applauded for Raku's presentation, but the one who was left spellbound was Jomei, as he stared confusedly at his friend, even this one told him not to stay tiedzo that he is next. Jomei would move on to look straight ahead and start with his words.

『My name is Hara Jomei and I am 12 years old, I like to run and when I grow up I would like to compete against the best in the world』.

Mika, Karen and especially Raku were confused by this, they met people who have the same last name, it's not something out of the ordinary, it's normal to have the same last names, but these 2 having that resemblance made it a bit weirder. Raku didn't say anything, only after clapping she kept quiet, now she understands why her friend was staring at her a while ago.

『Since the goal is to get along, my name is Hana Haru and I'm 15 years old, I like to make others happy with what I do, I really enjoy seeing others happy, my dream when I grow up is to always look out for others in the most difficult moments *smiles*』.

Again the gaze now proceeded to Haru, who all looked at him confused, it is not that now it is the same surname, but that they start in the same way and has that peculiar name made her stand out a little over the others. At that moment Haru answered that if she liked she could continue calling her Mika, after all that is her...she quickly became nervous and preferred to keep quiet.

『This is certainly a great coincidence, my name is Hato Karen and I am 25 years old, the most I aspire now is to stop eating this tasteless food, hey you Dr.2-Ban, make better meals to your patients, but my real aspiration is, to leave this place recovered and make better decisions in my life』.

But what was this, as if they had it all figured out, those rehab integrands had more things in common than other people. This for some reason made them all feel more cheerful, having something in common made them closer and it seems that the distance gap that was there just a short while ago was getting even shorter. Jomei was the first to thank Mika and Karen and that he hopes to get along well with them.

『I hope to get along well with all of them, although they will surely outdo the one-eyed one easily』.

『As I said, I want to get along with all of you, nice to meet you Jomei, Raku *smiles*』-『Don't mind if I call you by your first names...after all you have the same surname 』

『Easy Mika, I'm glad they call me by my name *smiles* Hey you Karen! You look bitter, don't worry, as Mahou Shoujo I'll destroy your insecurities and make you bring out a smile too*smile*』

『Well with that smile you won't make anyone happy girl *smiles* I'll do my best too』.

What was this, but when Karen smiled it was like seeing a smile that few saw or was impossible to look at. She made it perfect, every corner, every movement, even the position, just now she was upset but as if she had an ability to change emotion, right now Karen was giving away a smile that in the past to many brought excitement and happiness.

『Waos!!!!!!!!!! How did you do it!!! Teach me to smile like that too!!!! If I smile like you I can make everyone happy!!!!! Please teach me!!!!』

Raku quickly approached Karen with eyes full of hope, for yes, the little girl knew that her smile was not her strong suit and perhaps even a bad capstone to her good deed. But her desire to learn seemed to be even more, Karen to this seemed to have Raku glued to her body and the only thing that would leave her alone would be.

『All right okay, I'll teach you what I know, I guess it's good for someone to inherit what I tried so hard, although it bothers me a little to give it to them for free and easy. Hey you Haru, I'm also going to teach you what I know, so I hope you'll be attentive』.

Karen turned to look at Mika who she did not expect this, but at Karen's proposition, the young girl was more than happy with this, answering her to try hard to be like her, maybe to be one step closer to what Karen was in the past. The girls seemed to get along well, which was to be expected.

『(No wait! This isn't right! The one-eyed girl getting along with other people?!?!!! That's impossible...but now that I see her...)』

Jomei would pass by to look at the trio of girls especially Raku, she really was excited and looked happy at heart. This for some reason took away the thought that it's impossible, if not even realistic for him to act that way, because after all that girl who always bothers him and is with him everywhere, despite her attitude that doesn't fit her appearance is....

『Raku is a girl...』

『You've already started to be interested in Raku?』

『It's not that Dr.2-Ban I just didn't see the obvious, but then behind that nagging attitude, there's an ordinary girl and it kind of made me feel calmer to know it』.

Jomei was giving his point of view to what just happened, all this while still looking at his companion. But at that moment of what Raku was practicing with the smiling thing, he noticed that his friend was watching him, so as if wanting to make him see that he was getting better, he would switch to smiling at him. It wasn't a smile like Karen and Mika's, it was still Raku's imperfect smile, but it seems that this was all it took to make Jomei feel a little weird and decide to change the subject.

『By the way Dr., aren't you going to add something to the name of rehabilitation? We all add something, you I think because you are the one who came up with this, also with more right you should do it』.

『You're right, after all it's from us, then we should add a 2 at the end "The Intrepid Magical Beings of Dawn on the Road to Stardom 2" Yes, it's fine』

『(We look like a sequel movie than a group of people....) But I guess more words will be added when Ozuru joins, if one more guy comes we'll be more even』

『Right, Cliston will also be integrated when he comes back, I'm kind of curious what they will add to our name』.

『(The frenton, the last I know is what happened in the Belgica tower...I wonder how he is now...but I'm impressed how Dr.2-Ban said it, he said it as if it was a fact)』

『What do you think for the next session let's go visit Ozuru...I'm sure it will make him happy to meet more people』.

『It's fine with me, but what do you mean next? I'm done with this one?』

Dr.2-Ban watched again how the girls were getting along well having and forming a relationship each and every one. He didn't give an answer to the little boy, Jomei was about to repeat himself in case he didn't hear him, but at that moment Raku had appeared behind her wheelchair as she commented that she needed him to be with her. Even with his denial she took him with the others and they started to get along with the little boy.

