as X are not able to think what is happening, he feel that behind him someone is closing towards him slowly.
as X's thinking process is slowdown, he feel that someone is already behind him.
and suddenly he feel that his right solder is pressed by a hand.
this sudden press give jolt all over the body of X.
X feel that now he is in big danger right now. and his thinking speed up suddenly and he recalls all the things related to some supernatural things with story of this ghost bridge.
as he is thinking all of this he don't dare to look behind him and continue to drive his motorcycle.
inwardly he is praying to the god, and think that some things are all conditional. so while preying he forced himself to don't look behind him and drive straight.
after few minutes he don't feel any other movements behind him and think that he has make correct decision. and now he has some hope about his life.
and like this he ride straight without looking behind. when he pass the end of the bridge point he feel that pressure on his solder are gone and don't feel any other behind him, he have a big sigh of relief and happy that he are able to preserve his life and he is thanking god for unlimited time.
and upto when he died he are always afraid of that bridge."
{ hello, when i have gone to my maternal grandmother's house for family gathering with my family, we have discussed this kind of all unknown power and places.
in this discussion we have family of my 4 maternal Uncle and my 2 maternal Aunt.
total 27 people are gathered and we have all Shere our store with each other which are happened in real life. }
{ this story is shared by my cousin from my first Aunt' side}