Chapter 188: Dinning volcano
"Then why do you still keep his portrait around, this house is like a shrine to him!" Elixir asked her.
"Because he is my baby too! And I am incapable of hating him" Tears flowed down her cheek and she stood up.
She picked up one of the portrait and hugged it.
"I am incapable, okay? Kane might be a monster now but he was my child first who I took to the park and loved and protected! Don't you have any sympathy for what we are going through, Elixir"
Elixir exhaled and stood up "I am trying not to see Kane as this boy you described. He kidnapped my grandbaby and shot my son…he placed a lot of my family members in the hospital including Kara. I can't see him as anything but a cold hearted psychopath!"
"Well we all don't have that luxury, do we?" Simone told her. "You are not going to keep us from our grandchild"
Simone stated in a firm voice.