Chereads / M no Monogatari / Chapter 135 - Chapter 109: New Year

Chapter 135 - Chapter 109: New Year

At Shouta's house, Lucoa had a surprise for the Magos family.

『I'm sleepy.... so you called us Lucoa-san....』('~`)

The little boy together with his parents were going to the dining room. Where on the table they found a cake. The dragon Goddess was feeling content.

『A cake? did you buy it, but I am full』.

The parents thanked Lucoa, and split pieces so they could eat it.

『This is my gift to you, and for the whole family to accept it, it would make me very happy』.

The boy was hesitant about his gift, about the cake, but as he watched his parents eat happily and with complete normalcy, he accepted the piece of cake from Lucoa. The parents said thank you and went to their rooms to sleep, they were extremely busy people.

"It's good, where did you buy the cake?

"I didn't buy it Shouta-kun, I made it from scratch with all my love for you』.

The boy became even more confused, and that's where he remembered something strange that the dragoness was doing.

『(Every time she went to the kitchen, there was Lucoa, a little nervous at first but then she would take her typical attitude, I could tell even a little bit, she had used magic I guess to clean)』

『Do you remember that day M-kun stayed at home, before everyone woke up I had a talk with him』-Lucoa would go on to tell-』.

After explaining to M that it was her fault that he ended up in a lousy situation for him, he was still in doubt of what to give to the wizard family, he asked the boy for help, where the boy first felt annoyed, but in the end agreed. "Why don't you prepare something?" was what the boy said, food is always well accepted everywhere, as it is a classic to eat cake at Christmas, they decided for that, but it was quite obvious that Lucoa didn't know how to cook, but it didn't matter, he could use his magic to make a cake and that's it. "But what are you doing? That's not how you prepare food, you have to make it yourself, with your hands and skills, you have to know that it was made with love, that each bite transmits the effort of the one who prepared it" was what the boy said, although maybe he exaggerated a little, Lucoa understood, so he asked the M to teach him how to make a cake. Because of his pride as a cook he ended up accepting, in that short time he guided Lucoa and they did tests, he left her a recipe of how to make it, M had to leave now, he could help her the other days, but it would be very busy the human.

『So I tried it these days, and finally I got the perfect cake』-Lucoa finished counting-.

『I see, yes, it tastes better than one made by magic, I can feel all your effort, just this once, I'll accept the gift from a demon』.

The boy gave his sincere opinion, Lucoa hearing this, became very happy, and suddenly hugged the boy. Where again this one tries to wriggle out while dying of embarrassment and shyness.


『We made it somehow, Kobayashi-san』-M was in the living room with the adult-.

『Yes, it turned out well after all』.

『I felt for that moment, we looked like parents trying to make our daughter happy hahaha, ah wait, we are』(^▽^).

『It makes me feel old your words, but I could say I think the same, it makes me feel that we are affectionate with her』.

We were both laughing about our scene in Kanna's room, it was all happiness and harmony, but there was one, yes, we all know them, who didn't like this moment.

『M!!!(╬ಠ益ಠ) I see you're having a great time with Kobayashi-san』-Tohru was on my behind-『Despite witnessing such a scene』-She was referring to the moment when she gives the ring to Kobayashii-『You're still trying to betray me. ...Kobayashi-san is only mine!!!(*`Ω')b You can do the same with other women or even me, but not with Kobayashi-san!!』ゞ◎Д◎ヾ(¤﹏¤).

The dragoness, whether by the moment, or nerves, ended up saying other things that had another meaning.

『(ーー;) Tohru-chan, I said it a thousand times, I don't plan to have anything with Kobayashi-san, she's not my type, but she looks like a great woman』.

『Ahh....(。・・。) Thank you....』-Kobayashi replied with a slight voice-.

『I don't interfere in people's love, so that you don't think about it anymore, I'm going to tell you, listen to it carefully little dragon』 ('へ').

『Dragoncite?....⚆ᗝ⚆』-Tohru was confused.

『My tastes are these, although they vary many times, a tender attitude but at the same time having personality, acting like a normal girl at various times, blushing and embarrassed by normal situations or words, and determined at other times, whether they are critical or personal to her, having long hair and wearing pigtails』.

