Chapter 200: Brave
"Kane is back and he has EJ"
"EJ is…is gone?" Kessler froze immediately.
Sometimes when the brain receives news that is too traumatic, it takes time for it to process such information. And it was exactly what was happening to Kessler at this moment.
Kara watched her brother closely and she waited for the reaction to follow but all he did was blink and stare. He didn't utter any word and he didn't move his body. He simply stood still like he was made of concrete, he blinked on interval and he stared at her.
Kara was beginning to regret this decision of telling Kessler what was going on with their sister and about Kane.
but it seemed like a good idea to prepare her brother for the worst. Plus she hated it when people kept things from her and she was reluctant to do it to another person.
And she couldn't tell her parents what was going on and someone had to know of her whereabouts.