Chapter 113: Another Banger!
Elixir understood her son's anger and she was a step ahead of him. There was no way she was letting her grandbaby leave the country with no intention of coming back to the family again.
She hated that Tamara was taking Jason's rejection badly and she was taking EJ away from her family just to spite him. There was no way in hell Elixir Yagazie was going to let that happen.
"I am glad you feel that way because…I filed for permanent custody of EJ, Jason" Elixir told him and took out some papers from the briefcase behind her and showed them to him.
"You did what?!" Jason screamed at her.
"Watch your tone, boy! Who do you think you are screaming at?" Elixir warned him.
"Mom, I am not taking Tamara to court" Jason stated as a matter of fact.
"Why not? You were ready to take Naya to court for the custody of Kara, why is Tamara so different!" Elixir wasn't bulging.