James: "i am granting you all your one wish, guess what!"
Chi Li: " realising a wish?"
Nie Chu: "one wish which all three of us want?"
Kim Hon: "we have many wish that you haven't given us. now which one are you completing."
Chi Li: "yes, you don't know how many times we are rejected by you."
Nie Chu: "now go on and hurry up."
James: "Chi Li how you can say that, i have done everything possible for all of you in my limit."
Chi Li: "yes yes now speak main point."
James: "are you guys free tonight?"
James: "come to my house after 8 o'clock because i am inviting all three of you to my house for sleepover. we have small part at my house tonight."
there is a silent for there second in group chat. and after
Chi Li: "guys i think my eye is playing with me."
Nie Chu: "yes, i also think i has an illusion. i have read this message wrongly."
Kim Hon: "same here!"
Chi Li: "i think i haven't good night sleep yesterday."
Nie Chu: "i have washed my face but still i am illusioning things."
Kim Hon: "today sun has raise from east or not."