As the boy explained, they thought they understood.

『Wait, that's it?』-Kobayashi looked at Tohru-?

The dragoness was getting shy and nervous, her arms were trembling as well as her eyes, her cheeks didn't avoid turning red when she heard the human's words.

『That they wear skirts, yes yes, the skirt is very important, ah, wait, there's a better way to explain it and quickly』.

By this point, Tohru was no longer listening to M.

『Tsundere,Yandere,Kuudere,Dandere,Deredere, Kamidere,Himedere,Coodere,Undere, Mayadere.... wait, I'm attracted to all of them, but even more to the Kuudere, that touch of inexpressiveness I like too much, the Dandere is also at the same level, the Denki, that they are extroverted and hyperactive too, the Dojiiko too, Syl was like that, that's why I liked her a lot, Bakukko's too, apparently I have that taste too, nekos are one of my biggest weaknesses, along with albinos, and of course lolis, lolis are the ultimate, by becoming an otaku I got these tastes before I realized( ̄ω ̄)But Tsunderes. ..depends on how chi------』 is.

Before I knew it, with her hands, Tohru had covered my mouth, I was confused and surprised by how unexpectedly she acted, the dragoness said in mild and soft words.

『Why is it that when you talk you always put me like this.....(¤﹏¤)(。・・。)』-The dragoness was extremely red-『Could you please shut up at once...』●﹏●●

For the first time, I didn't understand the reason for her reaction and her words, that she covered my mouth while her gaze was lowered-『Can she be....

『(What surprises me the most is that he said the word "Yandere" This guy has weird tastes...)』-Kobayashi had his own thoughts regarding this-『(I wouldn't be surprised if he runs into a pink girl)』




Shopping around the Shopping District all together, which this is rarely possible, New Year is coming, so Kobayashi-san will have a few days off, as we were walking around we came across a lottery booth. Where Kanna out of her curiosity wanted to try it.

『I have tickets, we can use it without problems』(`-ω-'๑)-Tohru proudly showed her tickets-.

『I have some too, so we'll win something good for sure』. (*ゝ∀・)v

I was also showing the tickets I got, you can get them by buying them in the Business District, Tohru and I are known for the area.

Already arriving at the booth, we had a total of 5 tries, the most they can give you, the biggest prize was a hot spring trip for two, which Tohru wanted so she could be alone and have a good time with Kobayashi, her face said it all.(♥ω♥*) . The ones who would turn the lever would be Tohru and Kanna, who extremely happily did so.

『Here are your handkerchiefs』 『Here are your handkerchiefs』 『Here are your handkerchiefs』 『Here are your handkerchiefs』.

3 times in a row we got the handkerchiefs, no winning sphere came out. On the fourth try a golden sphere came out, it took us by surprise that it came out, we were happy, the gentleman rang the bell.

"We have a winner, perfect for the coming winter, a Kotatsu』.

We won the third prize, we were neither sad nor happy, as it works for us, but Tohru wanted the trips to the hot springs if or if not. Both dragons were spinning the lever with more enthusiasm, as if putting all their hopes on it. To our surprise, something came out that was difficult.

『We have a winner again, 2 times in a row, these people are overflowing with luck』.

Again the lord was ringing the bell, again another golden sphere came out for us.

『(This time yes, it must be the trips, please, please please please)』 o(`^'*)-Tohru did not lose hope-.

『They say that if we're not careful, we'll end up being overtaken, he won a Robot Cleaner』.

We won the second prize. Our reaction was one of surprise.

『We got double』 -That was what Kobayashi was impressed by.

『This is something epic, maybe we should go to a casino』-I was also impressed by that fact.

『My travels.....』(ノ﹏ヽ)-Tohru was the only one who looked down because of the moment-.

While Kanna was excited and excited to know what a Robot looked like, she would be able to see it up close and treasure it at home, her curiosity was overflowing.




『Thank you for the food』-Elma was saying thank you, all the dishes were without any trace of food-『And is there dessert?!!!!! Sorry....I think I'm overdoing it』(ノ﹏ヽ).

『Don't worry, you put a lot of effort into your work, besides it's one of the reasons I came』.