『First rehabilitation session of The Intrepid Magical Beings of Dawn on the Road to Stardom 2, it was a success *smile*』.

Dr.2-Ban was happy with it, he wanted everyone to get to know each other and start getting along forming a friendship that would grow stronger with time. He had planned activities and games, that's why the room was full of it, but it seems that won't be necessary this time. At the moment he smiled Dr. quickly remembered something when on a whim or insistence he was in high school and he remembers it perfectly those words of a very special person to him, which he said.

『Thank you for showing me your true smile *smiles*』.

Dr.2-Ban remembered him fondly more than he should his stay in high school, it's been years ago now but it feels like it was yesterday. Again he passed by to look at the group as he was getting along well and especially Karen, who commented.

『Karen and especially Maya, you guys really started to make a change in me』.

Dr.2-Ban just confirmed that he went to high school together with those friends who were inseparable. Which made him miss those moments even more, and start to see the world differently, he is still a weirdo in many occasions but he feels that if it wasn't for them, he would be a complete weirdo like the rest of his family.



On that same day Tomeo was going on a visit to meet the first Na who was Nakagawa Yuudai. Kenji was also getting his act together so he could save and help those he promised he would. With his uniform in order and always with that serious but respectable attitude that he carries. He was heading towards Lys and Yushi's home in order to get witnesses and evidence of what was really happening in that home.

『(I have been far away from the case because Tomeo needed help to stop the evildoers, but now that everything is calmer, I can get down to work, I will need anecdotes of what they lived as proof, I know I have Asa's phone with the audios, videos and photographs, but I know that will not be necessary to help them, it really makes me angry that the laws still benefit one more than another...)*tsch*』

The same people involved and those who suffered the abuse have to declare directly and with courage who is the culprit. They have to do everything possible so that there is no hole with which to benefit the counterpart. Which in this case is the mother of Lys and Yushi. It has already happened many times, where the law benefited the woman more than the man even though he has all the evidence of being the victim. Kenji with a determined mind walked through the streets towards that home, but as he walked he looked at a man who passed by his side and ....

『You, please stop for a moment』.

He could feel how the person who passed by him was alarmed at the sight of him, probably because Kenji was a policeman and was in uniform. Although the man tried to hide his fear and concern, he could not with that officer who seemed not to miss any of them.

They don't remember for sure, but this man was the same one who robbed Joshua some time ago, yes, the same man Cliston didn't notice who just committed a robbery.

『Yes...what's up officer....』

『I'm going to check your belongings, sorry for the inconvenience』

He didn't even ask or suggest, literally Kenji was already checking everything from head to toe on that man who kept shaking. Kenji already knows about these reactions and it's because they always hide something. Pockets, shoes, the same wrapped clothes. Kenji felt everything to see if there was something, and when I say everything is everything, even the forbidden areas, at one point he moved to stand behind the man, grabbed his waist and began to make force lifting him up, this was normal for Kenji, but for normal people this seemed to...

『(Eh!!!! Is he trying to stick his dick in me??!!!!)』 looked like he was doing something very improper to him.... But at the end of it all Officer Kenji couldn't find anything and let the man go.

『Thank you for your cooperation and sorry for the inconvenience, have a nice day』.

『Yes, you too officer (asshole, he just wanted to make fun of me, he even touched my package, good thing I don't rob anyone today, but every time I see an officer, I get nervous....)』

They were each going their own way, and after walking for a few minutes, they finally left. Kenji above recognizes what Lys and Yushi's house looked like, Sakai Asa's original home or rather....

『The home of the Tsuji family, what a hell they lived through here』.

Now that he has it in front of the home, he could see himself calm and how the sun bathed that humble home. But as if his mind was playing a trick on him, the whole atmosphere quickly turned red and terrified, he could imagine with the audios he heard that it must have been a real torment for this family. The screams of pain, the uncontrolled crying, the physical and mental abuse, what else this family must have lived through far from the evidence they have. Kenji with every step he took only the worst of the worst came to his mind, how such a family could have come to be in the present, indeed, how is it that it did not fall apart long before, Asa is a case, but what happened to the daughters ... living with a monster in this home has surely been a change to the worst way of all.

『(I can't stand it anymore ,I will talk to the monster that harbors this family)』.

Yes...he couldn't hold back anymore, his calmness reached its limit and his calm and serious face was now full of anger, Kenji appreciates families very much as he himself loves his very much, that a place where you are supposed to be happy and nothing happens to you, is the same place that destroys everything you know. Kenji knocked on the door and in that thought that he would find a monster, who opened the door is.

『The same officer from long ago, Kenji, yes, I still remember, I guess you want to come in, you must come in, it's okay come in』.

『Good morning Yushi, sorry for the intrusion, but you should know that I was going to pay you a visit at your home today』.

『Right greeting, good morning Kenji, you were busy dealing with the bad're not going to do anything to me, right?』

Kenji always found Yushi to be weird in many ways, besides the fact that she always has one eye covered by her hair, she always speaks with that empty tone that seems to hardly express anything. Which is wrong since Yushi is just like any normal person capable of feeling anything. Yushi invited her in where Kenji entered this home, Yushi stood for a few seconds looking at the door, outside and had only one thing to say.

『When I open the door again, I hope it's Cliston, I want to see him again...』

Yushi looked with sadness on his face, although it may not look like it but he was waiting and longing for the day when he will meet his friend again, the one who promised him that he will make him smile until his heart is satisfied.

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