Hello guys.
Welcome everyone to this new story format with many elements of science fiction, spirituality, anime ideas and of course, fetishes.
First of all, know that it is a series of random stories that sometimes the characters will meet and complement each other.
So the scenario unfolds in another world.
Yes, that's right, on another planet on that same moon.
There are thousands of light years of the Earth's Solar system is occupied by a human ability of humans endowed with energy, that if humans were for a low individual of simple power already considered a level; however they are with human qualities and deal that the way they are human with it is different from the terricola flesh men, the pollarian citizens call it.
Speaking of power; Their vehement abilities of the virtues of their spirit that they embody in a material body and manifest diverse phenomena, these processes have levels that are average in K in the scale of a thousand and M in thousands.
So the power level of Virtus flame.
The average power of the great masses in Pollux is around 20k. to the most gifted in 50 k. kings media range between 80 to 200k; and on top of that only the guardians of the overlords that go to scale of thousands.
Chemistry composes semi-organic bodies from alloys of silicon and other metals so they can create manifestations of energy release more easily than beings from fully organic bodies.
Its lifespan is estimated at 700 to 1500 years, taking into account that the planet's time is different from Earth, the years are longer.
Pollarians normally procreate like every human in the universe, through sex, which also serves as vital food to compose their energies.
However, some kingdoms and republics have stained glass chambers that are nothing less than the creation of synthetic bodies from which consciousness can incarnate without having a family bond, which would be from a normal birth.
The incarnation processes are indicated or random.
Yes, women get pregnant, but the fertility process happens in short periods twice where the festivals of sexuality are celebrated.
This happens for both women and men.
In terms of races, there are the following variations, among the Pollarians, in addition to the physiognomy, they have skin colors that range from white, brown, pale and red.
Its media is 1.8 m for both men and women and there is exceptional stature.
An important issue is the hair cores that vary according to the emanation
Each individual has the spirit a color of their energy, they are exalted of their energy, when they are visible and visible in their eyes and movements of the air around them, their eyes and their looks to accompany their nuclei and light.
Special Powers: All luxury citizens of Poland have some kind of power, but their upkeep levels are already in line with their aforementioned power capacity. Remembering that these powers are not just about fighting.
Since the act represents only a third of the reasons for conflict in the world.
Politics: Pollux is governed by overlords who act as fundamental laws of the political order but do not interfere in the political issues of the kingdom and of the larger republics that form countries that have small strips of land occupation in view of politics; to occupy what is necessary, so a vast expanse is being occupied by different families, and elites that have their own laws and are independent of the groups but from areas of diversity as fundamental laws.
The fundamental laws are related to the aspect of nature itself, and how the bodies of polaria have already been created and improved.
They are three lords divided into land, air and sea, just as the divided world is divided into earth realms, air realms, sea realms.
The outstanding example will be the supreme lord of the land Ordaka, who although she has her virtues, has aspects of a sorceress.
Peculiar phenomena are polux as examples of some realms like suspended lands that are generated by polar rocks or antigravity effects.
The citizens of the land, air and sea kingdoms do not interfere in their politics although they do interact with each other. There are peculiar characteristics for each citizen residing in the realms.
Those on earth are human in appearance, while those on the air are winged, their wings being part of a special organic path; and those of the sea their legs can transform into fish tails like mermaid and merman in addition to abilities to breathe underwater.
Death: the bodies of humans in pollux when they reach the peak of old age they crystallize turning into statues of salt that crumble in the wind.
In pollux there is disease and yes, there are energetic anomalies that do not cause any body.
Therefore diseases and their cures are energetic.
Although the bodies are Polarian it is when the subjects of great energy blasts from their bodies pulverize where the spirit disincarnate from the immortals or die.
From there he can choose around and incarnate either in the creation of a family during sexual festivities or through the artificial organs in the stained glass chambers before asking permission from the transmitter of the entities whose communication is telepathic.
Yes, Pollarians have the ability to communicate telepathically with either other living or disembodied people.
There is no expression death in Pollux because the reality is that no one dies but their condition of being in life or in the spirit.
Unlike what happens with Terricolas, Pollarians always remember their past lives when they reincarnate.
And that's normal.
patrimony of the country can claim those acquired in the previous life.
Pollux's financial system is multilateral where values are accounted for by the technological importance that the nation's groups hold.
The primacy of every Pollarian citizen is to create technologies, to develop new skills through scientific spirituality.
Social classification: in pollux the citizen is dominant or submissive.
There are subclassifications and titles for dominators and also for submissives, the most prominent being sexual slavery.
The culture of each society and society is diverse, however, all are centered on domination and servitude as it is known as DS.
Nature: Planet Pollux has two suns and orbits the larger Star in an elliptical path.
Thus, there are times in the solar years during which Pollux has no night for seven months, whose total year is 21 months. Around the planet orbit three moons, one of which has an atmosphere.
Pollux has a small space exploration group as they are responsible for contacting other esoplanetary civilizations.
The members of this group notably incarnate by the stained glass bodies, as these are perfect for dealing with space malfunctions as well as lasting for thousands of years and also changing bodies as if changing clothes can be due to the great risks in space exploration.
Not too much, Pollux's environments resemble those of Earth, with animals being peculiar in the sense of emanating energy and marine beings can float in the air as if they were flying.
This was just a preview of what Pollux is, its free people endowed with a very high degree of knowledge and ability to any kind of dogma or limitation, and a single opera is the one that emanates from their minds.
Once again, come to this universe that is just a preview, because to meet the people, only living the very extraordinary experiences to read the next chapters.
Good Adventure and Reading.