M picked up the dishes, just like she said that day, she's been coming to Elma's house so she can take care of her, why does she do this...just like in the case with Takiya and Fafnir, she couldn't stop them from eating poorly, now she does the same with Elma, it seems like she took on the personality of a grandmother. She comes in the afternoons, as she leaves her work at the Spa at that time.

『Although now you keep it more or less clean, the first time I came it was all....』

When I opened the door that day, it was as if this house, as long as anyone has lived, had never been cleaned, bags of garbage, dishes gathered in the sink, clothes here, clothes there, many bags of bread and instant ramen. I couldn't resist anymore, and ended up cleaning everything with the help of my Lucario Form and my clones.

『I'm sorry for the first impression, I'm not a pig anymore, you can see that I've improved a lot』-Elma was addressing the boy-.

『Yes yes, but, Tohru-chan uses a magic that is used to clean a place, don't you have the same thing?』

『We have the same strength, but not the same powers, besides that magic leaves the place clean, but what's there ended up disappearing』.

『True true』

Finishing cleaning and putting the dishes back in place, it was time for me to retire.

『You have the days off too, right? Then we're even, maybe I'll come over to make lunch, or even maybe breakfast, well, let's see what happens, bye』(^▽^).

『Thank you very much M-san』-Elma waved her hand to say goodbye-.


As I was returning at night, I had many thoughts spinning in my head.

『(New Year...) Festival is coming.... wait!!!! Festival? 1 of 2, I'll get to see Kanna in Kimono, that would be amazing, or 2 I might not resist such tenderness that I end up's a possibility .... (^v^))』-First I had my thoughts of my own-『(Elma, Kobayashi-san says he tries hard at work, and if he gets a chance he invites her food or help, in the situation like this, I somehow feel I have to help more, maybe if I can)』

I was looking at the starry sky on this cold night.

『(If I hadn't met Syl, maybe I wouldn't even think about it)』


When I arrived at Kobayashi's house, the first thing I did was to get into the Kotatsu that was already set up in the living room.

『I've arrived....』( 'ー`)

『Welcome....』-Tohru was relaxing on the kotatsu-.

『Welcome home....』-Kanna was also feeling relaxed-.

『Welcome M-kun』-Kobayashi was also extremely relaxed-.

The adult was saying that she already finished this year's work, and she will return to her job on January 3rd, so for these days she has a vacation, she deserves it for the effort she made all this time.

We let ourselves be carried away by the laziness and tranquility that Kotatsu transmitted. We looked like cats in their daily routine, as well as Wilson( ̄ω ̄).

『I have to prepare dishes for New Year's, I even bought tools for it』( ̄^ ̄)-Tohru said despondently.

『Be calm, I'll help you with that, with my clones we'll finish it very quickly...( ̄ω ̄)Clones?!!!( ̄ω ̄)』

I don't know if I'm the only one, maybe not, but there are many people, I've seen that in manga or anime, don't use their abilities for normal uses, for example, those who have the ability to use clones, only use it in moments of battle, at first I was like that, but then I thought. "But what an idiot I am" I use my clones very often for housework, to clean my house or any small help, or even even for laziness, although this would be the first case. To finish a job faster among others. Hey blond ninja, why don't you use your clones for your work, send them here, others there, and you happy at home, get your dick blond, your end is near ('A`).

Switch to my Lucario Form, and create a clone.

"You can ask me for anything, do the cooking, control the TV, do the cleaning...oh, that's already done by our little friend』.

The Robot Cleaner, the second prize, went around the home leaving clean everywhere he goes.

『How nice of you M』- (@ ̄¬ ̄@) Tohru was too relaxed-『So let him make dinner for me, all my strength was absorbed by the Kotatsu』

『Have him pass me the TV control please』-Kanna was also asking-『I'd like to have the TV control please』.

『Okay okay, I'll be glad to do it』.

My clone gave the control to Kanna and went to the kitchen to make dinner, but I guess if there's water involved, I'll have to go do it myself. My clone was chopping the vegetables and meat, she bumped into Kobayashi who was coming out of the bathroom.

『Hey, are you okay with this』 -The adult asked-『I don't want to say it, but this seems like a dictatorship from M, I mean, from you? well, I just think this is wrong in a small way』.

