"I can't believe I am running late to my first day," Del gasped as she bustled along beside her good friend Mona, though technically Mona was flying, not running. Having retractable wings that she could actually fly with must've been convenient. Del's we're only good for gliding. "Why did we stop at that shop?"
"Because their muffins are the best, and I was hungry," Mona laughed. "Come on Del, it's just a few minutes! It's not that big a deal!"
"This is the Arcanum we're talking about! Del countered. "THE ARCANUM! If we can't make it on time to orientation, what's that going to say about us to our professors?!"
"That we have fun?" Mona smiled. To Del's glare, she rolled her eyes and added, "Oh come on Del, live a little! So we're just a little bit tardy... so what?"
"Is your sprite not breathing down your neck about punctuality? Mine has been since my alarm went off this morning!" Del groaned. Bartholomew was definitely going to be giving her an earful about this later. She could tell by the brooding expression he wore as he zipped along beside her.
"Nah," Mona shrugged. "Tac is pretty chill. I'm pretty sure he's snoring."
"Typical," Bartholomew clicked his tongue with disdain.
"How are you ever going to get to classes on time?" Del wondered.
"According to Tac, it's independent study for the most part, and most classes are pretty lenient about attendance. As long as you don't break school rules, you're golden." Mona shrugged.
Del didn't have the time to reply, as they were finally pushing through the front doors. From the looks of things, not only were they late, but their entrance had been disruptive. At least, that's how it felt. Every eye was on them, and Del didn't like it one bit.
"Welcome," A thin and greasy looking man wearing oversized ropes said with a sneer. Del got the sense he was trying to look stately, but it was hard to take him seriously the way he was drowning in his clothes. "Look who decided to join us."
"I'm so sorry," Del said with a tense smile. This guy had barely spoken two sentences and she already wanted to punch him. "I take it you're Dean Gubler?"
"I am," he replied cooley, "and you are very, very late. Care to explain why?" Del was about to respond when he cut her off. "You know what? Nevermind, I don't want to know. An excuse is an excuse, and you know what they say about excuses." he paused to laugh, "Excuses are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink!"
"Uh...?" Mona exchanged a confused glance with Del. The situation was made even more awkward by the fact that the dean was the only one laughing.
"Well... he has a point I guess?" Bartholomew grimaced and shrugged. "However, he could have made it more clearly in a more professional manner if you ask me." It was telling that even Bartholomew found his antics cringe worthy.
"In any case," Gubler wiped a tear of mirth from his eye, "as I was telling those who were considerate enough to arrive ON TIME, the Arcanum supports any and every field of magic that should tickle your fancy. The possibilities are endless, so don't be afraid to experiment. With that, I will release you to your sprites for tours, class schedules, and what not."
So saying, the dean turned his heel and marched off. Mona made a face as he walked away and turned back to Del as the rest of the group dispersed.
"Well that was helpful." she said sarcastically. "I'm sorry we made it before he left, especially if that's all he had to say."
"There was probably a bit more to it, but since we got here late we missed it," Del shrugged. "On top of that he was probably too pompous and lazy to be bothered with repeating himself."
"No kidding!" Mona exclaimed. "Well Tac just woke up, and from the sounds of it I have to get going for now..."
"Ok," Del smiled. "Good luck Mona, see you around!"
"See you!" Mona called as she flied off.
Del had to take a moment to appreciate just how accommodating, as well as majestic, the building was. The tower was open enough that anything with wings could fly, and there were platforms set up each level for safe landing. Every thing felt charged with magic, illuminated with it even. The glimmering ebony granite gave off more light than the blue flame lanterns that hung from chains. The smooth, stone floor felt warm beneath her bare feet and she imagined the walls held a similar warmth.
"Is there something wrong with me?" Del asked as a chill ran down her spine. All at once, it felt like she was under a microscope, but she couldn't tell were the gaze was coming from, though she noticed a number of surreptitious glances from the people around her.
"No, why do you ask?" Bartholomew frowned.
"I don't know... it feels like I'm being watched," Del replied, casting another look around for her unseen observer.
Bartholomew considered her for a moment, then glanced around. As realization seemed to dawn on him, he smacked a hand to his face and shook his head.
"Fiddlesticks..." he cursed with a groan."In all the excitement, I completely forgot... I meant to make arrangements. Your attire is... unconventional to most who've never lived in more rural areas such as your hometown."
