(???) where are we?
(???) i dont know
(???) First we get out then Ask your questions
(???) ok
Grant us strength to destroy this rubble
Brother Hale
(???) Ugh climb my brothers climb the rubble
(???) [Fist technique Boost]
(They finally got out of the Cave full of rubble)
(???) where are we?
The Present
(Construction worker) Hey who the hell are you guys
(???) [In The Construction Workers Vision]
(Construction Worker) Huh? what the fuck are saying
(???) oh i know this language
We are just Warriors
(Construction worker) Warriors? oh you guys like to cosplay?
(???) What is cosplay
(Construction worker) So you don't cosplay wait wait i'm so confused like why are you even here
(???) we are here to kill..
(Construction worker) What
The End