『Ah, that, don't worry Kobayashi-san, we do it because we want to, or should I say I do it because I want to, all the clones he creates are connected to him, and we can feel what he feels, right now I can feel the warmth of Kotatsu and how my body is relaxed, it's like I'm in his place』

『Ah, how is that? could you explain it to me please? I'm already curious』-Kobayashi had to know everything about the clones-.

『Just as we are attached to him, he is also attached to us, we can pass information through our network, if he feels good, so do we, if he feels bad, so do we, if he feels anger, so do we, but saying that makes us feel like simple dolls, we are each a piece of him, we have our own thoughts and decisions. Like I said, it's like I'm in his place, and he's in ours, it's a very complicated subject to say, but at least I'd be glad if you understood it, even a little』-The clone ended-『If you wonder about the pain, that's not transmitted, that if belongs to each of us and stays only in us, we did it that way so as not to harm each other, 1 of 2,either we transmitted the pain to each other, or that only one feels it, by disappearing, it's like going back to complete that piece we are born from, to make it easier, we are all still one』

『I see, I didn't understand it well after all, but anyway, thank you M-kun』.

『You're welcome Kobayashi-san』

The clone cooked while the others enjoyed the Kotatsu. The time came where water is present.

『Okay, I'll finish my work』.

I returned to my Human Form, a skill is much more complex than one thinks, it becomes much more meaningful and even extraordinary in many cases.




The days continued to pass normally, on the rooftop we found ourselves making mochi. Carefully yet abruptly we finished it. We went back to the Kotatsu to relax and enjoy the food. I came out carrying some of what we made, I'm sure you know who I gave it to. Elma was enjoying the mochi.

『Be careful, you might choke on this--...』

Elma had already choked, she was beating her chest, I quickly went to help her. I also made dinner that day for Elma, we ate together that day.

December 31 arrived. I was also at Elma's home, it was already evening, Kobayashi and others agreed to go to the Festival being held.

"And what if you also go Elma-san?』-I suggested to the dragon?

"Is it okay for me to go? Tohru is going too, it would be uncomfortable and a hassle to be with her』.

『At a Festival there are rare and unique foods that are given only at these events』( ̄个 ̄).

『I will go!!! Of course I will go!!! Food is much more important than that dragon』(^q^).

That's how easy it is to convince someone, the trick, to use something that can't be denied. Everyone else is going to be there too, so it'll be fun.

『It's customary to go with a Kimono to these places, so....Taran』 (^▽^)

He would present her with a Kimono, one that he thought would look good on her. The dragoness was surprised yet happy.

『How did you get it?』 -Elma was addressing me.

『You should always be prepared for this, actually buy it, consider it a New Year's gift』.

『Another gift?....You're being too kind M-san, I'm getting too involved with the humans of this world, maybe that's what they mean by us distorting the world』. -Elma brought up her own ideas-『E r e s l i b r e.....y a n o t i e n e s d e p o r q u e s e g u i r a q u í.....』-Elma spoke as if breaking a spell.

『It's not that, I'm not under your influence, it's a gift I'll give you once in a lifetime, so don't be a bad thing either』.

Elma felt glad for again the actions of M. Now the problem was. Who knows how to put on Kimonos(・・;).


As we walked to the entrance of the Festival, I had a little chat with Elma.

『Yes yes, you look good in Kimono, the blue makes you stand out more』.

『Really? Thank you very much, why don't you wear one?

『I'm not one to wear that, they say it's tight and causes heat, plus you feel a breeze down....or so some people say』( ̄^ ̄).

On the way we met Lucoa and Shouta, who were also going to the Festival, well, it was to be expected.

『Oh, I didn't expect to find them together, Elma-chan and M-kun』-Lucoa with a smile was addressing us-.

『You're wearing a Kimono?....Are you also going to eat at the Festival?』-Elma was addressing the dragoness.

『Yes that's right, it's a night that happens only once a year, so I had to dress for the moment, right Shouta-kun?』

The boy was in Lucoa's arms, I could tell from his look that he didn't want to be there, or at least that I didn't grab him like that, I looked at the scene and just sighed and turned my eyes away.

