The trio who were now on the outskirts of the city, found it to be in a worse state than they thought. The Sacred Palace airship was hovering over the town, which was now covered in a powerful barrier. With only a glance, Julong could tell that the wall around the city held the Runes that made up said barrier. They were Grade 8 and so couldn't be destroyed by anyone below that provision. Even so, they were all assuming that there was another person of at least Heavenly Sun Realm in the area. There wouldn't have been another way to threaten Won Feng otherwise.
All of a sudden, a voice was heard in their ears. It was none other than Won Feng himself.
"Quickly. I will cover you in my Genesis Qi to avoid detection from the Sacred Palace. Remember where you three left from, return to that entrance, and I will let you inside."
Immediately, immensely powerful Genesis Qi shrouded their bodies. There was no room for any response, meaning they had to blindly follow what Won Feng had told them to do.
They flew down to the other side of the town, opposite the side where the airship was stationed.
When they reached the main gate at the back, they saw Won Feng standing there. He put his hand on the barrier and willed it open for them.
The trio immediately ran inside.
"Welcome back."
""Thank you, Master/Elder.""
"Were you successful?"
"Yes, we acquired them, though we ran into the Sacred Palace at the same time. As of today the Cult no longer exists, and the Sacred Palace has lost two Chosens and a Chief Disciple."
Julong was the one to respond. As he got the information out, Won Feng raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"We returned as soon as we were made aware of the situation here."
Won Feng nodded in acknowledgement of his words.
"Yes, it's rather unfortunate the state we've found ourselves in. They brought along a Heavenly Sun Expert, who unfortunately is at the Advanced Stage. I cannot contend with him if it was a battle of solely Genesis Qi, but his Spirit is rather lacking, thankfully. As soon as they left the city grounds, I erected this barrier, which is the only thing that has stopped them so far. They threatened to destroy the whole town should I not tell them about your whereabouts, to which I must say sorry."
"That's completely fine, you had no choice, Elder."
Li Qingchan chimed in before Xiao Dai stood in front of her Master.
"Regardless, I think we've come up with a plan that should stop any hostile advances on the town."
"Is that so? Please go ahead. There is no harm in trying pretty much anything at this point."
"We want to make the city allied to the Cangxuan Sect."
Won Feng's eyes widened when he heard that. It would be a great opportunity if it could actually take place. Of course, he had also thought of such an idea but thought it would be way too unlikely to actually happen.
"And how would we go about that?"
Qingchan was the one who knew the most about the subject, and thus, decided to answer.
"We need to send someone from your Sect to the Cangxuan Sect - of which we were thinking Xiao Dai should go since she is your official Disciple. We both still have our Jade Tablets, which should allow this to happen. The way alliances work in between the Great Sects is time-based. As soon as the alliance is formed, it takes into account the time we were already here before the formation of said alliance. Since we got here nearly two months ago, it will cover all our actions here as long as we don't leave before the time when the alliance is formed. Otherwise, the time we have been here won't count. As such, I will stay here while Julong accompanies Xiao Dai to back up your contributions in our mission. Once the alliance is formed, Qing Yang should send an envoy here immediately to stop the Sacred Palace's advances."
"But what if Qing Yang refuses to accept the alliance?"
"I find that highly unlikely because this will also cover our actions while we were here. Originally an alliance would not have been necessary, but due to the deaths of Sacred Palace Disciples when we were not supposed to be here, it is likely the only way."
"So that's why you didn't originally attempt to form an alliance at the start. It would only be a waste of resources because there was no need for it."
"Yes. Either way, trading and resource allocations can be discussed after the initial signing of the documents to form the alliance. We just need to actually get it done. However, I'm afraid that as soon as they feel Qing Yang's presence from the Jade Tablets, they will attempt to eradicate the town under the excuse of not knowing about the alliance, which unfortunately will hold up as the alliance wouldn't have been signed at the point in time they attacked. Unfortunately, the time-based aspect of the alliance only covers our Sects actions, and not actions taken against our Sect."
"I understand. In other words, we need to be able to stall until Qing Yang can send his envoy."