Chapter 35 - Chapter 35 tech machanical

As Alex that was away for along from the federation kingdom Asuka has been creating the robotic force in every factory and facilities around the country

Alex : Asuka I do see some factories that I'm not familiar with??

Asuka : oh yes I forgot that I had some R&D team and tech engineers working on a another to build so something that does relate technology

Alex begins to figure out what she was trying to mean

Alex : wait...are you saying you made

Asuka : yep I've organized a group that can creat ground and air robotics even drones

Alex : well let's go !

Asuka told the driver in the limo to head to one of the facilities in the north where Designs of machine are being built

As the limo driver stops at the entrance as they step out of the limo

Alex : this looks really big

Alex and Asuka enters the building though the sliding doors

As they at the front office

office assistant : your highness how have you been doing

Alex : I've been doing great actually and ooh I've heard there's been some new robotics within this facility

office assistant : oh yes would you like to see

Alex : yes I very would like to see it

As the office assistant leads Alex to the manufacture wher they built new prototypes of combat machines

As they entered the room e sound of tools was loud inside the room

Alex : holy shit that alot of them

Alex : what's this ?

female tech engineer : that's an Assault E.H.R 570 its designed to have a quick response to hostile situations again any enemy Great stability , reflexes and cautions

Alex : what they're main weapon ?

female tech engineer : its main weapon is a M7A2 , its 6.72x52 nato rounds and at the front barrel underneath is a semiautomatic shotgun only five shots with a clip and they armor and withstand against imperial and normal firearms even blades water ,fir and ice proof

female tech engineer : they won't harm any civilians with a weapon and they will follow commands only by us

female tech engineer : and the other one Is the light machine E.H.R 620 its main weapon is the M370 with 4.70x40 nato rounds enhanced with termites

female tech engineer : and it carries 1.500 large pack ammunition with rail attach to the weapon and has twice the armor

Alex : great that's really good

female tech engineer : and this one the Heavy machine E.H.R 670 its main weapon is a PKM 250 , 5.75x67R its rounds enhanced with piercing rounds and its second weapon is a mounted RPG20 about five missiles wide explosive range 20 feet

female tech engineer : it's a heavy unit its armor can withstand against explosives, tank shells and teigu weapons

Alex (thinking) : expected of my prime minister she's always fascinating

as the tech engineer begin to next introduce the other machines

female tech engineer : the E.M.R , U.M 400 it's a mobile vehicle drone controlled or A.I its optional it can drive through mud , dirt and terrain and its armor is three times stronger

female tech engineer : its main weapon is a BRG-21 BMG70 enhanced with incindiary and its anti danger rounds against ground and air 5,000 rounds

female tech engineer : it has secondary weapon a four rocket pod blast radius 23

Alex : this is great

Female : and the tank V270 its mains weapon munitions has an optional explosive radius , the 20 radius it can pierce through armor of any metal materials, the 50 blast radius is the bombardment against a large crowd

female tech engineer :

as she finally introduces the last one of the must efficient way of clearing flying danger beast , bombardment, carpet bombing and support

female tech engineer : I give you the E.A.R the R250 it's a jet that's Design to intercept flying hostiles and ground bombardment

female tech engineer : its main weapon is m134 II it has an optional firing system the other firing system is explosive only hit in impacts rounds 6.500

female tech engineer : as for the two MRV 35 missile's they lunch a large scale attack against a large size of a street as for the other two napalm wide spread attack as for the final one it's a white phosphorus

Alex (thinking) : this is great everything I'd ever want to crush the imperial forces that dared to invade my country

female tech engineer : and last but not least the HR250 its main weapons the shipunov 2A67 a three barrel turret 50 mm 5.000 shrapnel rounds once the targets hit the rounds will break and shreds anyone if near by 3 meters

Female tech engineer : as for the missile's four each one of the missiles will scatter and hit the targets position creating a wide attack as for the missile pods the pilot will need to carefully fire them at range of they're target

Alex : asuka you manage to have all of thse people organized and creative another army I got to say THIS IS AWESOME!!!!

Asuka : r...really

Alex : how could it not be you of all people are really smart and I like that and plus your my one and only prime minister

as she begins to blush

Asuka : one and only

As alex begins to make a speech

Alex : all of you hardworking citizens of this facility you have created the most efficient machines for the battle that our people will need to win

Alex : but most importantly you all of you are more important to me and the soldier's , I care for you , you have beard hard labor my love to you all is strong and the bonds of our own people is one

Alex : remember the talon on our flag radiates with determination and strength we are strong not alone but together we will overcome our enemy with single blow



crowd of tech engineers : UWWAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

end next chapter