『(Please Lucoa, you go all the time with a child, could you at least have some decency? Shouta-chan might die from so much nervousness, look, her face is redder than a tomato) AAAAAAAAA!!』

Out of nowhere I hit a loud scream, the others turned to look at me, wondering what was wrong with me, I could only keep my eyes straight ahead.

『's beautiful(༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)』

I quickly ran toward what was my reaction, that little being who brought such tears to my eyes.

『Oh, they came too, hello M-kun』

Kobayashi said upon seeing me, she was gathered with Tohru, Saikawa along with her maid, and.....

『Kanna, yes yes yes (☍﹏⁰)。 it suits you very well, I give you a ∞ out of 10, I can already say that next year will bring me pure luck』(T▽T).

『Thank you M, I'm glad, that you liked it』.

Saikawa stood to the side, looking annoyed and nervously at the scene. I just heard about her and saw her expression.(>﹏<)

『Ya ya, you look good too Riko-chan』.

I went over to stroke her head, I felt that was the best option to reassure her. A lot more people arrived, all with different reactions, as expected, Tohru and Elma don't get along well. Also while we were talking Takiya and Fafnir arrived. Where Tohru didn't shy away from praising Fafnir for coming dressed for the occasion.

『Owww, but how well you look Kuro-san, black is definitely your color』(^▽^).

I couldn't help but give him a little praise too, just the passing of me pretending to ignore me. Everyone entered the Festival.

『We're going too』-I was addressing the only ones left-.

『Yes』-Kobayashi was going warmly in her jacket.

Looking at Tohru, she gave me a serious look, her brow furrowed. We just walked into the Festival. We went through the most normal things, not that we had time, we arrived late at night. Elma the only thing she did was to eat from the food stalls, Saikawa did not separate from Kanna, we also went to buy amulets that were there, I do not need it, since I can say that I have several already. As I walked and looked around, I noticed Tohru looking at me sideways, I still didn't understand what was going on.

『I'm sorry Kuro-san』<(_ _)>-I was apologizing to Fafnir-『I couldn't help you in this month's Comiket, I'm really sorry』.

『*tsch* Whatever, the result would have been the same』.

Fafnir went to buy more amulets and relics, you can tell he's asking for luck for his next job. We came across Elma's curiosity, a place where you can see your luck, just shake it a box and see what you get. Tohru happily shook hers until it finally came out.

『Well, let's see what comes out』.

I also shook it, and the paper that said my luck or bad luck came out. This was what mine said.

『Your wishes will be, hard to get, the person you hope for, will come, what you lost, you won't find.....』

As I read it, I could hear close by someone saying the same thing as me, I turned to look at Kobayashi and Tohru, who apparently got the same thing as mine from the dragon. I guess it's bad luck, but it's not like I was a big believer in these things either. It was about time, people around were getting cheerful, it was a minute to New Year's, people were taking out their phones, they started counting down.


The New Year had arrived. People looked happy and there was a happiness that flooded the place.

『Happy New Year Tohru』-Kobayashi, with that characteristic calmness says to the dragon.

『Happy New Year Kobayashi-san』

She looked happy, her smile of the dragoness was quality and soft, as her softening face was beautiful.

『Happy New Year, Kobayashi-san ,Tohru-chan』.

I appeared at her side, I was also happy, another year gone by that I didn't spend it with my family and friends, although that would be wrong to put it that way, they are my family and friends now.

『You look great in the Kimono, Tohru-chan』-I blurted out those words to the green dragoness-.

She just stared at me in surprise, then smiled.

『Thank you』.

The 3 of us together, watched as this place, was filled with our happiness and hope, along with the other people, to always do well every year, but this beginning of the year, may not be as expected. The other World, also had its plans in process.


A guard, with a suit of armor on, was running inside a large castle.

『King, I'm finally here, we got the information』.

On the throne stood a lord, a preserved old man, the crown shone as did his white castle. The guard went on to tell him the information he had obtained from a being that flew by for days after days.

"He was right』-The King had a smile on his face-『It seems we are going to need some help, someone contact him』.

The King gave his orders to everyone in the kingdom did not hesitate for a second to do as the King asked.

『First the preparations, then the fun』.

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