Chapter 7 - I wonder

I always wonder, if all the readers that read stories on this app try to make your own story too, and when I think this it gets me curious, how were those stories? were they good? and when I think this I also wonder if the also went to the same thing the authors usually go through, what I mean by this is how they usually drop their story.

I also wonder about the genres the other readers like because it's great to have something in common with someone, I honestly don't know what to say anymore, but there is a lot to talk about, anime, books, tv, movies, genres, and thoughts about how governments are like. I only start writing what I'm really really bored. and I just have these thought, what types of games do the readers play? I'm curious.

if anyone is reading this, you don't have to reply I'm just curious what type of games do you play, because when you do reply,it feels good to be noticed once in awhile.

anyways that's just basically my thoughts at the moment, I would usually go back and edit the chapters to give good punctuation, but I'm too tired, Have A Nice Day Or Rest Of Your Day!