Chereads / A Crown of Silver Stars / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

The day of the festival, Morwen was up early, helping her mother prepare for the long day ahead. She had spent the evening before sewing her outfit for the festival.

Her outfit was a simple black dress with long sleeves and a skirt that stopped just above her ankles. She wore her long hair in a loose braid, the end tied off with a red ribbon.

Morwen shook Zack awake. He was reluctant to get out of bed, the sun had barely risen and the air was still chilly. He reluctantly climbed out of bed, shivering at the cool air.He quickly pulled on his trousers and tunic, tying his belt around his waist. He ran a comb through his short, messy hair.

"Are you ready?" Morwen asked, impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah, just give me a second," Zack replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"If you're not ready in a minute, I'm leaving without you."

"Relax, sis, I'm ready. Let's go," Zack said, grabbing his satchel and shoving his coin pouch into it.

The pair made their way down the stairs, the house was quiet, their parents had already left for the market.

"I can't believe mom and dad are making giving us the weekend off," Morwen grinned, grabbing a piece of bread from the table and stuffing it in her mouth.

As they made their way to Idrae Morwen and Zack walked alongside the road, enjoying the quiet and the fresh morning air.

The townspeople gathered every year to celebrate the changing of seasons, with performances, games, and delicious food. Excitement bubbled within Morwen as she imagined the colourful tents and bustling crowd.The sun was just peeking over the horizon, and the morning was still crisp and cold. The town was bustling, people were filling the streets, making their way towards the main square.

 The village was alive with music and laughter, as people adorned in vibrant clothes danced through the streets.

"Look at all these people! There are even more this year than last year."

"I wonder if anyone will have some kind of exotic animals for sale," Zack pondered.

"Probably. Let's make sure we have time to go and see everything."

They walked around the square, looking at the different booths and shops. There were merchants selling their wares, travellers from distant lands, and entertainers. Stalls were filled with all sorts of treats and trinkets, enticing the attendees with their enchanting display.

"I'm going to check out the archery competition, catch up with me later," Zack called over his shoulder, hurrying off before Morwen could reply.

"Okay, have fun!" Morwen called after him. She decided to make her way through the maze of stalls, looking for Galena.

Morwen spotted her friend's crimson curls in the distance. Galena was standing in front of a stall, admiring the array of jewellery.

"Looking for something in particular?"

Galena's face lit up when she turned around and saw Morwen.

Her friend wore a vibrant blue dress with a white lace bodice, her hair curls were pinned back with a matching ribbon.

"Morwen! You look lovely," Galena greeted her friend warmly, giving her a hug.

Morwen's heart swelled with joy as she and Galena explored the festival.

They spent the rest of the morning wandering the stalls, eating snacks and watching the street performers.

Morwen was glad that she had agreed to go, it was nice to take a break from work and just relax and have fun.

"I'm going to get a drink, do you want one?" Galena asked, stopping at a small cart.

"Yes, please," Morwen replied, her mouth watering at the smell of the warm cider.

Throughout the day they played games, ate sugary treats, and even tried their hand at archery. Galena was surprisingly good, despite having no prior experience.Morwen watched as Zack and Galena showed off their skills, Zack grabbed another arrow from his quiver and lined up his shot. His form was perfect, the bow was drawn back with ease, he let the arrow fly. It sailed through the air and hit the target dead center.

"Wow, nice shot!"

"You want to give it a go Morwen?" He turned to his sister and gave her a grin.

"You know I can't aim worth a damn."

"It's easy, you just need to have steady hands," Galena said, picking up another arrow and handing it to her.

"Alright, I'll give it a try," Morwen relented.

She pulled back the bow string releasing the arrow only to have it fall to the group in a pathetic display of failure.

"Come on, you can do better than that," Zack teased.

"Yeah, maybe if I had a thousand more tries I could actually hit the target," Morwen huffed.

"Don't worry about it, not everyone can be as good as me," Galena grinned, shooting her own arrow, which landed inches from the bullseye.

Morwen shook her head, grabbing another arrow and trying again. The arrow sailed through the air completely missing the target and disappearing out of sight.

Galena and Zack couldn't contain their laughter at Morwen's failed attempt to shoot the target.

Zack was doubled over holding his belly on the verge of tears at the display. Morwen huffed, dropping the bow, she stalked off to get herself a tankard of ale.

"Morwen, wait up!" Galena shouted, rushing to catch up with her."Morwen, wait up!" Galena shouted, rushing to catch up with her.

"I'm fine, go back and have fun," Morwen said, continuing her walk towards the tavern.

"Don't be like that, it was just a bit of fun," Galena said, trying to get her to slow down.

Morwen walked with Galena the rest of the way to the tavern, her mood had soured. Once inside, she found a table in the corner and sat down, her chin resting on her hand. Galena took a seat next to her, trying to lighten the mood. After a few drinks of honey mead, Morwen's mood began to lift.

Morwen was about to take another sip from her drink when she noticed a hooded figure in the distance. He stood out in the crowd, as he didn't have the typical clothing of a farmer. Instead, he wore a dark cloak that covered his face, giving him an air of mystery. His gaze locked onto hers, making her feel uneasy.

"What are you looking at?" Galena quirked her brows in question.

"Nothing," Morwen replied, shaking her head, she took a sip of her drink and looked away.

After a few minutes, she dared to glance back at the hooded figure. He was still staring at her, his gaze unwavering.

Morwen's cheeks burned with embarrassment, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Galena, who is that guy? The one with the black hood."

Galena turned around, her eyes scanning the crowd before landing on the stranger.

"I don't know, he looks like a traveller. Probably just passing through."

"He's staring at me," Morwen whispered, her face turning a darker shade of red.

"So, stare back. It's not like you have anything better to do," Galena teased.

