The old lady, the teenagers soon found out was called Genevieve but she preferred Grams. Jia and the others were gathered outside the deck of the woman`s house as she came out with clean towels.
"Umm, aren`t you going to freak out on us or something?" Jia asked as she took a towel from the pile up on her arms.
"Child, the things I`m seeing these days are no crazier than a bunch of teenagers falling into my pool in a flash of light."
They all pursed their lips and nodded. Tattletail was now sitting on the porch rail and Genevieve smiled at her," You have beautiful scales."
Robin was amused to see her dragon perk up and preened under the attention. It was still a new thing to meet non riders who complimented her scales since most dragons of her species looked similar.
"Shoe off," Robin teased her bonded dragon lightly.
"Sorry for landing in your pool," Chase apologized sincerely and the others nodded.