"Fiddlesticks?" Del was hard-pressed to hold back a laugh. She was confused and self conscious about Bartholomew's comment, but decided to focus on his unique choice of words instead. There would be time to deal with insecurities later... it wasn't as though they were going anywhere.
"Conventional cussing is so unimaginative," Bartholomew replied with a wave of his hands. "But enough about that. I really should bring you up to speed on everything that contemptible oaf neglected to tell you."
Del openly giggled about the comment, unable to help herself. Bartholomew shot her a quizzical look, shook his head, then flew ahead towards the staircase, ushering her to follow.
Heart racing from excitement as well as the continued feeling of being watched as she ascended the staircase, Del took in her surroundings eagerly. She tried to listen to Bartholomew's lecture about the rules, layout, and unique properties of the tower, but her mind wandered as her eyes roamed the portraits lining the walls. They all depicted scenery; beaches, forests, mountains, waterfalls, even city scapes. She also noticed the upward spiral of stairs seemed to go on forever.
"How many floors do are we going up?" Del questioned. She could easily see dozens of floors above her, and the thought of going any higher than the second floor had her stomach in knots. Wings or no, Del was terrified of heights.
"I'm taking you to your room, so we'll be going to one of the top floors," Bartholomew replied. Noticing her horrified expression, he asked, "Is something wrong?"
"That high?" Del squeaked.
"Yes..." Bartholomew frowned and studied her closer. "Is that a problem?"
"Is there somewhere I could stay closer to ground level?" Del questioned.
"Do heights make you uncomfortable?" Bartholomew cocked his head.
"Yes..." Del admitted softly.
"There's no need to be afraid," Bartholomew replied. To Del's alarm he herded her over to the platform. "look up."
"That's kind of hard," Del responded, eyes fixed to the ground below. She was much too close to the edge for her liking. It was only about a 15 foot drop, but it still made her woozy.
"I promise, it's good, just look up!" Bartholomew insisted. Reluctantly, Del obeyed. "How many floors can you see?"
"About 70," Dev replied. "Why?"
"There are approximately 269 floors in the Arcanum, including basement levels." Bartholomew revealed. "At any given time, a person can only see and access what they need, so what is visible to whom and when varies. For example, I can access about 189 of them with my credentials, and that's all that I can see. I know administrative sprites that can access more, and I know there are areas only accessible to higher ranking positions that are currently vacant ergo my guess. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to find out there are more."
"I need to access 70 floors?" Del felt like her head was spinning.
"20 of those contain common areas for various recreational activities, at least 5 consist of the assembly hall, dining facility, administrative offices, and an elaborate museum. On top of that there are shops, classrooms, libraries, baths, dorms, and dozens of other facilities for both educational experience and convenience." Bartholomew explained. "It was designed so students wouldn't have to leave the tower for anything."
"But I can leave if I choose to?" Del checked.
"Of course," Bartholomew nodded. "For one, since you have a talent for runing and have expressed interest in focusing your studies around runes, you will be required to go on regular patrols at the boarder to check the barrier runes. Additionally, the community relies heavily on the patronage of the tower."
"But didn't you just say there were shops in the tower?" Del questioned in confusion.
She had been expecting patrols, she had to patrol the boarders while in her local militia on numerous occasions. She was apprehensive about the rune wall, however. The boarders she patrolled at home lead to the neighboring Kingdom of Andromadus, and while there was always threat of invasion from it's hostile inhabitants, it wasn't nearly so terrifying as the boundaries bordering the endless planes, the domain of demons and undead.
"Those are ran by students," Bartholomew replied. "While their wares are... acceptable... the better quality items will more often than not be found in the city. Now, I have gotten off track... we were addressing your fear of heights."
"How about we just stick a pin in that and just get this hike over with," Del sighed. "My head hurts, and I doubt you've even scratched the surface about everything I need to know about living in this place."
As she spoke, she turned to move away from the platform and the drop behind it. She found herself face to face with a complete stranger with red curly hair and an unnervingly determined look in his doey brown eyes.
"Hi, I need to ask you a question!" He announced.
Unfortunately, Del didn't hear what he had to say over the surprised sqwak she made upon seeing him. To make things worse, she stumbled backwards reflexively, then lost her footing and kept on going. The strange boy reached out in an effort to catch her, but wasn't expecting her weight and wound up stumbling right along with her. Next thing Del knew, she was plummeting over the side of the platform.