Ming Yuan saw a flash back of Qin Generation. He confused. 'Let off me, I wanna go!' He saw a beautiful maid named Nanny Chen. Nanny Chen was so young. 'Beautiful maid like me, I will get everything from this dynasty power!'
Ming Yuan saw Wang Yong served a tea. He was a handsome young man. He exhibited his handsome. 'What a handsome maid, he's so thoughtful! I serve Master a tea every morning, to fulfill his lust.'
Ming Yuan saw Ding Xiang brought a cloth to the baby. She bathed the baby girl. Ding Xiang was a really beautiful young girl. She served the baby with porridge. The baby presented to the Qin God.
Ming Yuan asked Flower. 'What are this mean, by written in this chi?' Flower answered, 'Qin generation begins here, with the rule of Qin Xing Di. Ying Hong and Tsao Man are the twenty generation of Qin, the great grand children. What about them, due to the photo paint front? Yin Hong went the Yin Yang believers and Tsao Man went through the Nian believers, as the contrast belief in the Qin dynasty of Kongzi religion.'
Ming Yuan went to the Qin animal Gods. There is a stone called Nian, Ming Yuan surprised. 'Nian chai xi huang, wo jiao ni! It's usually used as a symbol of evil, for the God of death. In Chinese New Year, people wore red to reject Nian, for not being murdered by Him. Xi nian kuai le, xi qi shi chang, wo yao qing Nian jin zai wo men jia.'
Ming Yuan walked again through the platting room, 'It's a room for preparing the ritual, a ritual of vodoo in the Qin dynasty era. I get the head of the shaman doll, a scary one for the Nian worshippers!' Flower gave a clue about the shaman doll. 'Years ago, a great shaman named Qing Shan, from Qin generation, had established the ritual of sacrificing the body, especially for the execution victims. He prepared the doll of him for resurrecting the Gods, for the raise of endless life.'
Ming Yuan locked the shaman doll in the platting Hall. 'Qin dynasty brought Qing Shan to the court room, the leader of Qin dynasty from the second generation. Tsao Man assigned him for catching a girl to be sacrificed to God for his endless life, and to rule China with their victory.' Nanny Chen appeared with Qing Shan. Qing Shan angered to Ming Yuan. 'You dare to get inside our business, get off from here!' Ming Yuan shared the spell, 'Chu sang xin li, sheng li da chuan, Qin dynasty will raise again the resurrection! Wo xi huan Qin Shang Di lao ban huo che kong zi, for the respect of Qin Gods.'
Wang Yong helped Qing Shan. Wang Yong asked Qing Shan. 'Where's your power?' Ming Yuan read the spell, 'Ni yao xi huan Qing Shan liang ren ma?' Qing Shan smacked the shaman doll locked. 'Reckless man, die you in my hands!'
Wang Yong vanished with Qing Shan and Nanny Chen. They gave Ming Yuan a bowl of soup. 'I must put this soup to the dining room. I should pass the save room to reach the dining room. Come on, Flo!' Flower found the path way to dining room. Flower showed to him, 'Follow the cockroach!'
Ming Yuan reached the dining room. 'I put the bowl over the rice. Lemme show where the dear, Mol!' Flower asked forcely to the dining people, 'Where's his child daughter?' A man with sword appeared, 'She's with me now. She loves to play with Nai Xiang. Find me at sword room!'
Ming Yuan chased the man through the barrel room. He saw an old man digging the barrel for drink. Ming Yuan asked the old man, 'Where's my girl? Tell me about her! Who are you?' The old man answered, 'Whom can rebel with the great and powerful King Tsao Man?' Ming Yuan asked to reinforce him, 'You hide my girl from me. Where's her?'
Ming Yuan walked through the path. He looked at the map, 'The dining room's locked with golden key. How can I open it? I don't have the golden key. I must get it first!' Flower got the key, 'Here for you to open!'
Ming Yuan put the bowl again in the second dining room. He walked to the kitchen and saw the old man again. The old man congratulated to Ming Yuan. 'You've finished all the dining times in two hours!'
The first dining room was for Tsao Man. Ming Yuan saw Yin Hong in the second. 'I can reach you. Mol, come to Dad!' Yin Hong asked, 'Do you wanna get your dear again? How can you battle with me? Come to the battle room now!'
Ming Yuan went to the garden behind. He saw Molly for a while. Ming Yuan shouted. 'Mol, dear, Dad's here. Dad gonna save you. You must stay there. Dad know you're strong. Dad would reach you. I hope you wait there, Mol.'
Ming Yuan attacked by Nanny Chen in the way of exhibition room. Ming Yuan grabbed a new bullet box again, 'How I shoot her now?' Nanny Chen hit him, 'Don't go here!'
Ming Yuan escaped to the cheong sam room. 'Hao de a!' Nanny Chen couldn't find him. 'Get out you reckless man! You never find your daughter again.'
Ming Yuan walked to doll room. 'I've found the part of the doll body! Find the pairs!' Nanny Chen attacked him again, 'You would never escape from me! Give me the body!' Ming Yuan locked her, 'Lock you! Give me back my daughter!'
Ming Yuan walked away to the middle house. Ming Yuan found the court room. 'Unite the part again!' Flower helped him. 'One part's gone!'
Ming Yuan found a book about Qin generation. 'The first establishment was Qin Shing Ti! He created Qin dynasty at 850 an.'
Ming Yuan read the book. 'Qin had a son named Ai Xiang!' Flower answered, 'The great grand extra parents of Yin Hong and Tsao Man! They're cremated here too!'
Ming Yuan asked about the cremation room. 'Where's the room?' Flower showed the way to cremated room. Ming Yuan shocked up. 'Is it the room? Why so written as mourning house?'