"OH MY GOD!!!" Delia screamed for the umpteenth, pulling the lids of her left eye apart as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.
Damien stood behind her, grimacing. He stepped forward, "Del, I think you should calm down..." He stretched for her arms. "It's not that bad—"
"I LOOK LIKE A WITCH!" She slammed her hands on the edge of the sink, pushing her face closer.
She continued to stare deeply at her bright red snake-like pupil of her left eye. Her heart panicked harder.
"I have a demon snake eye!!!" She grimaced in terror.
"Well... You kinda just sang your demons hide in your eyes—"
"NOO!" She pushed her face down, opening the faucet and slashing water on her face. She began aggressively scratching her left eye.
She looked back up, checking if it was gone. It looked even brighter then before. She shrieked, "NO!"
"Del, it's nothing really—"