James: "you also put this chocolate cake on your face."
Nie Chu pickup the cake piece and smear it to his faces. and James also take some photos. Chi Li laughing because he has other companies.
James: "let's go for next round, 3, 2, 1, go."
this time James got big number and Chi Li got small number.
seeing the results Chi Li complain: "this lucky guy and here i always got small number."
James: "ok what will you choose."
Chi Li: "i..."
James: "whatever now our great singer please sign a song for us and we will end this game here. please applause for our great singer Chi Li."
three of them claps there hands and said: "come on Chi Li." "come on."
Chi Li stand up, held a beer bottle as mic and said: "guys this is my new song and it's not complete so don't mind muche. name of this song is 'my friends'."
Chi Li closed his eye to sync white his song. while James take out his phone and start recording video. Nie Chu and Kim Hon are also paying attention to not disturb Chi Li.
after a few second Chi Li open his eyes and start singing in his melodious voice: