Chereads / Capital of Greed / Chapter 11 - Prophecy. Part 1

Chapter 11 - Prophecy. Part 1

Land of Gods.

Gathering of the Pantheon.

Tapping away impatiently on his gilded armrest, Los looked around at the empty seats of the round table and huffed, "Calling forth a gathering yet none are present? Is it not already past the assigned time!?"

"What has ruffled your feathers, Los? You seem more pettish than usual."

A voice that sounded like a skylark lightly laughed, following which a woman robed with white-gold chiffon entered the room.

"What have you called me for, woman!?" Los immediately barked upon her entry. His pure-white eyes shone with a threatening red.

Seeing Los' combative stance, the woman helplessly raised her hands and softly replied.

"I did not call anyone for any gathering," she sat upon one of the gilded thrones around the round table and continued, "Conversely, I too received an invite for the gathering."

Her passive answer seemed to barely placate Los' smoldering impatience, as he leaned back onto his seat with a huff. Crossing his arms across his chest, he then closed his eyes.

"My, my, aren't you going to greet me, Los?" the woman sang with a feathery voice and leaned forward onto the table. Her abundant breasts spilled forth and pressed against the opulent table, creating a deep, dangerous valley.

Hearing her words, the creases on Los' forehead increased as he spitefully spat out, "Don't you dare try to use your charm on me, Ampherea! I shall not react kindly!"

"Humph!" Medea retreated into her seat and crossed her arms with a pout. "You'll never make any friends with that attitude, Los!"

"I don't need any friends, woman!" Los rebutted.

"Oh?" A radiant and carfree smile appeared on Medea's face as she asked, "Perhaps. A partner then?"

"You–!" Los almost jumped up from being incensed, when a cold voice interrupted his eruption. "Could you two lovebirds continue this some other time? We have important things to discuss today."

A tall woman, wearing a full-cover golden mask entered the room. Her slender body was draped in the finest tapestries and accessories one could imagine. She radiated an oppressive pressure of wealth and dignity.

Seeing this woman enter, Los and Ampherea rose from their seats and performed a cursory bow. "Caifu." They greeted in unison.

"God of Craft. Goddess of Love." Caifu, the Goddess of Wealth, greeted her colleagues in response.

The three Gods then took their respective seats. After spending a few seconds to properly settle, Los, The God of Craft, took the initiative.

"Why have you called us here today?" he curtly asked, impatience and arrogance apparent in his tone.

Caifu took no offense at his tone for she knew that this colleague of hers did not mean it. Los, being the God of Craft, was known to be brusque and impatient.

Resting her elbows on the table before her, Caifu locked her fingers together and rested her chin atop it. Leaning forward, she spoke, "The Sea of Antiquity vanished."

Her words were cryptic and quite nonsensical from a certain perspective. However, to these two Gods whose knowledge matched their divine status, the meaning in her sentence was apparent.

For the Sea of Antiquity had a lesser-known name; Ausar's Tears.

A grim expression immediately appeared on Los' stoic face, while Ampherea covered her agape mouth and faced forward with widened eyes.

The two Gods took a few moments to process this shocking information.

Gulping a few times, Los quietly and cautiously asked, " it time for–"

"The prophecy," Caifu finished his sentence. "The wheels of change have already begun their motion. There is nothing for us to do other than watch on and support our Chosen Champions."

"Do the others know?" the Goddess of Love timidly asked, to which Caifu nodded her head. "Even the Six Old Ones?" Ampherea continued.

"They have already chosen their Champions and staked their bets. I'm afraid that we have already been beaten to the start," Caifu replied, grimly.

"How do our odds look?" Los asked.

"Not good," the Goddess of Wealth leaned back on her gilded throne and continued, "The seeds within the Cosmic Realm and the Infernal Realm that are of any real worth, have already been snatched up by those old senile recluses. Investing there will only draw you their ire while returning pittance.

Taking a deep breath to pause, she then continued.

"I was personally thinking of staking my bets in the Mortal Realm."

"Heavens!" The Goddes of Love jerked within her seat. "All of it?"

Caifu nodded her head which only served to increase the shock within the Goddess of Love's face. Hurriedly rising from her seat, she protested, "You must not!! The Mortal Realm, while full of promise, cannot match the two other Realms in power! Were you to lose, you will…you will…"

Tears appeared within the Goddess of Love's eyes. Her hands fiercely trembled and her lips stuttered.

"Eternally disappear." Caifu completed the timid Goddess' sentence with a bitter smile. "If I were to lose this bet, I will face a True Death and eternally disappear from this world."

"However," the Goddes of Wealth tightly clenched her gloved hands; determination apparent within her tone, "I would rather face a True Death than beg those old recluses for scraps."

"Bu-but–!" Ampherea tried to argue but was instantly silenced by Caifu. "Ampherea." She called out the Goddess' name with a serious tone.

"Are you satisfied with living like this? Hiding within the walls of our Pantheon, watching our every move and action in order to avoid slighting those fogies. Do you not yearn for freedom?"

"Have you forgotten the reason why you ascended into Godhood!?"

The Goddess of Wealth, Prosperity, and Businesses' exclamation silenced the tearful sobs of the Goddess of Love. Even Los, who had watched quietly from the sidelines, was shaken by this display.

"I know the risks! I understand what my actions entail! But I'm willing to stake my all on it! I would rather be buried seeking my freedom than remain another day in the servitude of another!"

Caifu impassionately declared.

She then looked at her closest colleagues and asked with a demanding tone, "Would you?"

The two Gods did not immediately reply. Los hung his head down and stared at his quivering fists while Ampeherea sobbed quietly.

"I'll leave it to the two of you to decide. No matter your choices, I will not judge you. I will not be changing my mind either." She then stormed out of the room.

Walking through white-marble corridors dressed with crystal chandeliers, priceless art pieces, artefacts, and statuettes, Caifu lowered her head and stared at the crystal orb within her hand.

Staring at the holographic map of the Mortal Realm, she hesitantly looked at the five points of light that shone within. The points of light were greatly scattered and were located within different kingdoms and emirates that lay sprawled throughout the Mortal Realm.

'Am I doing the right thing?' She questioned herself.

"What a cruel game…"

Sighing with resignation, Ciafu pocketed the crystal orb and disappeared.