Morwen rolled her eyes and finished the last of her cup.

"You're probably right," Morwen sighed. "It's not like I have any other prospects."

"That's the spirit," Galena laughed, patting Morwen's back.

Morwen took another glance in the mysterious strangers direction, the spot that he had occupied was now vacant. She let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding.

"He's gone," Morwen muttered, her shoulders sagging.

As the day turned into evening, the sky lit up with the glow of lanterns. Morwen and Galena followed the crowd to a clearing where a performance was about to begin. A group of acrobats twirled and flipped through the air, their movements mesmerising. Morwen couldn't help but imagine herself up there, dancing alongside them.

As the last of the acrobats exited the stage, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.

"That was amazing!" Galena gushed. "Did you see their tricks? I can't believe they can do that."

"It's like they're flying." Morwen couldn't keep the awe out of her voice.

Lost in her thoughts, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, Morwen met the gaze of a young man. His eyes were as blue as the summer sky, and his smile was contagious.

"I couldn't help but notice you watching the performance," he said.

"It was incredible, wasn't it?" Morwen couldn't stop the blush that crept across her cheeks.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, extending his hand towards her.

Morwen's heart skipped a beat as she looked into his eyes. Without hesitation, she placed her hand in his.

Morwen was surprised by his forwardness. But the thought of spending more time with him made her heart flutter.

"Sure, I'd love to," she replied, unable to hide the smile that spread across her face.

She had to admit, he was handsome. With his sandy blonde hair, strong jaw, and dazzling smile. Her head was foggy from drinks she had downed earlier, she felt like she was floating as he led her. Morwen wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

The crowd parted as he led her towards the middle of the square. Music filled the air as the musicians started to play. Morwen's pulse raced as he held her close, his hand resting on the small of her back.

She'd never felt so alive. His touch was electric, sending sparks of excitement through her body. Morwen could smell his sweet, musky scent, it intoxicated her. She felt her inhibitions slipping away, and her worries disappearing. All that mattered was this moment, the music, and the feeling of his arms around her.

As the song ended, he spun her around and dipped her. Morwen giggled, her eyes never leaving his.

"You're a wonderful dancer," he said.

"You're not so bad yourself," Morwen replied, her face flushing.

"Sorry to intrude." Galena interrupted pulling her friend away.

"I see you found a friend," Galena whispered, raising her eyebrows.

"He's not a friend," Morwen shot back, her face growing hot. "He's just a random guy I danced with. That's all."

"Mhm. If you say so."

"I do," Morwen huffed, her eyes narrowing. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" Galena asked, feigning innocence.

"Like you know something I don't."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Galena said, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Fine. Just forget I said anything."

"Gladly." She leaned in closer to Morwen and whispered in her ear, "He was way better looking than that traveller."

"Shh," Morwen hissed, elbowing her friend.

As the festival came to an end, Morwen found herself standing at the edge of the village. Slightly dizzy from the celebration. Zack looped his arm through hers helping to keep her from toppling over. Walking back to their farm, she stumbled forward clumsily breaking into a fit of giggles.

"Jesus Morwen, did you drink the town dry?'' Zack's teasing was relentless but Morwen couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

"No, it's just a little bit of alcohol. I can hold my own. You worry too much, brother," she said with a smirk.

"I am not your brother. I'm your older, more handsome cousin," he joked, pretending to be hurt.

"Pfft, sure, Zacky," Morwen responded, sticking her tongue out at him. The pair walked home in silence, enjoying the cool night breeze.

As she lay in bed that night, her mind wandered back to that distant forest in her dream. Maybe, just maybe, she wasn't an orphan after all. Perhaps she was a fairy princess, destined for a life filled with wonder and adventure or maybe she'd had too many cups of honey mead. Morwen didn't care to think how her head would feel in the morning. Instead, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep, ready to embrace whatever magical future awaited her.


Morwen awoke the next morning feeling groggy. The light streaming through the window was too bright, and the sound of birds chirping outside was too loud. She groaned as she pulled the blanket over her head, hoping to block out the intrusive noise.

Her mind drifted to the festivities of the night before, her cheeks reddening at the memory of that handsome stranger. Morwen felt like a fool, a girlish, hopeless romantic, the sort she'd always scoffed at.

She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the crisp, clean morning air. As her mind cleared, the pain hit. It felt as if someone had driven a knife into her head, twisting the blade to inflict maximum damage.

Morwen winced and clutched her temples. She had a splitting headache, and her stomach churned. The previous night's festivities had not agreed with her.

She rose from her bed, her body aching and protesting with each movement. She dressed slowly, trying not to aggravate her already painful condition.

Making her way downstairs, Morwen could hear the sounds of her family bustling about. Her mother was preparing breakfast. Her father and brother were bickering about the best way to fix the barn. Morwen rolled her eyes, a smile creeping across her face.

The smell of fresh coffee and bacon wafted through the air, instantly putting her at ease. Her stomach growled, and she realised she hadn't eaten since the night before. She eagerly took a seat at the table and helped herself to a plate of eggs and toast.

Morwen's mother gave her a sympathetic look, as she set a steaming cup of tea in front of her. "Rough night?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

"A bit," Morwen mumbled between mouthfuls of food.

Her father looked at her with a stern expression. "What did I tell you about drinking?"

Morwen looked down at her plate, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry, Dad," she said quietly.

After a moment, he gave her a smile. "Just don't do it again. You're still too young for that sort of thing," he said, ruffling her hair affectionately.

"I know," Morwen sighed, "It won't happen again."

With the morning drama over, the family finished their meal in relative peace. Afterwards, they headed out to work on the farm.

It was a busy day, with chores to be done and crops to tend. Morwen enjoyed the familiar routine of working on the farm, the physical labour helped to ease the lingering effects of her hangover.