How A 18 year old created a country in Another world akame ga kill

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 a new life

U.S.A Arizona ,city Mesa frys 1.16pm

may 12.

Alex: *sign*... " why did I have to get my mom groceries" I'd just wanted to read my manga.

Alex (thinking): "well whatever" she's at work and I need to do something than being "lazy whatever " I just want to get home and read Akame ga kill.

Female employee: Thank you for shopping sir and becarefull.

alex: oh tha..thanks (blushing a little)

Alex (thinking) well she's rather cute and young at that age ' well I hope she has a good life

as he exit out the store he walked the through the parking lot to go the cross walk intersection he at the sidewalk waited until the lights turn green than Alex soon realize at the middle of the cross walk he didn't have his wallet on he searched through his pockets and his back pockets for his wallet he began to freakout his expression looked angry and said.

Alex : Fuck!!!!!!!! arggh!! are you kidding!! me! where my Damn wallet!

Alex soon realize dropped his at frys.

Alex: Shit! I have to go ba-

As soon Alex turns around the girl from frys came in running saying.

female employee: sir! sir! I have your wallet ha....ha here you go.

As she exhausted from that running trying to catch up to Alex he says.

Alex:Thanks a lot I apprecia-

He soon look quickly that a car was approaching at a high speed he looked back at her with a tense face.

Alex: shit! move!!!!!

Alex saves her in the process but for him it was the end for him Alex didn't have much time left as his final thoughts fades away.

(Alex's final thoughts) ugh.....ughhh I..I can't move I..I can't breathe shit! is this how I go out wha...what is she saying.

As the girl try's to keep him alive. it was still in vain to save him she crys in tears.

(alex final thoughts) d..don't cry dammit you still have a long life to live kid

Alex drew his final breath his eyes closed and he died in the street.

Later on Alex began to open his eyes he looked around clouds everywhere bright and realize.

Alex so this is heaven

unknown voice: it is indeed my child

Alex turn around fast with a tense face

Alex: so your God.

God: In the flesh well actually in spirit whatever let a get over it shall we I want to reward you a country,skillsand a leveling system for your bravery.

Alex gave a confuse face

Alex: um why?

God: let me put this clear and specific you were scared for life right? but you were thinking about that girl you saved her because she wasn't just cute right why did you really save her exactly give me a great reason with earnestty.

Alex looked down sad

Alex: was really because she was young I just scared at dying first but I thought about that girl if I were to move a away she would've died so in order for her to live long I had to save her I didn't save her because the she was young I had to her because it was the right thing to do a life of a youngster mattered more because they need to keep on experience life in the world they live in its to live,love make a future because they are the future.

Alex pure out his heart about the persiverents of life with determination.

God looks at him with a smile .

God: you are really interesting you know that Alex well then I will let you ask for 4 skills what they will be (as God smiles )

Alex: ok well infrastructure,gunsmithing,

warmachines,military ammunition maker.

God:offer hahaha you are amusing you more than manga lover that's what I like it as for me will bestow you a incredible skills you will like true hearts of soldiers ,food menu,and my blessing immortality.

Alex wait wh-

as circle around him glows bright light he levitates as the the is process integrated system with him is complete

God: say status my child

alex:status (nervous)

status screen

name:alex. age:18. race:human.

hp 10,000 , mp 30,000

job: king. level:1


infransture:building and managing building products,medicine,food,material,training,water facility,electrcity,housing,labs and weapons mp cost 75

gunsmithing: able to craft all weapons through mp mana cost 125 :assault rifles , handguns, revolvers shotguns. rifles,carbines,lmg,mg,smg and sniper rifles.

warmachines able to craft through Mp mana cost 500 :T-90 , M113, 2s19 Msta,TOS-1,Mil Mi-24 ,ZSU-23-4 Shilka, Stryker A1,ICV Stryker,HMMWV humvee,

Hummer H1,Mi-26,Ural-4320,MTU-90. BM-27. Tu-90,Mil Mi-28,A-10 warthog. AC-130 gunship,MIG-31, Zsu-37-2.

military ammunition maker to make all kinds of ammunition mp cost 25 for every one type of ammunition per crate

True hearts of soldiers: it boost the morale and 2x the courage.

food menu : you are able to buy food from restaurants from your previous world : cost 1 gold for each food item.

God's blessing : poison resistant curse resistant it will nullify the affects.

immortality: live young forever but will still be vulnerable against death.

Alex freakout about the last part of the skill

Alex: what!! are you kidding?!!

God: just be gratful and accept ok

Alex: ok I guess what about store

God: do not worry my child the store will have you need from previous world grocerys,clothing ,soap everything you will need

Alex:well thanks

God: now before I send to another world is there anything you to ask me what kind of world do you want to go.

Alex : can it be a world base on my favorite manga akame ga kill

God : I can do that but what's your intention to go that kind of world

Alex: I want to help people keep them safe from imperial soldiers and I wish insist the people for dire need such as food take in refugees end the suffering .

God : then I will allow it right a new land will be forming in the northeast I'm looking forward to seeing your work my child go go and make it a better world that's your mission and don't anyone threaten your country ,your kingdom farewell my child

a circle of light surrounds him he vanished in thin air

end next chapter.