They had been staying in the cave for the past few days, until Hero tell her that the tattoo was completely removed, only then she could promise that they could keep going. He turn his head around as he look at Brine fumbling around all their items and rearrange them in their backpack. Alas she still lost her sight, for him. He rub his head against his palm as he let out a sigh. He've been like this a lot these days. Every night he felt hard to breathe. He is supposed to be the one to protect her, she is still a girl, and yet he let her go to that darn pyramid just because he drank that goddamn water. He felt immense guilt and remorse for what he have done.

"You finish packin big guy?"

He was snap back from reality as he turn his head towards her. His eyes came right into contact of her cold, white pupil, He turn his head away as he replied weakly "Yeah." He took his share of backpack as he stood up and break the cobblestone wall that have been sealing the cave for the past few days. A gush of harsh, dry air blew towards him right in the face. Mixed with sand and dust. He took a deep breath, the air outside was indeed a lot better.

He turn his head as he look at Brine. She was standing not far away from him as she bit her lips softly. Now here comes the problem, how is he going to lead her across the desert, he need to read the map and he can't keep his eye on her all time. He remember she telling him that she could sometime "feel" everything, but only when she has to bow in hand and the arrow in hand. So it is pretty impossible for her to did so for th entire trip.

He looked for items that might guide her, at least keep her beside him. He started digging his backpack for useful items or alternatives.

A leash, god what am I thinking about.

A stick for her to hold at one end and me at the other? That's too weird.

Some wheat, she is not a cow, what the heck is in my mind?

He turn his head around once more, she is still standing there, biting her lips as she fumble around her finger, she seems nervous. He stare at her hand, did she need to hold her hand for the whole trip?

He blushes as he shook his head, trying to shook out the bad visual playing in his mind.

Isn't there any other way?

She look at her for a moment. "You are one skinny girl, right?" She nodded, and he nodded too. He seal off the cave once more, he had an idea.

"Why are you sealing off the cave again? I thought we should be going?" She seems to heard the fuss he created.

"I will stay again for a day, important stuff to do." He took out his crafting table as well as some vines and wool.

"What stuff?"

"Great stuff for you." He look at the item in his hand as he smiled.

And that's how they pass the whole day, he stay busy at the crafting table and at the end of the day, it was done. He look at the item in front of him and smiled, he was satisfied, and he hope she will, too.

He took the item in front to her as he gently reach for her hands and hold it, guiding her to touch every single part of the item.

"You like it?"

"Yeah." She smiled and nodded, but then her smile froze. "Will it be too much for you to carry?"

"Nah, I felt better these days, the potion you gave must have crank my body on." He didn't lie, he indeed felt better.

She let out a light chuckle as she nodded. For the first time in his life, he saw light gleaming out of her eyes. He nodded too.

The next day, they continue their journey. She sat on the wooden box he have created for her as he carry her up like a backpack. She is quite light, just the same weight as the backpack he would normally carry. He put his backpack in the front and the wooden box at the back to make the weight equal and balance. He created a shade out of the wool he had in his inventory to keep her away from the blazing sun, he also cushioned her seat to make the ride more comfortable and less bumpy. The walk out of the cave before sealing it once more, leaving a sign at the entrance, who knows someday someone will found it? And with that they are off once more, and who knows what mystery, secret and surprise lies ahead of them? I don't know, so do them. But only the people behind their system shall know.