"George" a man is sleeping on a thin yoga mat in a laboratory "geoooorge" "GEORGE" *Slap* "AHHH, SHARREN WHAT THE HE- wait, why are we in the E.V.A.N protection dome?" "Well…." The woman sighed "the nappers are out and they are assigning roles again, so we launched the cell origin atomizer" "So what? The cell origin atomizer was perfectly engineered to only atomize the DNA that was infected with seeker cells" George asked wearily "well…we had a seeker on the inside…he launched E.V.A.N" George's eyes widened "A SPY? LIKE…LIKE...HERCULES MULLIGAN!!".
We arrive back to Sam's perspective as he comes across a dome-ish structure, still wondering what E.V.A.N means and where he can find more pills before he dies. Sam runs to the dome even faster as he realises it says "Anti-E.V.A.N Safe bunker" He screams and yells with glee and pain "LET ME IN, LET ME IN PLEASE HELLO? PLEASE LET ME IN, MY NAME IS SAM CARTER BRECKENRIDGE AND I NEED SHELTER PLEASE LET ME IN I AM BURNING ALIVE" "Do you hear banging?" George inquires wearily "it's probably just an E.V.A.N shell" Sharren says tiredly "AHHHHHHHHH" Sam yells from the outside "now I definitely heard something" George exclaims "fine, I'll open the door for five seconds" she says in an annoyed and tired tone "one" "two" "thre-" "FINALLY THANK YOU" I sprint inside the dome faster than a jaguar "PLEASE HEAL ME"
I look around "WOAH, WHAT IS THIS PLACE"
I look around, it's so clean and so plain yet so cool.
I feel pain surrounding my legs, it feels almost as if it's about to fall off. Tears feel my eyes and I smash my teeth together. I grab onto the counter as I breathe in and out faster as if it's going to help me. I feel a sharp pain on my back as I drift off.